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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 86 - Study of Stuff We've Studied Before

I feel like tonight's class in Pathology was a repeat of stuff we've studied in Anatomy class - oh about six weeks ago. I guess they have to make up 768 hours teaching us something, so they may as well make sure we know it by repetition.
Immune Systems and Transmission of Disease. However, we did study a section on Neoplasia, which I was impressed to find out had nothing to do with the Matrix Trilogy of movies. It's actually about cancerous tumors.
I hate cancer. It's taken away far too many friends.

In other news, while rinsing out the shampoo from my hair this morning, my doorbell rang. Being totally unable to get to the door, I basically ignored it. After I finished my shower and was drying off, my phone rang. Somebody obviously wanted me. It was the roofing company asking me to move my car parked in the driveway so they could toss the old materials into their dumptruck. All that to say, we now have a new roof on our house.
Other random thought: Cheerios at 11:00 pm (2300 hours for you military types) are delicious.

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