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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 164 - Won't Learn (57 Days Left - 56 Probably By the Time You Read This)

In tonight's Pathology class, we discussed disorders of the cardiovascular system, like leukemia, anemia, and atherosclerosis. Our teacher seemed really good at getting across what each of the diseases/disorders was about and talked about how athersclerosis is a very preventable disease because the majority of causes are lifestyle related. Diet, stress-level, smoking, and such are probable causes of it and it can be mostly avoided by changing our lifestyles.
After hearing this lecture, I thought to myself, "Well, I probably won't live past 50." I can very much say that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I could definitely do better.
Upon returning home from school, I had a piece of fried chicken and some buttered bread.
Eh...there's always tomorrow to make better choices.

1 comment:

  1. I think ALL of us can do better by trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Atherosclerosis was a new word for me. Had to look it up.

    Look at that! (squints into distance...) the END is in sight!

