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Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 16 - Holy Confusion, Batman!

Our class session began in a bit of confusion. Apparently, sometime between Wednesday and Thursday, one of the instructors for another class ceased to be an instructor, which left his class in a state of shock, confusion, and anger, and they were combined with our class! Molly handled as best she could, really putting the TA's to work and even getting assistance from other TA's. But ya know, when stuff like this happens, ya just gotta go with the flow and make the best of it.
We had a time of lecture about how to incorporate all the things we've learned into a full massage experience. Then Molly worked with the other class in doing bodywork demos and whatever else while we took a break and then came back and began doing bodywork, combining all the things we've learned so far.
I worked on my partner for at least an hour, then we took a break, and I was looking forward to my hour massage. When we came back from the break, we had a demo on how to do a foot/calf massage. Then we worked on the partner again for another 20 minutes and after that time, we switched and I got to be on the table. After what seemed like only about five minutes, it was time to clean up and go home. So sad. Well, there's next week.
One of the ladies in the class is pregnant and needs to be addressed differently in the bodywork section. Molly instructed her partner for the evening not to do the foot massage. I thought this was rather interesting as to why, so I asked. Molly explained to me that a foot has trigger points that may cause uterine contractions - something that's bad for a pregnant woman. But it also dawned on me that this information may come in handy for women who are not pregnant - let your hubby give you a foot massage and see what happens.  ;-)
Speaking of hubbies, the 14th is my wedding anniversary to my wonderfully goofy hubby (WGH) of five years. How will we celebrate after taking off the day? We're going to go to the Career Fair at the BsOM (Baltimore School of Massage). I may not be looking for a job right this minute, but at least I can go, check it out, ask questions, and hand out resumes to places that may be looking for something I can do for them while I take classes and work to get licensed.
After that, WGH and I will hopefully check out a restaurant at the Inner Harbor and then check out some other sites around the fair area of Baltimore, like Dundalk and Pasadena.
We are real party animals, can't you tell?

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