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Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 73 - Sir, Yes, Sir!

Back in the day, my dad served in the US Army. According to Mom, he went through boot camp three or four times, due to re-enlisting after being discharged. I guess that's the way they did it. He served in Korea, Okinawa, and Vietnam in the Big Red One. He repaired helicopters. At any rate, I'm sure he dealt with his share of drill Sargents. He even became a police officer after he got out of the Army for the last time. I guess he got used to serving in uniform.
What does that have to do with massage school?
We had another substitute tonight for class. An older gentleman who is a retired Maryland State Trooper. I guess it was after he retired that he became a Licensed Massage Therapist. I definitely liked him. He reminded me A BUNCH of my dad. Gentle and caring, but you can definitely see the disciplined and tough character underneath. He even resembled my dad a bit, with a couple of the same mannerisms. This guy, though, was a straight-shooter. Dad, was more of a guy that held back a lot of what he was thinking and least BEFORE he had the stroke. Afterward, well, if you're missing hair, he'd be sure to tell you about it.
Now I'm picturing my dad as a Massage Therapist, and that is quite the mental picture.
For lecture tonight, we learned about a holistic approach to health and the client/therapist relationship. During the bodywork, we had a 50 point evaluation done by the drill Sargent. I ended up with 43 points, so I can see where I need improvement. My partner was a tiny little young woman, so I was afraid I would break her in half if I really did some of the deep tissue work of which I'm capable. I did get some things accomplished, I think, but he noticed my hesitation about the deepness of the work on my partner. Well, of the folks I've been practicing on here at my house may tell you, I don't shy away from deep tissue - and really leaning into it. If only I could get graded on what I do here. *sigh*

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