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Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 44 - Fluid Movement

I got the treat of having WGH ride with me to and from school this evening. He just wanted to keep me company for the drive and then go hang out in B'more a bit. I think he basically went to the aeroport (BWI) and watched planes and people.
While he was having fun doing that, I was in class, learning more about the Cranial Sacral modality. I get the concept and it's really cool. I think I felt the movement I'm supposed to feel, but it's fleeting. I'm not sure if it's the rhythm of my partner's breathing or if it's the cranio sacral rhythm I'm trying to feel. Of course, while my partner was trying to feel my rhythm, I think I almost snored at her. I may be a little tired, ya think?
WGH has taken off work today and tomorrow to make a long weekend, so I am joining him tomorrow and we are both taking a long weekend, even over the holiday. Besides going to a local area lake and hopefully a pedicure, I plan on getting some people on my table so I can practice. I discovered a really cool website that allows me to have people sign-up on-line for appointments with me! I'm trying to get kinda regular hours going on the weekend, at least until I start in Student Clinic. Hey, if you're one of those people who would like to have me practice on you, here's the link: I also can take phone calls, but if you're reading this, you're already on-line and you don't have to pick up the phone!

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