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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 15 - What is Necessary is Never Unwise

I admit it: I am a Trekkie. No, I don't dress up for Star Trek Cons, but I do love me some Star Trek. Mostly STNG, Voyager, and Enterprise with that cutie Scott Bakula. When JJ Abrams' Star Trek came out last year, I was all a-twitter. I made sure that I had a copy of the DVD when it came out and have probably watched it no less than 15 times. All that to talk about one scene where Spock's mom had perished and during a conversation with his father, Sarek, said something to the effect of "sharing my emotions would be unwise," to which Sarek responded, "What is necessary is never unwise."
Stacy, what does that have to do with massage school?
I've talked about the First Aid lectures and hands-on things we have been doing. It's not fun like doing the bodywork, nor as relaxing, but it is necessary. What happens if somebody is on my table and has a heart attack? I need to know what to do in that situation. In order become a licensed Massage Therapist in Maryland, I need to pass my First Aid final exam with an 80% or higher. I have had four classes in it now, and believe I could pass today if I had to take the exam today. However, I have until next Wednesday that I will be studying, because sometimes 80% just isn't good enough.
If I find you in an emergency situation, would you be confident in me, knowing that I barely passed my final exam in First Aid? Would you want your doctor to have crammed, doing all-nighters with Twinkies and coffee, to be able to pass the medical exam?
Didn't think so.
So, as this is necessary, but not glamourous, it is wise for me take the time and learn even more about reacting in emergency situations.
After the discussion about First Aid, we also talked about being bodyworkers who could potentially be working with clients who are living with HIV/AIDS. As long as we have their doctor's permission, what a loving act to do for somebody who may have been ostracized and deemed as "untouchable" because of the disease. As far as safety, it is potentially more damaging to the client than it would be to us, the bodyworker, as massages can compromise the immune system.
Once again, I stand amazed at how much I am learning in such a short amount of time.

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