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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 95 - Acu-Barometric-Pressure

Today was marked by rain. Lots of rain. It had been raining most of the day, stopped for a little bit, then right before I left the J-O-B, it started again. And it poured. The last several months have been quite a drought, yet now we get three or four days of straight rain. When I drive to my J-O-B, I pass a farm with a pond on it. During the drought, the farmer had to send horses into the "pond" to eat all the grass in it. All the water was gone. Since the rain started a few days ago, it took until TODAY for the pond to get some water in it again - and then it was only about 10 feet across when I drove home.
When I left for school, it was barely spitting, but on the way to school, I went through a downpour for a good 10 minutes up the road. Then the skies cleared and I was able to get to school with no problems. About a half hour after my arrival at school, the rain caught up to me there, too. From the classroom, we could hear the patter of rain on the roof. And it hasn't stopped. Not even for a little bit during my drive home. Ugh!
Anyway, for our Acupressure class, we learned about the Water element. Yeah, ironic, huh?
We also reviewed some things to prepare for the final exam and then looked at some case studies on how to determine what treatment to use for a client and their condition. We also interviewed each other. Or at least that's what we were supposed to do. We mostly sat around and chatted...sometimes even about Acupressure.
Oddly enough, I'm getting this stuff.

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