Today was marked by rain. Lots of rain. It had been raining most of the day, stopped for a little bit, then right before I left the J-O-B, it started again. And it poured. The last several months have been quite a drought, yet now we get three or four days of straight rain. When I drive to my J-O-B, I pass a farm with a pond on it. During the drought, the farmer had to send horses into the "pond" to eat all the grass in it. All the water was gone. Since the rain started a few days ago, it took until TODAY for the pond to get some water in it again - and then it was only about 10 feet across when I drove home.
When I left for school, it was barely spitting, but on the way to school, I went through a downpour for a good 10 minutes up the road. Then the skies cleared and I was able to get to school with no problems. About a half hour after my arrival at school, the rain caught up to me there, too. From the classroom, we could hear the patter of rain on the roof. And it hasn't stopped. Not even for a little bit during my drive home. Ugh!
Anyway, for our Acupressure class, we learned about the Water element. Yeah, ironic, huh?
We also reviewed some things to prepare for the final exam and then looked at some case studies on how to determine what treatment to use for a client and their condition. We also interviewed each other. Or at least that's what we were supposed to do. We mostly sat around and chatted...sometimes even about Acupressure.
Oddly enough, I'm getting this stuff.
A blog about going through my journey of Massage School classes at the Baltimore School of Massage.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 94 - Got My Sentence
I figured it out yesterday. Between work and school, I think I'm gone from the house about 60ish hours a week. Wow!
Tonight, I got my schedule for Student Clinic beginning October 16th. For the most part, I'll be there Saturday's from 1:30 until 6:00. So, my 60ish hours, will be jumping to 65 hours.
And I wonder why I impersonate slugs on Sunday's. (/sarcasm)
We also had Pathology class, where we learned the importance of nutrition and more information on how to take SOAP notes. SOAP stands for "Subjective, Objective, Assessment/Action, and Plan. It's a way that we can keep notes on our clients and track their progress through their therapy. Yes, we even keep notes on people who are just there for basic relaxation. I think even doctors take a version of SOAP notes, too. Theirs are probably illegible. Mine probably are, too.
Tonight, I got my schedule for Student Clinic beginning October 16th. For the most part, I'll be there Saturday's from 1:30 until 6:00. So, my 60ish hours, will be jumping to 65 hours.
And I wonder why I impersonate slugs on Sunday's. (/sarcasm)
We also had Pathology class, where we learned the importance of nutrition and more information on how to take SOAP notes. SOAP stands for "Subjective, Objective, Assessment/Action, and Plan. It's a way that we can keep notes on our clients and track their progress through their therapy. Yes, we even keep notes on people who are just there for basic relaxation. I think even doctors take a version of SOAP notes, too. Theirs are probably illegible. Mine probably are, too.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 93 - Be of Good Chair
Usually, the quote is "be of good cheer," but we practiced chair massage again tonight, so we want to get good at it, right?
We reviewed a little for our Level Test (Final Exam) for Professional Development I during the lecture part, and then we got to practice more seated chair massage.

Our instructor and I were discussing why it was in a Professional Development class, but I guess they view it as an alternative source of income for Massage Therapists and practitioners. Some companies even have LMT's come in on a regular basis. It can be done in the mall, airport, bus stations, train stations, truck stops, rest stops, or basically anywhere that people may tend to be a little stressed. It's done with clothes on, so there's no need to worry about modesty issues. It seems like a great deal all around!
At any rate, it helps me to realize that maybe that could be one avenue I could persue in my massage career. Let's face it, I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know if I'll be able to handle the physical demands on a day to day basis. So something less taxing on my body, like seated chair massage may be a good supplement to my regular "table clientele."
Speaking of physical demands, one thing I know I will have to make a priority once I graduate (and have my celebratory vacation/s) is to get into better shape. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out any time to get significant physical activity, so I just do what I can as far as diet and trying to get enough rest. Like I said, it'll happen once I graduate.
We reviewed a little for our Level Test (Final Exam) for Professional Development I during the lecture part, and then we got to practice more seated chair massage.
Our instructor and I were discussing why it was in a Professional Development class, but I guess they view it as an alternative source of income for Massage Therapists and practitioners. Some companies even have LMT's come in on a regular basis. It can be done in the mall, airport, bus stations, train stations, truck stops, rest stops, or basically anywhere that people may tend to be a little stressed. It's done with clothes on, so there's no need to worry about modesty issues. It seems like a great deal all around!
At any rate, it helps me to realize that maybe that could be one avenue I could persue in my massage career. Let's face it, I'm not getting any younger, and I don't know if I'll be able to handle the physical demands on a day to day basis. So something less taxing on my body, like seated chair massage may be a good supplement to my regular "table clientele."
Speaking of physical demands, one thing I know I will have to make a priority once I graduate (and have my celebratory vacation/s) is to get into better shape. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out any time to get significant physical activity, so I just do what I can as far as diet and trying to get enough rest. Like I said, it'll happen once I graduate.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 92 - Heave Metal, Dude!
This past Saturday, WGH, one of my classmates who's become a good buddy, and I went to the Maryland Rennaissance Festival. Her Majesty's Healers is in a garden where guests of the Renn Fest can come, relax, and get massaged by one of the licensed therapists. We all indulged ourselves and got some sort of treatment shortly after we first arrived - before the massive crowds and pandemonium broke out. This was my first professional massage since I started school, so I was eager to take mental notes.
I was able to note a couple things, but for the most part, I relaxed and enjoyed it. She traced meridians on my legs (I got the legs and feet done) and did a little Thai work on them in addition to the typical Swedish style that so many are used to getting.
Not to brag on my classmates or anything, but quite honestly, it felt very similar to the massages I've received in class. The therapist that worked on me was also a graduate of the Baltimore School of Massage.
We spent the rest of the time there shopping and revelling in the Festival.

So, back to school and tonight's Acupressure class. We went over the element of Metal this evening, with its Archetype being the Alchemist. My buddy was one of two Alchemists (Metal) in the class. They are very methodical and there are set protocols to doing everything. According to the theories, Earth creates Metal and Fire controls Metal.
For bodywork, we traced the meridians (which are channels of energy, according to the theories) for Metal, which are the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. That sounds oh-so-enticing, doesn't it?
We also went over the flows for treatment. The flows are acupressure points related to this element, worked in a certain pattern, kinda like a recipe. I think I better get to practicin' cookin' with the cookbook, eh?
I was able to note a couple things, but for the most part, I relaxed and enjoyed it. She traced meridians on my legs (I got the legs and feet done) and did a little Thai work on them in addition to the typical Swedish style that so many are used to getting.
Not to brag on my classmates or anything, but quite honestly, it felt very similar to the massages I've received in class. The therapist that worked on me was also a graduate of the Baltimore School of Massage.
We spent the rest of the time there shopping and revelling in the Festival.
So, back to school and tonight's Acupressure class. We went over the element of Metal this evening, with its Archetype being the Alchemist. My buddy was one of two Alchemists (Metal) in the class. They are very methodical and there are set protocols to doing everything. According to the theories, Earth creates Metal and Fire controls Metal.
For bodywork, we traced the meridians (which are channels of energy, according to the theories) for Metal, which are the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. That sounds oh-so-enticing, doesn't it?
We also went over the flows for treatment. The flows are acupressure points related to this element, worked in a certain pattern, kinda like a recipe. I think I better get to practicin' cookin' with the cookbook, eh?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 91 - Earthtones
I may have mentioned previously that I have a gravy J-O-B. Especially right now when we are in between contracts/projects - basically, there is not a whole lot to do. Today, I spent most of the work day doing homework and creating study guides for the classes in which we have tests or quizzes.
I got together a study guide in Power Point for Acupressure class, and in setting it up, I had to review the material, and of course, I started grasping some of what they're trying to teach us. What a concept!!!
In class tonight, we studied more about the Body Clock as it relates to Acupressure and then we studied the element of Earth and all that entails.
Well, in the Archetype assessment we took, Earth was my strongest one, and its Archetype equivolent is "The Peacemaker." The description in our book says that this person brings people together, and is prone to lethargy. Yeah, I get it, I'm a slug who wants to throw parties.
After going through all that information, we got to get used to what "the work" potentially is for balancing this individual. For the person on the table, it's nap-time. For the person "doing the work," it's about bringing together points on the body through meridian connection. Or something like that.
Like I said, I'm just STARTING to get it.
I got together a study guide in Power Point for Acupressure class, and in setting it up, I had to review the material, and of course, I started grasping some of what they're trying to teach us. What a concept!!!
In class tonight, we studied more about the Body Clock as it relates to Acupressure and then we studied the element of Earth and all that entails.
Well, in the Archetype assessment we took, Earth was my strongest one, and its Archetype equivolent is "The Peacemaker." The description in our book says that this person brings people together, and is prone to lethargy. Yeah, I get it, I'm a slug who wants to throw parties.
After going through all that information, we got to get used to what "the work" potentially is for balancing this individual. For the person on the table, it's nap-time. For the person "doing the work," it's about bringing together points on the body through meridian connection. Or something like that.
Like I said, I'm just STARTING to get it.
study guides
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 90 - Environmentally Healthy
A huge topic in the media these days is about being environmentally friendly and keeping the earth green. Businesses advertise their products as "being green" or "environmentally friendly" or "Made from recycled materials." Conscientious people are looking for more organic products, provided without the use of pesticides or hormone-enhancement or harsh chemicals.
In this evening's Pathology class, we discussed "Environmental Health" - basically things in our environment, whether by choice or involuntary exposure - and their effects on the body. Things like radon, carbon monoxide, smoking, alcohol, cocaine, and even delved into substance addiction. Quite eye-opening. We heard statistics like Baltimore has the highest heroin-addiction ratio in the US, with one out of ten people being addicted. I'm so naive when it comes to that stuff. I've never even seen anything "harder" than marijuana, "the gateway drug" - and I haven't even seen that for almost 20 years!
We also discussed some aspects of Pharmacology that we may need to know as Massage Therapists, as we need to understand what medications our clients are taking and the potential harmful effects massage may have on them.
In other news, WGH has asked me what I want for a graduation present. I told him, "A Vacation."
In this evening's Pathology class, we discussed "Environmental Health" - basically things in our environment, whether by choice or involuntary exposure - and their effects on the body. Things like radon, carbon monoxide, smoking, alcohol, cocaine, and even delved into substance addiction. Quite eye-opening. We heard statistics like Baltimore has the highest heroin-addiction ratio in the US, with one out of ten people being addicted. I'm so naive when it comes to that stuff. I've never even seen anything "harder" than marijuana, "the gateway drug" - and I haven't even seen that for almost 20 years!
We also discussed some aspects of Pharmacology that we may need to know as Massage Therapists, as we need to understand what medications our clients are taking and the potential harmful effects massage may have on them.
Yes, your medications may affect your reaction to massage, so be careful and let your Massage Therapist know everything you're taking!*Stepping down off soap-box now*
In other news, WGH has asked me what I want for a graduation present. I told him, "A Vacation."
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 89 - Have a Seat, Get a Massage
A bunch of years ago, when I was previously married, my then-husband and I went to the Maryland Rennaissance Festival and we loved it. One of the many artisans/vendors there was called the Healing Gardens, which was basically a place that did massages. At the time, I treated myself to a foot massage and he got a neck and shoulder massage - a much more expensive treat. They did his massage fully clothed and seated in a special chair. I got a foot bath and a massage. The poor young lass doing my foot massage had to take my dusty, sweaty shoes and socks off my feet. No wonder they included the foot bath! It sure did feel heavenly, though.
Little did I know then that I would be venturing into massage myself years later!
I tell that story because we learned about chair massage this evening in Professional Development, from lecture to actually using these chairs, we got to learn about them. Because of the nature of these type of massages and where they are done (work places, malls, events, airports, and other public places), they aren't necessarily for relaxing, as Swedish table massages are, but are used to energize people in addition to its other benefits.
We combined with another class to practice, and each chair had three or four in a group using it: one in the chair getting worked on, one working on the back, and one (or two) working on the arms. Well, I had a group with four in it. When it was my turn to get in the chair, I had three people working on me. Can you say, "Ahhhhh..."?
Another area I may check into after graduating: doing massages at the Rennaissance Festival. Talk about coming full circle!
Little did I know then that I would be venturing into massage myself years later!
I tell that story because we learned about chair massage this evening in Professional Development, from lecture to actually using these chairs, we got to learn about them. Because of the nature of these type of massages and where they are done (work places, malls, events, airports, and other public places), they aren't necessarily for relaxing, as Swedish table massages are, but are used to energize people in addition to its other benefits.
We combined with another class to practice, and each chair had three or four in a group using it: one in the chair getting worked on, one working on the back, and one (or two) working on the arms. Well, I had a group with four in it. When it was my turn to get in the chair, I had three people working on me. Can you say, "Ahhhhh..."?
Another area I may check into after graduating: doing massages at the Rennaissance Festival. Talk about coming full circle!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 88 - Fire!
In tonight's Acupressure class, we learned about the Fire element and what do with it in doing an Acupressure session with a client.
I may have mentioned in a previous Acupressure post that one of the things we're learning is how the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood) work together in Traditional Chinese Medicine, even with personality types...or in this case, they're referred to as "Archetypes."
According to, "Archetypal expressions of fire include compassion, communication, pleasure-driven, seeking novelty and excitement. This individual thrives on the ecstatic nature of new love and will do just about anything to avoid routine or boredom."
According to the "quiz" in the book, I'm pretty high in fire, so I'm not sure how to take this.
I actually tried to get something out of tonight's class. I guess that's a good thing. I think I was pretty bummed out last week by my low grade on the quiz I took. I am still not totally sure about all of this stuff, but I gotta learn it anyway, so just relax and have fun with it.
I may have mentioned in a previous Acupressure post that one of the things we're learning is how the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood) work together in Traditional Chinese Medicine, even with personality types...or in this case, they're referred to as "Archetypes."
According to, "Archetypal expressions of fire include compassion, communication, pleasure-driven, seeking novelty and excitement. This individual thrives on the ecstatic nature of new love and will do just about anything to avoid routine or boredom."
According to the "quiz" in the book, I'm pretty high in fire, so I'm not sure how to take this.
I actually tried to get something out of tonight's class. I guess that's a good thing. I think I was pretty bummed out last week by my low grade on the quiz I took. I am still not totally sure about all of this stuff, but I gotta learn it anyway, so just relax and have fun with it.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 87 - Eastern Mumbo Jumbo to Western Girl
Ok, so to say that this whole Acupressure thing seems a little hokey to me may be an understatement. That being said, it's still part of the curriculum of the school and I need to learn it, whether I believe or like it myself.
Mostly what I don't understand why I have to know some of this stuff is the whole Traditional Chinese Medicine stuff and the study of Tao and Yin & Yang. Maybe I'll "get it" more as I go on through this class, but for right now, it just seems so foreign to me. Well...ok it IS foreign to me.
We had a quiz this evening. Six of the 25 points were random words (warm, night, summer, external) and we were to say whether they were "Yin" or "Yang." It reminds me a lot of French class in high school when we had to learn nouns as masculine or feminine. Basic memorization.
I can grasp that the body has certain points on it that could control pain, tension, or whatever, but the rest of the stuff (Yin & Yang), I really don't have much interest in learning.
Oh. And that quiz with 25 point? I got a 15, with only getting two of those six Yin & Yang points correct. At least I know what other Mumbo Jumbo I'll need to learn for the final exam.
Speaking of Mumbo Jumbo, check this out. Hysterical!
How to Massage Your Oppossum
Mostly what I don't understand why I have to know some of this stuff is the whole Traditional Chinese Medicine stuff and the study of Tao and Yin & Yang. Maybe I'll "get it" more as I go on through this class, but for right now, it just seems so foreign to me. Well...ok it IS foreign to me.
We had a quiz this evening. Six of the 25 points were random words (warm, night, summer, external) and we were to say whether they were "Yin" or "Yang." It reminds me a lot of French class in high school when we had to learn nouns as masculine or feminine. Basic memorization.
I can grasp that the body has certain points on it that could control pain, tension, or whatever, but the rest of the stuff (Yin & Yang), I really don't have much interest in learning.
Oh. And that quiz with 25 point? I got a 15, with only getting two of those six Yin & Yang points correct. At least I know what other Mumbo Jumbo I'll need to learn for the final exam.
Speaking of Mumbo Jumbo, check this out. Hysterical!
How to Massage Your Oppossum
final exam,
Mumbo Jumbo,
Yin and Yang
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 86 - Study of Stuff We've Studied Before
I feel like tonight's class in Pathology was a repeat of stuff we've studied in Anatomy class - oh about six weeks ago. I guess they have to make up 768 hours teaching us something, so they may as well make sure we know it by repetition.
Immune Systems and Transmission of Disease. However, we did study a section on Neoplasia, which I was impressed to find out had nothing to do with the Matrix Trilogy of movies. It's actually about cancerous tumors.
I hate cancer. It's taken away far too many friends.

In other news, while rinsing out the shampoo from my hair this morning, my doorbell rang. Being totally unable to get to the door, I basically ignored it. After I finished my shower and was drying off, my phone rang. Somebody obviously wanted me. It was the roofing company asking me to move my car parked in the driveway so they could toss the old materials into their dumptruck. All that to say, we now have a new roof on our house.
Other random thought: Cheerios at 11:00 pm (2300 hours for you military types) are delicious.
Immune Systems and Transmission of Disease. However, we did study a section on Neoplasia, which I was impressed to find out had nothing to do with the Matrix Trilogy of movies. It's actually about cancerous tumors.
I hate cancer. It's taken away far too many friends.

In other news, while rinsing out the shampoo from my hair this morning, my doorbell rang. Being totally unable to get to the door, I basically ignored it. After I finished my shower and was drying off, my phone rang. Somebody obviously wanted me. It was the roofing company asking me to move my car parked in the driveway so they could toss the old materials into their dumptruck. All that to say, we now have a new roof on our house.
Other random thought: Cheerios at 11:00 pm (2300 hours for you military types) are delicious.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 85 - Purpose, Vision, and Goals
Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? What your vision is? What your goals are? This evening's Professional Development class talked a lot about those three things. What we really want to do and why, and how are we going to get there. Our big assignment for this class is to create our vision, write it, and tell the class about it in a five minute presentation.
Several of my classmates have expressed their wish to NOT present it to the class - because that would be getting up in front of people and talking. I have to say, that's one fear I don't have...public speaking. I had no problems before, but then I took a Dale Carnegie course on human relations and public speaking, so that is soooo far behind me. Now all I can do is encourage those around me when they have their turn to "step up to the microphone."
My problem now is that I have so many ideas about what I want to do with Massage Therapy that I am having trouble deciding exactly which vision I want to present to the class and write about. There's the vision of freedom and the open road and there's the grand vision of planting a multi-faceted business that incorporates massage into it as one aspect of it.
So the question is - low-key or grand?
I'm such a low-key kinda person, but the grand idea - well...just getting it down on paper could be very fun to imagine it.
The other part of the class, we took out a piece of paper and wrote down three lists: things that are important to me, what I like about myself, and what I would change about myself. Then, some of us shared them with the class. From important things to us like cupcakes and cawfie (my spelling, thank you) to God, family, and stability it was Very interesting to get to know classmates even better - and OFF the massage table!
So what about you? Have you written your lists of those three things?
Several of my classmates have expressed their wish to NOT present it to the class - because that would be getting up in front of people and talking. I have to say, that's one fear I don't have...public speaking. I had no problems before, but then I took a Dale Carnegie course on human relations and public speaking, so that is soooo far behind me. Now all I can do is encourage those around me when they have their turn to "step up to the microphone."
My problem now is that I have so many ideas about what I want to do with Massage Therapy that I am having trouble deciding exactly which vision I want to present to the class and write about. There's the vision of freedom and the open road and there's the grand vision of planting a multi-faceted business that incorporates massage into it as one aspect of it.
So the question is - low-key or grand?
I'm such a low-key kinda person, but the grand idea - well...just getting it down on paper could be very fun to imagine it.
The other part of the class, we took out a piece of paper and wrote down three lists: things that are important to me, what I like about myself, and what I would change about myself. Then, some of us shared them with the class. From important things to us like cupcakes and cawfie (my spelling, thank you) to God, family, and stability it was Very interesting to get to know classmates even better - and OFF the massage table!
So what about you? Have you written your lists of those three things?
professional development,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 84 - Another Day - Another Quiz
We had our Pathology quiz this evening on our introductory information. I ended up getting a 13 out of 15. After the quiz, we learned about Inflammation, Wound Repair, and Hemo-something. Basically, it was all about how the body tries to heal itself. There is a lot of information covered in these classes and it's almost impossible to remember all of it, let alone share everything here. As if I'm sure you want me to share all of it.
Usually, when I get home from class and write this blog, I'm still trying to remember all we did. It hasn't been committed to long-term memory. I also don't consult my notes or books when I write this, so that's why it seems like I make up words. Well, I do, actually. Because I just can't remember all of it.
Usually, when I get home from class and write this blog, I'm still trying to remember all we did. It hasn't been committed to long-term memory. I also don't consult my notes or books when I write this, so that's why it seems like I make up words. Well, I do, actually. Because I just can't remember all of it.
wound repair
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 83 - Wizard of Peacemaking Fire

WGH and I met on Yes, we're one of the couples that could be on one of those sappy commercials. Except we're not usually that sappy. Silly. Not sappy. As evidenced by our wedding - and its photos.
When signing up for eHarmony, I had to fill out an hour long personality profile to determine my 29 characteristics they would match on and also told a lot about my personality. Go figure. A personality profile to tell about my personality. How novel.
It all turned out pretty well, considering that I got the WGH out of it.
As part of our acupressure textbook, there is a profile to fill out to find out more about who we are and what potential "imbalances" we may encounter as a result.
According to the profile, I am a Peacemaker...or in the elemental terms for Acupressure, Earth. I also scored high on being a Wizard, or the element of Fire. In the description for Peacemaker, it said that someone with this tendancy brings people together. Imbalances may include lethargy, over-indulgence, and indigestion. I think that fits pretty well, frankly. On the weekends, I like to be a couch potato and eat scrambled eggs with lots of ketchup. Lethargy, over-indulgence, and indigestion. Yup, that fits.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 82 - Logic of Path
There have been way too many Saturday nights in which WGH and I have been the epitome of non-excitement. Instead of going out to a movie, going miniature golfing, bowling, dinner, or something else exciting, we would stay home and watch Forensic Files on TV. The premise of the show is that there has been a crime committed (generally homicide) and Forensic science points in the direction of the suspect. This science is sometimes also called Forensic Pathology.
In tonight's class, we had an introduction to Pathology for the Massage Therapist. Basically, we're going to study diseases and how they can affect the therapy treatment we provide for our client, based on their medical condition.
As I said, it was an introduction. We learned some words. And we learned stuff about cells. And free radicals. Which have nothing to do with those in the Baby Boomer generation protesting the Vietnam war.
In tonight's class, we had an introduction to Pathology for the Massage Therapist. Basically, we're going to study diseases and how they can affect the therapy treatment we provide for our client, based on their medical condition.
As I said, it was an introduction. We learned some words. And we learned stuff about cells. And free radicals. Which have nothing to do with those in the Baby Boomer generation protesting the Vietnam war.
Baby Boomers,
Forensic Files,
free radicals,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 81 - Professional Vision and Expectations
We had our first class of Professional Development for this session. During this session, we'll be developing our "vision" of what we want for our career in Massage Therapy. During the class, we went over what our expectations could be while working in a spa, medical, or private practice, in regards to hours and compensation.
To think that I will get rich doing massages - well, that's a real long shot. I may as well go bet on Sea Biscuit in the second race. However, I didn't really get into this for the money anyway. It's really about having a career in helping people and the personal satisfaction that goes along with it. The money is necessary because I do actually have to pay bills. Go figure.
Today, I was off from my J-O-B to attend the funeral for the mom of one of my long-time friends. The funeral and associated activities reminded me that regardless of how much money somebody has, it doesn't make them happy, nor does it guarantee them long life on earth. What does make us happy is the relationships around us, with God and others, and also in knowing that we can make a difference in somebody else's life.
All that to say that I hope that my new career choice can truly help somebody.
Wow. I got philosophical there for a moment. Don't expect it too often.
To think that I will get rich doing massages - well, that's a real long shot. I may as well go bet on Sea Biscuit in the second race. However, I didn't really get into this for the money anyway. It's really about having a career in helping people and the personal satisfaction that goes along with it. The money is necessary because I do actually have to pay bills. Go figure.
Today, I was off from my J-O-B to attend the funeral for the mom of one of my long-time friends. The funeral and associated activities reminded me that regardless of how much money somebody has, it doesn't make them happy, nor does it guarantee them long life on earth. What does make us happy is the relationships around us, with God and others, and also in knowing that we can make a difference in somebody else's life.
All that to say that I hope that my new career choice can truly help somebody.
Wow. I got philosophical there for a moment. Don't expect it too often.
professional development
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 80 - Accurate Pressure?
Since last week was the final for Massage Variations, that means that I started a new five week session this week. This session includes classes in Acupressure, Pathology, and Professional Development, and tonight's class was Acupressure.
It has nothing to do with pressure being accurate or acute.
So far my understanding of it is that ancient people in the East (China) tried to understand the human body and found that pressure on certain points will help people feel better. They use terms like Taoism, Chi, Yin & Yang, Shen, and Jing.
These are my impressions of the words we went over tonight:
I read the Tao of Pooh one time, about truisms from Winnie the Pooh, one of the great philosophers. WGH has introduced me to the Chi-Lites' music - it's kinda R&B so I like it. Yin & Yang were a mime duo that guest starred on The Muppet Show in the 70's quite a bit. Shen was one of the Three Stooges. And finally, Jing is a game played with blocks stacked on top of each other. The idea is to pull one out and put it on top of the stack without knocking the whole thing over.
You may get the impression that I'm quite the Western American girl - from the East Coast. When I was growing up, my family's idea of Chinese food was Chun King Chicken Chow Mein from a can. There was one Jewish boy in my whole elementary school class and we were all shocked he didn't know who Jesus was. (Yes, the students even discussed this in a public school - in 1978!) There were very few Asians in my elementary school - I think one family. I seem to remember the words "refugee" and "Vietnam" being said about them, but I didn't know what they meant.
I guess you could say that I grew up in a very White Bread area. I think it should have have been named WonderBreadville.
Since going to college and getting out into the workforce, I have experienced much more diversity, but needless to say, my exposure to Eastern medicine or culture is next to nothing. This class will definitely present a challenge.
It has nothing to do with pressure being accurate or acute.
So far my understanding of it is that ancient people in the East (China) tried to understand the human body and found that pressure on certain points will help people feel better. They use terms like Taoism, Chi, Yin & Yang, Shen, and Jing.
These are my impressions of the words we went over tonight:
I read the Tao of Pooh one time, about truisms from Winnie the Pooh, one of the great philosophers. WGH has introduced me to the Chi-Lites' music - it's kinda R&B so I like it. Yin & Yang were a mime duo that guest starred on The Muppet Show in the 70's quite a bit. Shen was one of the Three Stooges. And finally, Jing is a game played with blocks stacked on top of each other. The idea is to pull one out and put it on top of the stack without knocking the whole thing over.
You may get the impression that I'm quite the Western American girl - from the East Coast. When I was growing up, my family's idea of Chinese food was Chun King Chicken Chow Mein from a can. There was one Jewish boy in my whole elementary school class and we were all shocked he didn't know who Jesus was. (Yes, the students even discussed this in a public school - in 1978!) There were very few Asians in my elementary school - I think one family. I seem to remember the words "refugee" and "Vietnam" being said about them, but I didn't know what they meant.
I guess you could say that I grew up in a very White Bread area. I think it should have have been named WonderBreadville.
Since going to college and getting out into the workforce, I have experienced much more diversity, but needless to say, my exposure to Eastern medicine or culture is next to nothing. This class will definitely present a challenge.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 79 - Final Variations
We had our final exams tonight for Massage Variations. First, we had a written final. Then we had a nice little break and then the hands-on final, for which we were graded on beingness, body mechanics, technique, and some other stuff I can't seem to remember.
The important part is that on the written final, I got 100%, and on the hands-on, I got 95%. Yay!
On the way home from school, which is a 40 mile drive from the Baltimore beltway (I-695) to I-70, I got followed. It creeped me out -especially at 11:00 at night. WGH was with me, so I wasn't alone in the car, but it was still creepy.
I noticed the car pretty much tailgating me coming off the I-695 ramp onto I-70. I got over in the right lane so they would pass me, but they didn't pass, and instead go into my lane. I did a couple lane changes, all with the same effect: they got in the lane behind me, still tailgating me.
I started to exit off of the highway onto Rt 32, and they started following, so at the last second, I got back onto the highway (safely, of course). At that point, I knew I was being followed, so I dialed 9-1-1. The dispatcher transferred me to State Po-po, and their dispatcher instructed me to pull onto the shoulder to see if they followed. When I did that, they kept going and I finally got a look at the four-door white sedan (Mitsubishi Galant, I'm 99% sure), so I got back on the highway again and tried to get their license plate. They exited onto Rt 97 before I could get it.
Creepy. Just creepy.
Still excited about my final exam grades!
The important part is that on the written final, I got 100%, and on the hands-on, I got 95%. Yay!
On the way home from school, which is a 40 mile drive from the Baltimore beltway (I-695) to I-70, I got followed. It creeped me out -especially at 11:00 at night. WGH was with me, so I wasn't alone in the car, but it was still creepy.
I noticed the car pretty much tailgating me coming off the I-695 ramp onto I-70. I got over in the right lane so they would pass me, but they didn't pass, and instead go into my lane. I did a couple lane changes, all with the same effect: they got in the lane behind me, still tailgating me.
I started to exit off of the highway onto Rt 32, and they started following, so at the last second, I got back onto the highway (safely, of course). At that point, I knew I was being followed, so I dialed 9-1-1. The dispatcher transferred me to State Po-po, and their dispatcher instructed me to pull onto the shoulder to see if they followed. When I did that, they kept going and I finally got a look at the four-door white sedan (Mitsubishi Galant, I'm 99% sure), so I got back on the highway again and tried to get their license plate. They exited onto Rt 97 before I could get it.
Creepy. Just creepy.
Still excited about my final exam grades!
body mechanics,
final exam,
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