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Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 163 - Are We There Yet? (58 Days To Go)

Over the weekend, during Student Clinic, I had the privilege of massaging a jogger, two nurses, and a cancer survivor with a great attitude and positive outlook. One of the nurses was a practicing massage therapist for awhile and then got into the nursing field.
I had something very interesting happen to me, too. While I was massaging the cancer survivor, as I do with other clients, I was praying over him while massaging him - for continued healing, strengthening his spiritual walk, and that sort of thing. After I closed and thanked him for allowing me to work with him, he thanked me for the "energy work" I did on him.
That took me back. Did he sense or feel my prayers? Did he know to whom I was praying?
One of the things that I have been somewhat concerned about during this whole program is the delving into Eastern philosophies, including medicines and religion. I can't say that I subscribe to the whole "energy" thing that some people may. However, if someone can sense that I'm praying for him or her, well, then I guess that's good because I believe that God can hear the prayers of His people - and will answer them.
Anyway, in tonight's class, to celebrate Valentines Day (NOT!), we discussed some things that we may run into either during clinic or when we have clients on our tables. Things like Somatic Emotional Release - which basically states that a client may become emotional (crying or excessive laughter) while receiving a massage as a result of a physical release from the massage. I almost experienced that myself last year about this time of year when I received the massage that inspired me to get into this whole program.
During that massage, I came very close to crying. I had experienced a rough year to year and a half, between deaths in the family and losing my long-time J-O-B, and I mark that massage as one of the the turning points in my emotional healing. Not to mention the new focus and direction for my career.
After that discussion, we took our final exam for this Core class. I went first as practitioner and earned a 94/100. Then I got to relax and let my partner do his thing and take his exam.

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