Ooops, sorry. My geekness seeped out again. I may have admitted previously to being a bit of a geek. Possibly.
Why is it that learning anatomy makes me think about Star Trek?
Anyway, we delved into the brain, spinal cord, and some of the parts of the Peripheral Nervous System, like the Dorsal and Ventral Roots and the Dorsal Ramus and Ventral Ramus. Wasn't Harold Ramus in the Ghostbusters movies? Are Dorsal and Ventral his kids?
On another note, my class is becoming a pretty tight group, even with its many personalities, diversity, and humor. One of my classmates mentioned this evening that I'm shy! I guess I don't think of myself that way, and find it interesting that somebody else does.
Anyway, I am really punchy right now and must seriously go to inspect the inside of my eyelids.
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