We reviewed a little for our Level Test (Final Exam) for Professional Development I during the lecture part, and then we got to practice more seated chair massage.
Our instructor and I were discussing why it was in a Professional Development class, but I guess they view it as an alternative source of income for Massage Therapists and practitioners. Some companies even have LMT's come in on a regular basis. It can be done in the mall, airport, bus stations, train stations, truck stops, rest stops, or basically anywhere that people may tend to be a little stressed. It's done with clothes on, so there's no need to worry about modesty issues. It seems like a great deal all around!
At any rate, it helps me to realize that maybe that could be one avenue I could persue in my massage career. Let's face it, I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know if I'll be able to handle the physical demands on a day to day basis. So something less taxing on my body, like seated chair massage may be a good supplement to my regular "table clientele."
Speaking of physical demands, one thing I know I will have to make a priority once I graduate (and have my celebratory vacation/s) is to get into better shape. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out any time to get significant physical activity, so I just do what I can as far as diet and trying to get enough rest. Like I said, it'll happen once I graduate.
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