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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 56 - Reunited

Guess what? We had a combined class again with Anthony leading instruction tonight. The class we have been combined with graduates next week. What are they going to do with us after that when our instructor is sick or something?
Anyway, we had our last class of Cranial Sacral before the final exam next week. We ended up by doing review for the written portion of the final and then practicing the hands-on portion during the bodywork section of the class. I was last on the table and WGH had driven home, so I'm quite relaxed after all the practicing.
One of the classmates was practicing the sacral hold that we learned in the last class, but apparently needed a little refresher on how to "get into position." My understanding is that it looked like circus tricks on the table next to me, with legs flailing in the air and what-not. Unfortunately, I was on the table and my eyes were closed and covered with a towel, so I didn't see any of this.
WGH has been riding with me occasionally to school, getting a chance to chat, which is rather lacking during the week. While I'm in class, he enjoys going to the aeroport, which is just right down the street from school, and watching the people and planes. Both are rather fascinating. Then he picks me up and we get to ride home together and catch up on what happened in class and what sort of antics we circus tricks.
This weekend, I am planning on working on creating my own "spa" music - you know - the stuff that I play while I'm working on a victim...uh...I mean, client. I don't know how far I'll get, but hope to have something soon.

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