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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 26 - Pull the Trigger

Do you have problems with your sciatic nerve? Do you have shooting pain sometimes or pretty much all the time? I learned tonight that sometimes these issues are actually with dense muscle fibers that need to be worked out and they're called "trigger points." In learning about trigger points, we'll be learning how to alleviate the pain associated with them.
Just as a note, too. They hurt. When they're getting worked on, it will hurt. One of the indications that we're hitting the trigger point is called a "jump sign." That's when the client jumps as you touch the trigger point.
We learned lots more vocabulary and concepts. More flashcards.
I also learned that one of my classmates says he can read minds.


  1. I'm ready for you work out the Trigger Points!!!!! I've had sciatic pain...I can take the work out pain. Very interesting info Stacy.


  2. When she mentioned sciatic, I immediately thought of you.
