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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 54 - Getting to Know the Sacrum - and Classmates

In tonight's Cranial Sacral class, went over our study guide, chakras, and then we learned about the sacrum. Let me try to explain what I understood about the chakras. They're like wheels of electro-magnetic energy around the body that have different meanings in different areas of the body. Um...I don't get it, but ok.

As far as the sacrum goes, we learned how to palpate the sacrum, which means while practicing, we got pretty up close and personal with our partner/classmate. For this class, I was quite grateful to be with a classmate with whom I feel very comfortable. Our instructor told us that as bodyworkers, if we are the least bit uncomfortable getting to where we need to go to get done what we need to get done, our client is not going to be comfortable. Being a bodyworker means truly that - working on somebody's body. I figure that the best way to get comfortable with it is just to do it.
I just realized that I am throwing around the "term" sacrum and talking about potentially being somewhat uncomfortable getting to it. The sacrum is the triangular shaped bone at the bottom of the spine, and the tip of it is called the tailbone in layman's terms. Now, we weren't working on the tailbone at the tip or anything, but just working in that area may cause uncomfortability. Like I said, the best thing is to just do it, practice it, get comfortable with it to make it easier for clients to feel comfortable with it.

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