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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 168 - I Must See Your Papers (49 Days Left)

Almost two years ago, I was laid off from my J-O-B of 18 years, during which I had climbed the proverbial corporate ladder. In the ensuing months that followed, I sent out dozens of resumes and cover letters. I practically tailored each resume for each position for which I applied. After six months, I finally was offered an entry level J-O-B. At the time, I just figured that keeping our house would be better than trying to move WGH and I to my mother's house, so I bit the bullet and took the first J-O-B offered, which was data entry and what I still do.
On a side-note, the new HR person at the J-O-B as me the loaded question of "if you could change one thing about this company, what would it be?" Feeling like I have nothing to lose, I was honest and pretty much laid it out there. If anything comes of this in the future, I will keep you posted, but for now, I was pretty proud of myself for being diplomatic yet honest about my thoughts with no fear of reprisals.
In this evening's class, we discussed resumes and application letters, which will be our "big assignment" for this installment of the Professional Development class, and a big portion of our grade for this class.
The great thing about this is that we'll get a chance to have many people, including those who are responsible for hiring people, look at our resumes, proofread, offer suggestions, and generally help us get the job that we are looking for in this field.
I'm actually looking forward to this assignment.
How weird is that?

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