We learned tonight that the nervous system is kinda like a biological computer - it takes input in, processes it, and spits out output. We learned about neurons, synapse, myelin, and a bunch of other words that I'm going to have to write down on flashcards, with descriptions on the back.

Part of me has a nerd-like fascination about this - as talking about synapse reminds me of Star Trek because Dr Beverly Crusher would talk about the double synaptic relays that Klingons like Lt Worf have - and part of me wants to blankly stare into space. And yet another part wants to take everything in because it's the nervous system that is mostly affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease that my brother was diagnosed with in 1991. I'm sure I will be learning more about MS when we get to the Pathology section.
Whatever happens from today on, I'm a bit nervous, but I can almost see me going "geek" with this.
I also found out that I have a 4.0 GPA right now. Yay!
Let the fun begin!
imagine getting a Klingon on your table! Now THAT would be an "uptight individual"! Amen? How do you work the kinks out of a Klingon?
ReplyDeleteProud of your 4.0! You go girl!