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Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 37 - Trigger Me Quads

Shiver me timbers and trigger me quads. Well, that's about all I have for PIRATE tonight. After a lovely weekend of relaxing, studying, and seeing family, it was back to the grind today. The J-O-B went well - you know, another day. Actually, I went to lunch at a gracious friend's house and enjoyed a pork BBQ sammie with coleslaw, beans, and some grapes. A lovely lunch, I must say.
Sorry, I got distracted by talking about food. I guess that happens after a full evening of class and eating dinner about six hours ago.
In our challenging Trigger Points class, we studied the Anterior Thigh and its treatments. Since I had been doing so much studying over the weekend, I actually was able to follow along and "get" most of what the instructor was saying. We learned about some pathologies of the knees, which are some of the most easily injured joints in the body.
After the lecture portion of class, it was time for bodywork. I got to work on my partner, who had pretty tight IT bands (iliotibial bands). He nearly came off the table a couple times as I worked on them. And then it was my turn. My IT bands were fine, but it seems that my Vastus Intermedius was the more sensitive of the muscles. Apparently, there's even a golfball sized knot in one of my quads. I look forward to getting that one worked out. I think.
My classmates are definitely getting to be a tight-knit group. What else do you expect when you see each other four nights a week, and many times, in - uh - less than flattering positions? You get to know people pretty well when you know that they wear boxers or briefs, or boxer-briefs. How their kids are doing or how their kids relate to other kids in school because we share stories. Hearing their tummies growl while you massage their legs.
I'm finding that it's truly honoring to have a "client" allow me to do what I need to do to help them. Whether it be to really work the muscles to get them to where they need to be or it's just to help the client feel good with a lighter session, it's an honor to share that sort of connection with them.

1 comment:

  1. At the end of the year, you'll feel like "family" with your classmates!
