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Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 96 - Vision Test

Every few years, we have to renew our drivers license, which means that they have to test our vision to make sure we can see well enough to drive. Sometimes, we have a special code on the license to say that we must be wearing corrective lenses because our vision isn't good enough to drive without them.
In tonight's Professional Development class, we took the "level" test, which is basically the same as a final exam. I think when I snuck a peak at my grade on it, I believe I saw a 50 (out of 50). Yay me!
After taking the final, each student in the class presented his or her "vision" of what they want to do with their massage career, which had to include their goals and their purpose. The visions in the class were as diverse as the class itself. Some students don't know what they want to do, but just explained why they're in the class, some shared their life history to demonstrate why they are going the direction they are going, some have grand visions of huge wellness centers, some have visions of working in the medical community, and one or two may have left us scratching our heads or wiping the tears from our eyes. Regardless of their vision, they shared a part of themselves and gave a glimpse into what makes them tick.
I think I have a new-found respect for some of my classmates because of their visions. The question is - do you need your vision examined?

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