We got to the ceremony without incident and got to see the classmates dressed up, the teachers and staff dressed up, and I wore sneakers. The speeches were poignant and appropriate for the occasion. The announced special honors for honor roll students, including yours truly and a nice representation of my class.
When we got to the "walking across the stage" part, guess who got to be FIRST across the stage? Especially with a last name that begins with an "A" as in Allgood-Smith!
It's happened to me before, too. I was the first to walk across the stage when I graduated from Salisbury State University a "few" years ago.
After the ceremony, we retired to the multi-purpose room at the Chesapeake Arts Center for some refreshments. I abstained from them in hopes of a real meal once we departed. I visited a little with staff and classmates and then decided I'd had enough and wanted to get on the road.
WGH and I headed down the road, had a bite at Wendy's, and got across the Big Maryland Bridge.
While stopping at the Wawa in Easton, apparently there was some sort of formal high school/college group in white shirts and black skirts coming back from a competition as we saw a good number of them. I'm guessing they were a choral group.
Unexplained, however, was the middle-aged brotha man in a Tigger costume bouncing over by the cawfie machines.
We finally arrived at the luxurious Microtel in the 'Bury to commence the weekend o'celebration. Somebody must have known we were coming because they scheduled a rock band in the restaurant/bar about a football field away and they are serenading us with such classics as "Proud Mary" and "Blister in the Sun."
Tomorrow we plan to enjoy some of Ocean City's finest venues such as Dumser's Dairyland and Thrashers Fries. We'll head back to the 'Bury to enjoy the "Pork in the Park Festival" where anybody who's anybody on Maryland's Eastern Shore will be there. And we're somebody. Tomorrow night, we'll catch up with DJ Wookie at Dead Freddie's back in Ocean City for some heart-pounding, foot-thumping fun.
Well, I gotta bring this post to a close, as the band is playing "Purple Rain."
Peace Out.
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