After the quiz, we learned even MORE about the nervous system, specifically the Central Nervous system, and the different names for connective tissue and spaces within the brain, like dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid mater.
Even prior to this class, I had a tendancy to break down words when I heard new vocobulary, sometimes taking it back to the Latin roots and such. So, do you know what these names actually translate to?
Dura Mater - Strong Mother
Pia Mater - Delicate Mother
Arachnoid Mater - Spider-like Mother
I like Dura and Pia, but Spider-like? When looking at the anatomical reason for that name, it makes sense, but I think that most mothers out there may be slighty weirded out by that.
We colored some brain pictures to get used to where things are, and I realized that my coloring skills haven't improved that much since I was five. We learned about craniosacral fluid, where it's produced, not in Colorado, but in the Choroid Plexus, and also what it does - protects the brain, giving it cushion to keep from bumping up against the skull everytime it gets jolted.
Speaking of brains, mine is on overload, so good night and watch out for Spider-Mothers.
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