I realized this morning that I have been out of school for five whole months! Today is actually five months EXACTLY since I sauntered across the stage at graduation. Ok, well maybe it was more like a lumbered across the stage, but we won't discuss that here.
A lot has changed in those five months.
1) I passed my national certification exam
2) I applied for the State of Maryland exam
3) I took the State of Maryland exam
4) I applied to get my license in the State of Maryland
(Do we sense that the State of Maryland has been an issue that has stuck in my craw?)
5) I received my license from the State of Maryland
6) I had to put my 14 year old kitty to sleep
7) I applied for a full-time job with a massage chain of which people tend to get envious.
8) I was offered a part-time job with a massage chain of which people tend to get envious.
9) I graciously declined the job offer from a massage chain of which people tend to get envious.
10) I started my own massage practice in the evenings and Saturday afternoons.
Yes, I started my own massage practice! I have named it Mini-Me.
Well, ok, I named it Allgood Therapeutic Massage (www.allgoodmassage.com).
11) WGH left his position with his J-O-B. This has been a truly recent event and there's not much to say at this point, except - hey - is anybody looking to hire an Audio-Visual wiz who also shoots and edits video and plays bass guitar?
No? Well, thanks anyway and keep that in the back of your head in case you run into somebody who may be doing just that.
12) I had my first chiropractice adjustment.
I did that because I'm renting space in a chiropractor's office and since both doctors have experienced my massage techniques, I felt that I needed to experience what their patients may experience.
Wouldn't you know that the good doc found that one of my legs appeared shorter than the other?
He said it was probably due to a subluxation in my sacroiliac joint.
In English, that means that my pelvic bone is out of whack.
13) I gave free chair massages at "In the Streets" in Frederick while I also passed out business cards and stalked Bryan Voltaggio of Volt restaurant and runner up of Top Chef: Las Vegas.
Much has changed in the last five months, and who knows what will be going on in the next five, but for now, things are getting very interesting and exciting.
A blog about going through my journey of Massage School classes at the Baltimore School of Massage.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
It's Official (Almost Three Months Out)
After one year, 14 months, and 27 or 28 days, I am officially finally a Licensed Massage Therapist! I'm not sure how to think about the passage of time during this process, but it seems like it's been forever and yet it seems like it was just a few short months ago I started school, not finished.
I've learned a lot in this, one of them being that if your instincts tell you one thing in an exam, go with that answer. It's generally correct. I've also learned that the State of Maryland must like circuses because I feel like I've jumped through many hoops to become licensed in this state.
In the next few weeks, I will be starting and finalizing some plans for me to be able to start my own business.
The same day I celebrate receiving my piece of paper that says I can earn my living doing massages is also the day I had to make the decision to put down my 14 year old sweet kitty. Very bittersweet day.
To those of you who have let me practice on you, read my blog posts, commented, and prayed for me during this time, thank you. I could not have done this without a support system.
I've learned a lot in this, one of them being that if your instincts tell you one thing in an exam, go with that answer. It's generally correct. I've also learned that the State of Maryland must like circuses because I feel like I've jumped through many hoops to become licensed in this state.
In the next few weeks, I will be starting and finalizing some plans for me to be able to start my own business.
The same day I celebrate receiving my piece of paper that says I can earn my living doing massages is also the day I had to make the decision to put down my 14 year old sweet kitty. Very bittersweet day.
To those of you who have let me practice on you, read my blog posts, commented, and prayed for me during this time, thank you. I could not have done this without a support system.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Can I Breathe Now? Probably Not (Two+ Months Out)
Several (ok - many) years back, there was a commercial for Rice Krispy treats and how simple they were to make, with the mom in the commercial holding her pan of treats, tossing flour on her face, and exclaiming in her most melodramatic voice, "They're finally done!"
I'm feeling a bit like that right now, however, I don't need to be overly-melodramatic...but maybe I'm finally done!
I took my Maryland state jurisprudence exam this afternoon, and while I don't know my results, I'm hoping that I passed and that I should be able to begin my career as a Maryland State Licensed Massage Therapist.
As far as actual career goes, I'm in the planning process of starting my own business. I need to get some game pieces in place and then rock-n-roll on the Plan! I have several ideas to hopefully build a clientele quickly and this blog may change or more likely, move to my new website that's in the works, but have no fear, I don't plan on giving up my writing!
So, if you know of anybody who's looking for a massage therapist, please give them my name and information and have them contact me! If you refer somebody to me, you could benefit, too, with some free massage!
I'm feeling a bit like that right now, however, I don't need to be overly-melodramatic...but maybe I'm finally done!
I took my Maryland state jurisprudence exam this afternoon, and while I don't know my results, I'm hoping that I passed and that I should be able to begin my career as a Maryland State Licensed Massage Therapist.
As far as actual career goes, I'm in the planning process of starting my own business. I need to get some game pieces in place and then rock-n-roll on the Plan! I have several ideas to hopefully build a clientele quickly and this blog may change or more likely, move to my new website that's in the works, but have no fear, I don't plan on giving up my writing!
So, if you know of anybody who's looking for a massage therapist, please give them my name and information and have them contact me! If you refer somebody to me, you could benefit, too, with some free massage!
rice krispy treats
Monday, June 6, 2011
Almost Two Months Out
I have been out of the massage therapy program for nearly two months. In that time, I have taken a weekend trip, a week vacation in Orlando, and the national certification exam. I have also submitted my application for the Maryland State juris prudence exam. And now, I am waiting to hear back from their office that I am approved to take the exam.
Until then, I am in the process of really trying to figure out what I want to do in massage. Ultimately, I believe, I want to be a sole proprietor and have my own clients, setting my own hours - even if it's 50 hours a week - it may not be the nine-to-five style that most Americans are accustomed. I am thinking of a name for my business and what exactly I want it to look like. Once I have a couple key elements down, then I'll get a better idea of what my pricing would be for various services. I think in the business world, they call it a "business plan" - and something we even discussed in our Professional Development class many months ago.
Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with spreadsheets.
Until then, I am in the process of really trying to figure out what I want to do in massage. Ultimately, I believe, I want to be a sole proprietor and have my own clients, setting my own hours - even if it's 50 hours a week - it may not be the nine-to-five style that most Americans are accustomed. I am thinking of a name for my business and what exactly I want it to look like. Once I have a couple key elements down, then I'll get a better idea of what my pricing would be for various services. I think in the business world, they call it a "business plan" - and something we even discussed in our Professional Development class many months ago.
Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with spreadsheets.
juris prudence,
national exam,
sole proprietor
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Seems Like It Never Ends
From April 19, 2010 to April 14, 2011, my focus was on finishing school - and doing it well, I might add. Once I got that done, I needed a break and I took WGH and myself to Florida for a week. Since returning, my focus was on studying for my national certification exam, which I took - and passed - yesterday.
To say I was relieved would be an understatement. During classes in school, the instructors would talk occasionally about what might be on the national exam. My understanding is that the national board uses a database of 3,000+ questions and (somewhat?) randomly chooses 160 questions for the applicants to answer. The questions have to be weighted in different areas and I wonder if they may have a handful of questions that are asked of each candidate, based on legal, business, and ethical subjects. It's been one of those mysterious things that you have to do, but you don't know exactly what to expect, but it eventually gets done. Which is why it is such a relief.
On the computerized exam, they have a button you can press on the question screen if you want to "flag" the question for further review. I flagged the very first question on my exam, which I thought was a really bad sign. However, once I got into the exam, I knew most of the questions right away and began enjoying it. In all, I had flagged maybe 10 questions. Out of 160, that's not too bad.
At any rate, now that I am done with the second hardest part of the whole process, I am beginning the hardest part - applying for the State of Maryland Juris Prudence exam. I say that it is the hardest part because of some of the loops that the state makes their applicants jump through. Such as not accepting personal checks, only certified checks or money orders. Or requiring two passport type photos, one of which is placed on the notary(!) page and stamped by the notary. And then, getting my signature notarized.
I know I will get it done, but it's a matter of taking the time to do it all. I've gotten this far, I know it's just a little bit more aggravation and then I'll be licensed.
To say I was relieved would be an understatement. During classes in school, the instructors would talk occasionally about what might be on the national exam. My understanding is that the national board uses a database of 3,000+ questions and (somewhat?) randomly chooses 160 questions for the applicants to answer. The questions have to be weighted in different areas and I wonder if they may have a handful of questions that are asked of each candidate, based on legal, business, and ethical subjects. It's been one of those mysterious things that you have to do, but you don't know exactly what to expect, but it eventually gets done. Which is why it is such a relief.
On the computerized exam, they have a button you can press on the question screen if you want to "flag" the question for further review. I flagged the very first question on my exam, which I thought was a really bad sign. However, once I got into the exam, I knew most of the questions right away and began enjoying it. In all, I had flagged maybe 10 questions. Out of 160, that's not too bad.
At any rate, now that I am done with the second hardest part of the whole process, I am beginning the hardest part - applying for the State of Maryland Juris Prudence exam. I say that it is the hardest part because of some of the loops that the state makes their applicants jump through. Such as not accepting personal checks, only certified checks or money orders. Or requiring two passport type photos, one of which is placed on the notary(!) page and stamped by the notary. And then, getting my signature notarized.
I know I will get it done, but it's a matter of taking the time to do it all. I've gotten this far, I know it's just a little bit more aggravation and then I'll be licensed.
national exam,
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Scheduled! (Note: Really Long Post)
After finishing school, WGH and I went on a weekend trip to the Eastern Shore, which ended up being a nice getaway for us. Our big trip, however, was going to Orlando, where we went on our honeymoon and where my sister and I own a timeshare.
The day we left for the trip, I got notice that I was able to schedule my national certification exam, which I promptly did. I am scheduled to take it Monday, May 23rd, about one week from now.
In the meantime, we left for Orlando after I "worked" half a day at the J-O-B. I don't know that I actually got much done that morning, but at least I was there.
We drove through the night and were able to watch the sunrise in St Augustine, FL, from Ft Marion. Unfortunately, there was some cloud cover on the horizon, so basically, we just watched it get lighter. We drove to Daytona using Rt 1 instead of the typical interstate, which makes for more interesting sight-seeing.
Also freaky about this event, was that there was a motorcycle rider, whom I had noticed before, who was sitting at the stoplight behind the SUV - on the passenger side. As the rider explained to me, the proper positioning of a rider is behind the driver, not the passenger. However, if he had been on the drivers side, we would have not been talking to this rider. The crash happened about a foot from him, and had he been in the proper position, we would have been finding pieces of him all over the road.
We stayed and waited until the police didn't need us any longer as witnesses and then proceeded to our waiting adventures in Orlando, albeit very freaked out and finding it somewhat difficult to get this out of our minds. What if we had been in the middle lane? What if the rider had followed protocol and been behind the driver? Needless to say, this won't be easily forgotten.
About an hour later, we found ourselves in Celebration, FL, sitting down to a scrumptious breakfast at the Market Street Cafe, where I had the best grits I've ever had. After breakfast we walked around a bit and then went exploring the Orlando around, seeing as how we had about four hours to kill until we could check in at the timeshare.
We got checked in and then went back out again to get the necessary groceries for the week and then came back and chilled out for awhile. Since we had been up for way over 24 hours, we ended up going to sleep early.
The next day, Sunday, we went swimming and then greeted my sister and hubby for their arrival. We had dinner and discussed about what we were going to do the rest of the week. It was mostly a "down" day. Meaning that we didn't do much. I love those days.
Saturday morning, as we were getting ready to leave and still packing up stuff, the cleaning crew came in and began cleaning the other unit. I'm thinking - uh...we haven't even checked out yet. Can you give us a few? We checked out at exactly 10:00, the check-out time. And we had checked-in the previous Saturday at 4:00, the check-in time. I believe in getting my full vacation!
We met a lot of rain on the way home, and about 25 miles from home at 1:00 am, my mom called to say that she was stuck and needed help. Her blood sugar was down and she didn't have the strength to get herself to some food to bring up her sugar. She'd had a couple oreos that she keeps next to her for such occasions, but it wasn't enough. So, I pushed myself and got to her house and got her situated and back to where she needed to be. I certainly didn't need coffee after that adrenaline rush of getting to Mom.
After a tiring 14 hour drive, we finally got home, were greeted by the kitties, and then got to sleep.
My task this week is to study as much as I possibly can for the national exam in a week!
The day we left for the trip, I got notice that I was able to schedule my national certification exam, which I promptly did. I am scheduled to take it Monday, May 23rd, about one week from now.
In the meantime, we left for Orlando after I "worked" half a day at the J-O-B. I don't know that I actually got much done that morning, but at least I was there.
We drove through the night and were able to watch the sunrise in St Augustine, FL, from Ft Marion. Unfortunately, there was some cloud cover on the horizon, so basically, we just watched it get lighter. We drove to Daytona using Rt 1 instead of the typical interstate, which makes for more interesting sight-seeing.
Once we got back onto I-95, I realized that we needed to make a pit-stop before getting onto I-4, so we exited off the ramp for Ocala. While we waiting at the stoplight at the bottom of the ramp, we heard this HUGE crash and looked next to us (out the passenger side), where a pick-up truck had slammed into the back of a SUV. All the airbags were deployed in both vehicles and the young woman in the SUV was able to walk away after the paramedics checked her over. The driver of the pick-up, an older man, seemed confused and it appears that he may have been experiencing a some sort of medical event (diabetic? stroke? Alzheimer's?) and did not even try to stop at the light. According to one man who had seen him from the previous exit, he had already gone into a ditch and taken out a sign while getting back on the road. The other witness was on the phone with state police reporting his erratic driving and told them that the accident had occurred.Also freaky about this event, was that there was a motorcycle rider, whom I had noticed before, who was sitting at the stoplight behind the SUV - on the passenger side. As the rider explained to me, the proper positioning of a rider is behind the driver, not the passenger. However, if he had been on the drivers side, we would have not been talking to this rider. The crash happened about a foot from him, and had he been in the proper position, we would have been finding pieces of him all over the road.
We stayed and waited until the police didn't need us any longer as witnesses and then proceeded to our waiting adventures in Orlando, albeit very freaked out and finding it somewhat difficult to get this out of our minds. What if we had been in the middle lane? What if the rider had followed protocol and been behind the driver? Needless to say, this won't be easily forgotten.
About an hour later, we found ourselves in Celebration, FL, sitting down to a scrumptious breakfast at the Market Street Cafe, where I had the best grits I've ever had. After breakfast we walked around a bit and then went exploring the Orlando around, seeing as how we had about four hours to kill until we could check in at the timeshare.
We got checked in and then went back out again to get the necessary groceries for the week and then came back and chilled out for awhile. Since we had been up for way over 24 hours, we ended up going to sleep early.
The next day, Sunday, we went swimming and then greeted my sister and hubby for their arrival. We had dinner and discussed about what we were going to do the rest of the week. It was mostly a "down" day. Meaning that we didn't do much. I love those days.
WGH and I went to Hollywood Studios at Disney. A long, hot day, but quite enjoyable. Highlights: the Indiana Jones adventure, the backlot tour, Prime Time Cafe with our waiter/brother Mark, and the extreme stunt show.Tuesday
Mark, WGH, and I went to Universal's Islands of Adventure, where we got to experience the new Harry Potter world. Highlights: Dr Doom's tower, Poseidon's Fury, the Mystical Fountain, and Spiderman.Wednesday
I treated myself to a day at the spa: hour massage, hour facial, 20 minute foot massage, and a& paraffin hand treatment. After all that pampering, I was able to walk so much better. For dinner that night, the four of us went to Universal's City Walk - to Emeril's restaurant. I had the short-ribs special (boneless!) and WGH had the filet mignon. For dessert, I had the vanilla bread pudding with cinnamon& ice cream. We were all quite full when we left.Thursday
WGH and I went to Universal Studios, where "The Mummy," my favorite roller coaster, is located. It's not big like some of the others, but it actually tells a story and has some unexpected elements to it - besides the fact that it's an inside roller coaster and a good portion of it is in the dark. At Universal Studios, one thing to do to avoid lines for a couple of their more popular rides: get in the "Single Rider" line. You will get pulled to fill spaces left by groups of uneven numbers. For instance, on The Mummy, I walked up to where I was supposed to wait, but the attendant saw me coming up the steps and said, "Single Rider, line 4." I literally walked right onto the ride! WGHBeetlejuice Rock-n-Roll Revue, Twister, Jaws, and Disaster (formerly Earthquake).Friday
We did nothing but hang out by the pool and in the pool.Saturday morning, as we were getting ready to leave and still packing up stuff, the cleaning crew came in and began cleaning the other unit. I'm thinking - uh...we haven't even checked out yet. Can you give us a few? We checked out at exactly 10:00, the check-out time. And we had checked-in the previous Saturday at 4:00, the check-in time. I believe in getting my full vacation!
We met a lot of rain on the way home, and about 25 miles from home at 1:00 am, my mom called to say that she was stuck and needed help. Her blood sugar was down and she didn't have the strength to get herself to some food to bring up her sugar. She'd had a couple oreos that she keeps next to her for such occasions, but it wasn't enough. So, I pushed myself and got to her house and got her situated and back to where she needed to be. I certainly didn't need coffee after that adrenaline rush of getting to Mom.
After a tiring 14 hour drive, we finally got home, were greeted by the kitties, and then got to sleep.
My task this week is to study as much as I possibly can for the national exam in a week!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
After School Special - Two Weeks Out
I'm in my third week of being out of school and spending my life on I-70 going to or from school. My original plan upon getting out of school was to study for my national exam every night for at least an hour, do my housework, and not plop myself in front of the television.
That worked great for about three days or so.
I have studied a little for the national, but the pressure is not there since I don't know when I will be taking the exam yet. I'll do better in studying, probably, when I know when I need to be ready.
I have caught up on a good portion of my housework, but as with any housework, it needs to be repeated. Often.
I haven't been watching that much television. However, my computer tends to get more action than it really needs.
I have been able to catch up with some friends that I haven't been able to see that much for the last year. In person! Not just on facebook!
There are still things on my master TO DO list (at least the one in my head) that need to be done. The room in my house known as my "office" has been sorely neglected for the last year or year and a half. It's about one step away from looking like the show "Hoarders" should be coming to visit. It's not something that can be tackled in one evening after work. It's going to take a whole weekend or two. But that will have to wait for a couple more weeks. Unless, of course, the people from the show come knocking at my door.
This coming Friday, WGH and I leave for Orlando, Florida for a week's vacation. Usually we do this kind of trip in January or February, but since I was in school, we waited until I finished and this is my big celebration trip. We're planning on going to Disney for a day, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for a day or two, and just doing whatever. You know - vacation!
That worked great for about three days or so.
I have studied a little for the national, but the pressure is not there since I don't know when I will be taking the exam yet. I'll do better in studying, probably, when I know when I need to be ready.
I have caught up on a good portion of my housework, but as with any housework, it needs to be repeated. Often.
I haven't been watching that much television. However, my computer tends to get more action than it really needs.
I have been able to catch up with some friends that I haven't been able to see that much for the last year. In person! Not just on facebook!
There are still things on my master TO DO list (at least the one in my head) that need to be done. The room in my house known as my "office" has been sorely neglected for the last year or year and a half. It's about one step away from looking like the show "Hoarders" should be coming to visit. It's not something that can be tackled in one evening after work. It's going to take a whole weekend or two. But that will have to wait for a couple more weeks. Unless, of course, the people from the show come knocking at my door.
This coming Friday, WGH and I leave for Orlando, Florida for a week's vacation. Usually we do this kind of trip in January or February, but since I was in school, we waited until I finished and this is my big celebration trip. We're planning on going to Disney for a day, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for a day or two, and just doing whatever. You know - vacation!
Friday, April 22, 2011
One Week Out of School
Since being out of school, I haven't had much to blog about, but don't want to totally ignore this awesome little blog. There's not much to report on the massage front, other than that the school has sent off my transcripts to the national certification board to go with my application.
As far as regular life, I enjoyed the weekend away on the Eastern Shore also, despite the rain, wind, and cloudiness on Saturday. I was even somewhat excited to get back to the J-O-B on Monday.
Prior to starting school, my routine after work consisted of maybe making dinner and then sitting in front of the TV for far too long and then going to bed. I used to think that I didn't have time to "do" anything during the week. The last year has taught be otherwise.
After my first week of being out of school, I have not fallen back into that routine, thank goodness, but have tried to do things around the house, take walks, make dinner, and then sit on the couch in front of the TV. I have certainly not been watching nearly as much TV as I used to before starting school.
I still have a lot of catching up to do with all that I missed in my house, but this is Easter weekend and I am not going to push myself too hard with that. Besides, I know I have time during the week and that makes a world of difference!
As far as regular life, I enjoyed the weekend away on the Eastern Shore also, despite the rain, wind, and cloudiness on Saturday. I was even somewhat excited to get back to the J-O-B on Monday.
Prior to starting school, my routine after work consisted of maybe making dinner and then sitting in front of the TV for far too long and then going to bed. I used to think that I didn't have time to "do" anything during the week. The last year has taught be otherwise.
After my first week of being out of school, I have not fallen back into that routine, thank goodness, but have tried to do things around the house, take walks, make dinner, and then sit on the couch in front of the TV. I have certainly not been watching nearly as much TV as I used to before starting school.
I still have a lot of catching up to do with all that I missed in my house, but this is Easter weekend and I am not going to push myself too hard with that. Besides, I know I have time during the week and that makes a world of difference!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Adventure in the Smith Graduation Land
Since graduation was Friday, I had taken a couple hours off from the J-O-B to make sure that I get to the ceremony on time. Meanwhile, WGH left work at his usual time, which coincidently was the same time I left early. However, he had bad traffic in the 50 miles it takes for him to get home from his J-O-B and he got home about 10 minutes after I felt we needed to leave. At least he had prepared me for it and I had gotten everything ready for him to go away for the weekend to celebrate my new found freedom.
We got to the ceremony without incident and got to see the classmates dressed up, the teachers and staff dressed up, and I wore sneakers. The speeches were poignant and appropriate for the occasion. The announced special honors for honor roll students, including yours truly and a nice representation of my class.
When we got to the "walking across the stage" part, guess who got to be FIRST across the stage? Especially with a last name that begins with an "A" as in Allgood-Smith!

It's happened to me before, too. I was the first to walk across the stage when I graduated from Salisbury State University a "few" years ago.
After the ceremony, we retired to the multi-purpose room at the Chesapeake Arts Center for some refreshments. I abstained from them in hopes of a real meal once we departed. I visited a little with staff and classmates and then decided I'd had enough and wanted to get on the road.
WGH and I headed down the road, had a bite at Wendy's, and got across the Big Maryland Bridge.
While stopping at the Wawa in Easton, apparently there was some sort of formal high school/college group in white shirts and black skirts coming back from a competition as we saw a good number of them. I'm guessing they were a choral group.
Unexplained, however, was the middle-aged brotha man in a Tigger costume bouncing over by the cawfie machines.
We finally arrived at the luxurious Microtel in the 'Bury to commence the weekend o'celebration. Somebody must have known we were coming because they scheduled a rock band in the restaurant/bar about a football field away and they are serenading us with such classics as "Proud Mary" and "Blister in the Sun."

Tomorrow we plan to enjoy some of Ocean City's finest venues such as Dumser's Dairyland and Thrashers Fries. We'll head back to the 'Bury to enjoy the "Pork in the Park Festival" where anybody who's anybody on Maryland's Eastern Shore will be there. And we're somebody. Tomorrow night, we'll catch up with DJ Wookie at Dead Freddie's back in Ocean City for some heart-pounding, foot-thumping fun.
Well, I gotta bring this post to a close, as the band is playing "Purple Rain."
Peace Out.
We got to the ceremony without incident and got to see the classmates dressed up, the teachers and staff dressed up, and I wore sneakers. The speeches were poignant and appropriate for the occasion. The announced special honors for honor roll students, including yours truly and a nice representation of my class.
When we got to the "walking across the stage" part, guess who got to be FIRST across the stage? Especially with a last name that begins with an "A" as in Allgood-Smith!
It's happened to me before, too. I was the first to walk across the stage when I graduated from Salisbury State University a "few" years ago.
After the ceremony, we retired to the multi-purpose room at the Chesapeake Arts Center for some refreshments. I abstained from them in hopes of a real meal once we departed. I visited a little with staff and classmates and then decided I'd had enough and wanted to get on the road.
WGH and I headed down the road, had a bite at Wendy's, and got across the Big Maryland Bridge.
While stopping at the Wawa in Easton, apparently there was some sort of formal high school/college group in white shirts and black skirts coming back from a competition as we saw a good number of them. I'm guessing they were a choral group.
Unexplained, however, was the middle-aged brotha man in a Tigger costume bouncing over by the cawfie machines.
We finally arrived at the luxurious Microtel in the 'Bury to commence the weekend o'celebration. Somebody must have known we were coming because they scheduled a rock band in the restaurant/bar about a football field away and they are serenading us with such classics as "Proud Mary" and "Blister in the Sun."
Tomorrow we plan to enjoy some of Ocean City's finest venues such as Dumser's Dairyland and Thrashers Fries. We'll head back to the 'Bury to enjoy the "Pork in the Park Festival" where anybody who's anybody on Maryland's Eastern Shore will be there. And we're somebody. Tomorrow night, we'll catch up with DJ Wookie at Dead Freddie's back in Ocean City for some heart-pounding, foot-thumping fun.
Well, I gotta bring this post to a close, as the band is playing "Purple Rain."
Peace Out.
Honor Roll,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Day 198 - It Is Finished
I would love to post the video from this evening's bell ringing, but I want to edit it down for highlights. But I am getting ahead of myself here.
After studying during my breaks from the J-O-B today and having WGH help me study on the way to school, I felt pretty confident going into my final final exam.
I have to admit, though, because of all the activity after the exam, I didn't really get to check what my grade was on the exam. But I am confident that I did well.
I added up all of my other points from class and figured that even if I got 16 points off my final, I would still get an "A" in the class. Since I was so confident in my answers on the exam, there was no way I was getting 16 points off.
With all that being said, that means that I have finished my massage school program with a 4.0 GPA.
After all of the exams were graded, we finally got to ring the bell! Prior to actually ringing the bell, we got a chance to say a few words. Some talked of how much they have grown to love each of our classmates, how much fun we have had, and how close we have gotten. Others shared a few "inside jokes" or phrases that only our class would understand and we all enjoyed that.
I took a Dale Carnegie course a few years ago in Human Relations and Public Speaking, so I would have felt remiss if I had just said something short, so I had a State of the Stacy speech. LOL!
In the end, we all rang the bell and there were tears and hugs.
As for me, I'm just glad it's done.
You may be asking yourself, "what about your blog?"
Well, that's a good question. This blog may evolve into something different and/or educational in the future, but for now, I still have some technicalities (like national exams, applications, and state exams) to go before I'm licensed to practice massage. I plan on sharing these adventures through my blog.
Tomorrow night is the graduation ceremony in which the graduates from October until now will walk across the stage and share the accomplishment. WGH and I will be in attendance and I get to walk across the stage. After the ceremony and all the formalities, we are going to drive down to the Eastern Shore for the weekend and enjoy Pork in the Park on Saturday and I'll get a chance to visit with some friends and family on the shore.
Stay tuned for further adventures!
After studying during my breaks from the J-O-B today and having WGH help me study on the way to school, I felt pretty confident going into my final final exam.
I have to admit, though, because of all the activity after the exam, I didn't really get to check what my grade was on the exam. But I am confident that I did well.
I added up all of my other points from class and figured that even if I got 16 points off my final, I would still get an "A" in the class. Since I was so confident in my answers on the exam, there was no way I was getting 16 points off.
With all that being said, that means that I have finished my massage school program with a 4.0 GPA.
After all of the exams were graded, we finally got to ring the bell! Prior to actually ringing the bell, we got a chance to say a few words. Some talked of how much they have grown to love each of our classmates, how much fun we have had, and how close we have gotten. Others shared a few "inside jokes" or phrases that only our class would understand and we all enjoyed that.
I took a Dale Carnegie course a few years ago in Human Relations and Public Speaking, so I would have felt remiss if I had just said something short, so I had a State of the Stacy speech. LOL!
In the end, we all rang the bell and there were tears and hugs.
As for me, I'm just glad it's done.
You may be asking yourself, "what about your blog?"
Well, that's a good question. This blog may evolve into something different and/or educational in the future, but for now, I still have some technicalities (like national exams, applications, and state exams) to go before I'm licensed to practice massage. I plan on sharing these adventures through my blog.
Tomorrow night is the graduation ceremony in which the graduates from October until now will walk across the stage and share the accomplishment. WGH and I will be in attendance and I get to walk across the stage. After the ceremony and all the formalities, we are going to drive down to the Eastern Shore for the weekend and enjoy Pork in the Park on Saturday and I'll get a chance to visit with some friends and family on the shore.
Stay tuned for further adventures!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 197 - Sitting On My Hands (Tomorrow - OMG!)
This evening we had the first of our last two final exams - in Sports Massage. First, of course, we had the written final (97/100) and then we took the hands-on portion (98/100).
When I finished the written portion, I knew I had about an hour before I had to be back for the hands-on portion. I took advantage of the time to go fill up the gas tank on the car and got a chance to see one of my buddies at the gas station. In the year I've been going to the school, I have become friendly with a couple of the guys at the station - mostly because one of the guys started teasing me that they don't give out change. I guess I have that "mess with me" face.
Anyway, when I broke the news to my buddy that tonight was my last night of coming by, he took my hands in his across the counter and told me he'd miss me. So sweet. And I'll miss him, too.
I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things about the school, but the drive there - not so much.
On another note, while I was at the J-O-B today, my co-worker noticed how antsy and sassy I was. Wait until tomorrow! I'll definitely be bouncing off the walls!
When I finished the written portion, I knew I had about an hour before I had to be back for the hands-on portion. I took advantage of the time to go fill up the gas tank on the car and got a chance to see one of my buddies at the gas station. In the year I've been going to the school, I have become friendly with a couple of the guys at the station - mostly because one of the guys started teasing me that they don't give out change. I guess I have that "mess with me" face.
Anyway, when I broke the news to my buddy that tonight was my last night of coming by, he took my hands in his across the counter and told me he'd miss me. So sweet. And I'll miss him, too.
I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things about the school, but the drive there - not so much.
On another note, while I was at the J-O-B today, my co-worker noticed how antsy and sassy I was. Wait until tomorrow! I'll definitely be bouncing off the walls!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 196 - See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Smell No Evil???
(One Day Left - Well, Two...Something Like That)
Since TPTB got our curriculum fouled up last year, we (the graduating students) got separated out from the newbies and we got to learn about the "special senses" such as Eye, Ear, and Nose.The eye information seemed very familiar to me, so it seemed like a review, but when we got to the ear, I was quite fascinated by how it all works. One of my friends lost her hearing in her adult life and has since had a cochlear implant activated. Now, I can understand what the cochlear implant does, in a rudimentary way, anyway.
It simulates the cochlear part of the inner ear to send the signal to the brain to interpret sound.
Amazing! Rudimentary, but amazing nonetheless!
The inner ear is also the responsible party for maintaining balance and equilibrium. It would make sense, then, that if somebody becomes deaf because of damage to their inner ear, their balance may be thrown off, too.
We also learned a little about the nose and the olfactory sense (sense of smell). The olfactory nerves are found on the ceiling of the nasal cavity and rather than having surrounding tissue, they are out in the open, so to speak.
That made me realize why I felt like my brain was burning when I tried to use the neti-pot with a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide instead of saline solution. All those nerves got the brunt of the hydrogen peroxide.
Poor babies.
At the end of the lecture, we ended up taking a quiz (10/10) on the information we had just studied. I like that way. Learn it and take the quiz.
As for the next two days, well, what more can be said? Two finals, ring the bell, walk across the stage, and I'm outta there!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 195 - Gettin' My Sports On (2 Days Left, According to Google Countdown)
Over the weekend, I had the priviledge to be invited to give chair massages (back, neck, shoulders) at a fundraising event for short-term missionaries going to Honduras this summer. Which means that I actually bought a massage chair that I found on craigslist! WGH and I went on Saturday to pick it up in Alexandria, VA, which is basically a whole other world.
A world where people don't really believe in turn signals.

Even better is that my lovely seester gave me the ducketts as a graduation gift to get it!
Which this also means that once I'm licensed, I will basically have all I need to do "mobile massages" as well as having some clients come to my house or me go to theirs for regular massages.
It's exciting to see this starting to come together!
Back to class from tonight. We studied more about sports massage, got a demo, and practiced. There isn't much else to say except that half of my class, including me, the ones who are graduating this week, seem somewhat disinterested. We're doing what we have to do to get through this week and looking forward to not having to go to school this time next week.
Here's to three more classes left.
A world where people don't really believe in turn signals.

Even better is that my lovely seester gave me the ducketts as a graduation gift to get it!
Which this also means that once I'm licensed, I will basically have all I need to do "mobile massages" as well as having some clients come to my house or me go to theirs for regular massages.
It's exciting to see this starting to come together!
Back to class from tonight. We studied more about sports massage, got a demo, and practiced. There isn't much else to say except that half of my class, including me, the ones who are graduating this week, seem somewhat disinterested. We're doing what we have to do to get through this week and looking forward to not having to go to school this time next week.
Here's to three more classes left.
massage chair,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 194 - Much Ado About Nothing (6 Days Left)
Because of the school's change in curriculum about six months ago, aside from a quiz (9/10), tonight's class was a waste of time for me and makes me wonder why I trudged out of the house to drive 41 miles only to have to drive back.
TPTB decided to change up the curriculum half-way through our program, add newbies to our class and then not give us all the information we need AND repeat information we've already had. We noticed this the first night we got our syllabus for this class. Several students have been working to get everything straightened out with administration and get us the information we need - the stuff that wasn't on the syllabus and hadn't been covered any other time during our program.
Tonight we were supposed to have the quiz, then my original class was to separate out and go get a lecture and information on the other stuff. However, the instructor scheduled to teach us ended up getting sick and after we took the quiz, we sat in the student break room for a good hour and a half and talked or whatever. After that, we rejoined the class and "listened" to the lecture on the cardiovascular system - which we had at least six months ago. I ended up organizing some of my papers in my notebook and touching up the color on my name badge.
As I've said, other than the quiz (which I could have made up on Monday or Tuesday) and chatting with my classmates and teachers, tonight's class was a total waste.
TPTB decided to change up the curriculum half-way through our program, add newbies to our class and then not give us all the information we need AND repeat information we've already had. We noticed this the first night we got our syllabus for this class. Several students have been working to get everything straightened out with administration and get us the information we need - the stuff that wasn't on the syllabus and hadn't been covered any other time during our program.
Tonight we were supposed to have the quiz, then my original class was to separate out and go get a lecture and information on the other stuff. However, the instructor scheduled to teach us ended up getting sick and after we took the quiz, we sat in the student break room for a good hour and a half and talked or whatever. After that, we rejoined the class and "listened" to the lecture on the cardiovascular system - which we had at least six months ago. I ended up organizing some of my papers in my notebook and touching up the color on my name badge.
As I've said, other than the quiz (which I could have made up on Monday or Tuesday) and chatting with my classmates and teachers, tonight's class was a total waste.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 193 - Workin' Out (7 Days Left)
With taking the sports massage class, it reminds me that I will need to start working out soon - after I'm done with classes, I need to start taking off the extra weight I've put on in the last year (or so). I think that when I do start working out, some sports massage knowledge will come in very handy.
In tonight's class, we concentrated on post-event massage, which is done to relax the athlete as well as help in recovering quickly. It includes a nice mixture of strokes and stretching.
During the stretching portion, I was a little concerned with the decision to have black-eyed peas for dinner and any - uh - reactions I may have. But everything was All Good.
As for the deliberations about sports massage and whether or not I liked it, I think I do, but it's not one of my favorite modalities. Maybe once I get more practice at it.
In the few minutes in between the J-O-B and having to leave for class this evening, I was able to find a portable massage chair, brand new, and at really good price on craigslist. I have plans to pick it up on Saturday and am very excited about my find.
The other thing I also figured out is that between the first day of school last year (4/19) and the last day of school this year (4/14), I will have travelled over 17,000 miles.
Since once I'm done I'll be saving money on gas, I plan on putting that money toward my student loan, since I'm used to it going out the window anyway. It won't be like I'll miss it.
It seems like things are workin' out like they're supposed to.
In tonight's class, we concentrated on post-event massage, which is done to relax the athlete as well as help in recovering quickly. It includes a nice mixture of strokes and stretching.
During the stretching portion, I was a little concerned with the decision to have black-eyed peas for dinner and any - uh - reactions I may have. But everything was All Good.
As for the deliberations about sports massage and whether or not I liked it, I think I do, but it's not one of my favorite modalities. Maybe once I get more practice at it.
In the few minutes in between the J-O-B and having to leave for class this evening, I was able to find a portable massage chair, brand new, and at really good price on craigslist. I have plans to pick it up on Saturday and am very excited about my find.
The other thing I also figured out is that between the first day of school last year (4/19) and the last day of school this year (4/14), I will have travelled over 17,000 miles.
Since once I'm done I'll be saving money on gas, I plan on putting that money toward my student loan, since I'm used to it going out the window anyway. It won't be like I'll miss it.
It seems like things are workin' out like they're supposed to.
portable massage chair,
sports massage,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 192 - Mechanical (8 Days Left)
A couple weekends ago, it was time to change the toilet seat. Exciting, right?
Upon attempting to remove the nut from the bottom of the seat, I found it was extremely tight - I couldn't even budge it with just my fingers. I had to go to my handy-dandy tool box and get my pliers, which ended up working just fine.
In tonight's anatomy class, we studied the reason why the pliers worked when just my fingers didn't: it all had to do with the lever system. We studied the differences between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class levers and how they relate to every day life and also to the body, specifically muscles and bones. We even did a little math, learning the formula for figuring out force needed to be effective in each lever class.
I actually enjoyed it, once I started understanding what we were talking about. I sometimes wonder if I'm mechanically inclined. But then I think about all the grease on the car and how dirty I would get and decide that, no, I'm not mechanically inclined.
Upon attempting to remove the nut from the bottom of the seat, I found it was extremely tight - I couldn't even budge it with just my fingers. I had to go to my handy-dandy tool box and get my pliers, which ended up working just fine.
In tonight's anatomy class, we studied the reason why the pliers worked when just my fingers didn't: it all had to do with the lever system. We studied the differences between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class levers and how they relate to every day life and also to the body, specifically muscles and bones. We even did a little math, learning the formula for figuring out force needed to be effective in each lever class.
I actually enjoyed it, once I started understanding what we were talking about. I sometimes wonder if I'm mechanically inclined. But then I think about all the grease on the car and how dirty I would get and decide that, no, I'm not mechanically inclined.
I would like to add an addendum to last night's post.
When I started sports massage class, the instructor was showing us how to get up on the table and stretch the client/receiver and most of the classmates practiced it. I was totally not comfortable even trying that - getting up on the table to stretch the client. I was even saying that it's one of my boundaries that I didn't want to cross.
Last night, however, I figured, what the heck - I got up there, stretched my clients, and got back down again. I did it a couple times, but the first time was rather freaky.
I think I had a breakthrough!
When I started sports massage class, the instructor was showing us how to get up on the table and stretch the client/receiver and most of the classmates practiced it. I was totally not comfortable even trying that - getting up on the table to stretch the client. I was even saying that it's one of my boundaries that I didn't want to cross.
Last night, however, I figured, what the heck - I got up there, stretched my clients, and got back down again. I did it a couple times, but the first time was rather freaky.
I think I had a breakthrough!
Russian Sports Massage,
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day 191 - Energizing (9 Days Left - Yes, I Can Count The Days Left on Two Hands!)
After a weekend, it's pretty difficult to get back into the swing of thing and back to the regular grind on Monday. Today was no exception. After a nice weekend of visiting with friends, going to church, and doing my weekend thing, today was pretty tough. I know my head nodded a couple times at the J-O-B.
On the way to school on I-70 close to I-695, three dudes on the racing motorcycles, commonly known as crotch rockets, flew by me going about 100 MPH and then weaving in and out of traffic to get ahead. Once I got onto the beltway (aka the 695hundred), a mile or so down the road, traffic seemed to stop and there was obviously an accident that had just happened and they were in the process of calling emergency personnel and such. One of the dudes on one of the racing bikes was off his bike and walking over toward the scene of the accident. I saw his buddies about a half mile down the road.
From the looks of it, I think the bikes were somehow part of the cause of the accident, even if they weren't directly involved.
Why do people feel the need to act like idiots and put themselves and others in danger like that in high volume traffic? Ugh!
After I got to school and we began the lecture, along with the class with which we had been combined (I'll save my sarcastic comments), I forgot about that incident and then focused on the task at hand: sports massage. We learned more techniques for stretching and strokes that are more specific to sports.
Pre-event sports massage is meant to be invigorating and stimulating to the recipient to prepare them for their sporting event. However, if you're taking a massage program in night school, it's somewhat annoying to be invigorated at 9:00 pm - a time when most people are starting to really wind down and prepare for going to bed.
Usually when I get home from class, I have to wind down anyway, but after the sports class, I really have to work on winding down. At least I didn't have to worry too much about falling asleep on the drive home.
On the way to school on I-70 close to I-695, three dudes on the racing motorcycles, commonly known as crotch rockets, flew by me going about 100 MPH and then weaving in and out of traffic to get ahead. Once I got onto the beltway (aka the 695hundred), a mile or so down the road, traffic seemed to stop and there was obviously an accident that had just happened and they were in the process of calling emergency personnel and such. One of the dudes on one of the racing bikes was off his bike and walking over toward the scene of the accident. I saw his buddies about a half mile down the road.
From the looks of it, I think the bikes were somehow part of the cause of the accident, even if they weren't directly involved.
Why do people feel the need to act like idiots and put themselves and others in danger like that in high volume traffic? Ugh!
After I got to school and we began the lecture, along with the class with which we had been combined (I'll save my sarcastic comments), I forgot about that incident and then focused on the task at hand: sports massage. We learned more techniques for stretching and strokes that are more specific to sports.
Pre-event sports massage is meant to be invigorating and stimulating to the recipient to prepare them for their sporting event. However, if you're taking a massage program in night school, it's somewhat annoying to be invigorated at 9:00 pm - a time when most people are starting to really wind down and prepare for going to bed.
Usually when I get home from class, I have to wind down anyway, but after the sports class, I really have to work on winding down. At least I didn't have to worry too much about falling asleep on the drive home.
crotch rockets,
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 190 - Was A Nice Reprieve (13 Days Left)
Last night's sports massage class was a nice reprieve from the constant barrage of anatomy. However, we had to get back to it tonight. We took a quiz on the muscles and bones of the lower leg (8/10) and then learned the muscles of the foot.
However, I needed a mental break and decided to leave early. So I am at home at a time when I would normally still be in class. Since I'm mentally breaking, I'm going to cut this blog post short and say goodnight.
Good night.
However, I needed a mental break and decided to leave early. So I am at home at a time when I would normally still be in class. Since I'm mentally breaking, I'm going to cut this blog post short and say goodnight.
Good night.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 189 - Sports Stretching (14 Days Left)
We had a lovely break from anatomy for our sports massage class tonight. After an hour of lecture about sports massage, its history and benefits and that sort of stuff, we got to see a demo of more stretches to do with our clients. Then we got to practice it ourselves. As far as I'm concerned this may be my least favorite modality, but the jury is still out on that. They may have to order pizza for these deliberations.
Because we're doing stretches and there are so many stretches to do, it's hard to remember them all, so that is somewhat frustrating as the practioner. However, as the receiver, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Once again, because I sit all day in basically the same position, it's really great to have muscles moved around into different positions.
So, we'll see what the next three classes offer about this sports massage thing.
Now, on to more interesting stuff. This whole program is part of the requirements for being a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of Maryland. The other requirements are passing a written national exam and a Maryland State jurisprudence exam. In addition, it's best to carry liability insurance through one of the national massage associations. Needless to say, studying for all these quizzes and exams doesn't stop once I get my certificate from the school. I still have a good couple weeks to a month or so of studying for the national exam.

This past weekend, I joined the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), and tonight, I submitted my application to take the national exam through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB), along with my check for the exam fee.

With those two items down, I feel like I am right on track to where I want and need to be with working toward becoming fully licensed.
When I think about the period of time immediately following my graduation from this program, the only word I can describe that time is "detox." After living, breathing, and studying massage, anatomy, pathology, business, and the like, I will almost need to purge my system of all of that for a week or so afterward.
Because we're doing stretches and there are so many stretches to do, it's hard to remember them all, so that is somewhat frustrating as the practioner. However, as the receiver, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Once again, because I sit all day in basically the same position, it's really great to have muscles moved around into different positions.
So, we'll see what the next three classes offer about this sports massage thing.
Now, on to more interesting stuff. This whole program is part of the requirements for being a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of Maryland. The other requirements are passing a written national exam and a Maryland State jurisprudence exam. In addition, it's best to carry liability insurance through one of the national massage associations. Needless to say, studying for all these quizzes and exams doesn't stop once I get my certificate from the school. I still have a good couple weeks to a month or so of studying for the national exam.

This past weekend, I joined the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), and tonight, I submitted my application to take the national exam through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB), along with my check for the exam fee.

With those two items down, I feel like I am right on track to where I want and need to be with working toward becoming fully licensed.
When I think about the period of time immediately following my graduation from this program, the only word I can describe that time is "detox." After living, breathing, and studying massage, anatomy, pathology, business, and the like, I will almost need to purge my system of all of that for a week or so afterward.
national exam,
sports massage,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 188 - Popliteal Goes the Weasel (15 Days Left)
Another day, another anatomy class, another quiz (9/10), another set of muscles to learn. Now we learn the anterior and posterior muscles of the lower leg.
English translation: calf muscles and stuff.
Not much else to report from class.
From the "life" side of things, after a week of it being in the shop, we finally got the commuter car back. It still has issues that we will address with our new mechanic.
English translation: calf muscles and stuff.
Not much else to report from class.
From the "life" side of things, after a week of it being in the shop, we finally got the commuter car back. It still has issues that we will address with our new mechanic.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 187 - Vastus Lottastuffus (16 Days Left)
After a glorious weekend of doing next-to-nothing, I had to face Monday with the verve and vigor of a basset hound with a carrot.
After working at the oh-so-exciting J-O-B, I went to school early and had my exit interview with the Career Services department, which means that I basically filled out some paperwork, signed it, and then went to class.
In anatomy class, we reviewed for our quiz, took it (10/10), and then learned more about the thigh muscles, commonly known as the quadriceps and the hamstrings, except they have really cool names like Vastus Lateralis and Biceps Femoris and others.
Have I mentioned there's a lot to learn?
Well - another quiz tomorrow night. Vastus Studyus.
After working at the oh-so-exciting J-O-B, I went to school early and had my exit interview with the Career Services department, which means that I basically filled out some paperwork, signed it, and then went to class.
In anatomy class, we reviewed for our quiz, took it (10/10), and then learned more about the thigh muscles, commonly known as the quadriceps and the hamstrings, except they have really cool names like Vastus Lateralis and Biceps Femoris and others.
Have I mentioned there's a lot to learn?
Well - another quiz tomorrow night. Vastus Studyus.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 186 - Immersion (20 Days Left)
A little over 11 years ago, I was baptized by my Southern Baptist pastor, which means that I was fully immersed in the water, as that's what Baptists do.

When he pulled me up out of the water, there wasn't any part of me that was dry.
When somebody goes to a foreign country where they speak a different language, the visitor is immersed in the language and picks up at least a few new phrases in a new language. They don't have much choice if they want to eat, sleep, or go to the restroom.
This week, having anatomy three days in a row, I feel like I've been immersed in the anatomy of the lower limbs. The newbies don't have much choice other than to pick up something from this experience!
I suppose this whole program is like an immersion into massage, too.
We had a quiz tonight (10/10) and lecture.

When he pulled me up out of the water, there wasn't any part of me that was dry.
When somebody goes to a foreign country where they speak a different language, the visitor is immersed in the language and picks up at least a few new phrases in a new language. They don't have much choice if they want to eat, sleep, or go to the restroom.
This week, having anatomy three days in a row, I feel like I've been immersed in the anatomy of the lower limbs. The newbies don't have much choice other than to pick up something from this experience!
I suppose this whole program is like an immersion into massage, too.
We had a quiz tonight (10/10) and lecture.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 185 - Can I Get a Cawfie? (21 Days Left)
In anatomy class tonight, we studied the deep hip rotator muscles and the gluteal muscles. We got to learn about piriformis, which can cause sciatic pain, quadratus femoris, and the tensor fasciae latae, which I kinda thought was something I could order at Starbucks.
We discussed about eight - or so - muscles, where they start, where they end, and what they do - all of which we will need to know for quizzes, the final exam, and probably the national exam, too. It's a good thing I found a geeky website called www.getbodysmart.com that has all the anatomy I ever wanted to know - and then some.
I feel badly for the newbies. They have all sorts of anatomical terms being thrown at them, superior, ventral, dorsal, and the like. All the while, they're having to learn the boney landmarks and muscles just like we are. I look at the newbies and think to myself, "Whew! I'm glad I'm almost done and not in their shoes!"
The class that graduated when we started probably thought the same thing about us.

I feel badly for the newbies. They have all sorts of anatomical terms being thrown at them, superior, ventral, dorsal, and the like. All the while, they're having to learn the boney landmarks and muscles just like we are. I look at the newbies and think to myself, "Whew! I'm glad I'm almost done and not in their shoes!"
The class that graduated when we started probably thought the same thing about us.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 184 - Life Goes On (22 Days Left)
Sun comes up sun goes downDuring the last 11 months I have been trudging away at learning massage and all the things that go with it, like Professional Development, Anatomy, and Pathology, life has gone on around me, just like the Little Texas' song says.
This ol' world keeps spinnin' around
Not much has changed since you been gone
I miss you honey but life goes on
- Little Texas*
I have tried my best to deal with things as they have come up, but it's definitely put a strain on everything: relationships, finances, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Not to mention the dust bunny army that's been able to amass itself behind the bed, under the couch, and in the dark corners.
Today, we took the commuter car back to the shop to see if he can fix the problem it's had since we took it to him last time. Of course, the price of gas has gone up significantly, so there's more choking the wallet to put gas in the cars to make it to and from work and/or school for both WGH and me. I hope we can get the commuter car back really quickly - and that it works well.
I hate sounding like I'm complaining because I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and right now, the tunnel has nine more days of anatomy and five more days of sports massage.
Interestingly enough, I can see why we are studying the anatomy of the lower limb while taking sports massage. What we're learning in anatomy will help us in learning sports, seeing as how the lower limb is pretty important in sports.
In tonight's anatomy class, we had a big surprise: we didn't have the instructor we thought we were going to have. (sarcasm) I will say, though, that it looks like our stand-in instructor, who will be with us for the duration, will do a fine job in teaching us what we need to know.
A nice result of all the pretzel stretching we did last night in sports: my legs were stronger today and I didn't feel as much like a little ol' lady when I got up from my chair.
*I may be a little biased toward them, since one of my many cousins was the lead singer
Little Texas,
sports massage,
Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 183 - Go With the Flow (23 Days Left)
In my time at this school, I have learned the meaning of the term "SNAFU," which is an acronym that basically means that things go wrong all the time.
I had an exit interview scheduled for 6:30 this evening with Career Services, meaning that about as soon as I got home from the J-O-B, I had to be on the road to get to the appointment on time. When I arrived a few minutes early, however, I was asked to reschedule my appointment for next Monday and they would be ready for me then. Knowing that I had a couple other exit interviews to take care of, I went to the front desk to see about getting those scheduled. I pretty much went right away to the financial aid office and took care of that, so at least all wasn't lost. I was also able to see the head of student services and she said everything looks good for me there, too.
After all that, come to find out, instead of having Anatomy class like was on the schedule given to us, we had Sports Massage instead.
That's like preparing to go to work and sit at a desk all day and then be told that you're working on the factory line instead. Needless to say, many classmates were frustrated - and it seemed the staff was frustrated as well.
If nothing else, being at this school has taught us to be flexible and go with the flow.
As far as class, in Sports Massage, we learned about why it's important to know this modality and how it differs from other forms of massage. We watched the instructor demo the stretches we learned tonight on the TA and then we got to try it out ourselves. The stretches looked pretty intense and our TA looked a bit like a pretzel during some of the moves the instructor was using.
Right now, I am pretty much in a sitting position for over 16 hours a day, between the J-O-B, the drive to school, and being in school. I have been trying to get outside and walk during breaks and such, but it's still minimal compared to how active I should be.
For this reason, I thought for sure that I would be screaming in pain most of the time during the stretches on the lower limbs and back, but they felt really good and it seemed that I was able to move a little better afterward.
We'll see how I feel tomorrow.
I had an exit interview scheduled for 6:30 this evening with Career Services, meaning that about as soon as I got home from the J-O-B, I had to be on the road to get to the appointment on time. When I arrived a few minutes early, however, I was asked to reschedule my appointment for next Monday and they would be ready for me then. Knowing that I had a couple other exit interviews to take care of, I went to the front desk to see about getting those scheduled. I pretty much went right away to the financial aid office and took care of that, so at least all wasn't lost. I was also able to see the head of student services and she said everything looks good for me there, too.
After all that, come to find out, instead of having Anatomy class like was on the schedule given to us, we had Sports Massage instead.
That's like preparing to go to work and sit at a desk all day and then be told that you're working on the factory line instead. Needless to say, many classmates were frustrated - and it seemed the staff was frustrated as well.
If nothing else, being at this school has taught us to be flexible and go with the flow.
As far as class, in Sports Massage, we learned about why it's important to know this modality and how it differs from other forms of massage. We watched the instructor demo the stretches we learned tonight on the TA and then we got to try it out ourselves. The stretches looked pretty intense and our TA looked a bit like a pretzel during some of the moves the instructor was using.
Right now, I am pretty much in a sitting position for over 16 hours a day, between the J-O-B, the drive to school, and being in school. I have been trying to get outside and walk during breaks and such, but it's still minimal compared to how active I should be.
For this reason, I thought for sure that I would be screaming in pain most of the time during the stretches on the lower limbs and back, but they felt really good and it seemed that I was able to move a little better afterward.
We'll see how I feel tomorrow.
exit interview,
sports massage
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Day 182 - Numbers Game (27 Days Left)
My dad was a scholarly type. He enjoyed reading "It Pays to Enrich Your Word Power" in the Readers Digest. He also revealed to the family one night, "I like words."
Well, I guess I am a lot like him. I like words, and I even like random numbers sometimes.
Let me share some important numbers tonight with you.
4 - Times my stomach growled during the massage I got during the final exam
5 - Cough drops I consumed tonight during class due to dry classrooms and a stupid tickle in my throat
6 - Core classes I have completed
8 - Number of hours I spend at the J-O-B
11 - Newbies in my class
14 - Minutes it takes to get to my J-O-B
16 - More times I have to go to Linthicum and back to finish school
17 - Saturdays I went to student clinic
27 - More calendar days until I finish school
35 - Miles to the gallon the Commuter Car gets
40 - Minutes it takes to get to school
70 - the average speed I traveled to get to and from school on I-70
97 - Percent I got on the Core Hands-on Final tonight
4.0 - My GPA
$3.57 - The average price of a gallon of regular gas
12:00 am - The time I set as my goal for going to bed after class
7:00 am - The time I wake up for the J-O-B
With all that being said, Good night.
Well, I guess I am a lot like him. I like words, and I even like random numbers sometimes.
Let me share some important numbers tonight with you.
4 - Times my stomach growled during the massage I got during the final exam
5 - Cough drops I consumed tonight during class due to dry classrooms and a stupid tickle in my throat
6 - Core classes I have completed
8 - Number of hours I spend at the J-O-B
11 - Newbies in my class
14 - Minutes it takes to get to my J-O-B
16 - More times I have to go to Linthicum and back to finish school
17 - Saturdays I went to student clinic
27 - More calendar days until I finish school
35 - Miles to the gallon the Commuter Car gets
40 - Minutes it takes to get to school
70 - the average speed I traveled to get to and from school on I-70
97 - Percent I got on the Core Hands-on Final tonight
4.0 - My GPA
$3.57 - The average price of a gallon of regular gas
12:00 am - The time I set as my goal for going to bed after class
7:00 am - The time I wake up for the J-O-B
With all that being said, Good night.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Day 181 - Draping to the Max (28 Days Left)
In the 80's, when I was in my formative years, there was a teen slang language known as "Valley Girl," which I believe came from debutantes in the San Fernando valley. One of the terms used during that time was "-adjective- to the max!" For example, "Grody to the max!"
Grody meant gross or dirty, usually.
Tonight, during Core class, we learned how to drape our client's gluteus muscles. I think I've talked about draping before, but it's basically using the sheet to uncover the body part to be massaged. We had gone over this about six months ago, but it's something that needs to be practiced in case one of our clients wants some glute work done without the sheet over top the glutes.
Plus, what other way would be more perfect to get newbies over any uncomfortability issues they have?
As I worked with a newbie tonight, I had him on the table first and he enjoyed the session I did with him. I also noticed that as he was the practitioner, he tried to emulate some of the strokes and moves I used. He's learning quickly that if you see or feel a stroke or move you like as a massage therapist, you steal it and use it on your own clients.
Now, about DS. He reminds me of my dad, especially since my dad was a MP in the Army and then later a police officer, I can really relate to DS. I have to refrain myself from calling him "Dad" on occasion. He tough and demands professionalism but on another side he seems like a gentle soul.
It makes me miss my dad all the more. It's been almost two years since he passed away, but that's another subject for another blog, especially since his death was one of the catalysts for me ending up in massage school.
I just realized, I never did share about my last day in student clinic. I thought it was going to be an easy peasy day and have WGH as my last client. But it didn't work out that way. I ended up having four clients, with three repeats and one new one. One of the repeats was WGH and the other two had requested me and they were from the previous week! My new client also had some health issues and I was familiar with that particular health issue and knew the kind of questions to ask to make sure that she had a safe and therapeutic massage session.
I think it was one of the best clinic days I had, actually. Besides the fact it was my last one.
Grody meant gross or dirty, usually.
Tonight, during Core class, we learned how to drape our client's gluteus muscles. I think I've talked about draping before, but it's basically using the sheet to uncover the body part to be massaged. We had gone over this about six months ago, but it's something that needs to be practiced in case one of our clients wants some glute work done without the sheet over top the glutes.
Plus, what other way would be more perfect to get newbies over any uncomfortability issues they have?
As I worked with a newbie tonight, I had him on the table first and he enjoyed the session I did with him. I also noticed that as he was the practitioner, he tried to emulate some of the strokes and moves I used. He's learning quickly that if you see or feel a stroke or move you like as a massage therapist, you steal it and use it on your own clients.
Now, about DS. He reminds me of my dad, especially since my dad was a MP in the Army and then later a police officer, I can really relate to DS. I have to refrain myself from calling him "Dad" on occasion. He tough and demands professionalism but on another side he seems like a gentle soul.
It makes me miss my dad all the more. It's been almost two years since he passed away, but that's another subject for another blog, especially since his death was one of the catalysts for me ending up in massage school.
I just realized, I never did share about my last day in student clinic. I thought it was going to be an easy peasy day and have WGH as my last client. But it didn't work out that way. I ended up having four clients, with three repeats and one new one. One of the repeats was WGH and the other two had requested me and they were from the previous week! My new client also had some health issues and I was familiar with that particular health issue and knew the kind of questions to ask to make sure that she had a safe and therapeutic massage session.
I think it was one of the best clinic days I had, actually. Besides the fact it was my last one.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 180 - Makin' Lemonade (29 Days Left)
They (whoever "they" are) say that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Well, since I wasn't exactly thrilled with having newbies start in our class last night, I have realized that it's time to make lemonade in the figurative sense.
Since they have so much to learn, when we need to partner up with somebody, I'll more than likely pick a newbie. Call it "paying it forward."
I also have to say that DS (Drill Sergeant) wasn't as drill-sergeant-like tonight. He had a lot of material to cover and got through it. However, our breaks seemed rushed as we were getting tables dressed and getting on the tables and just a bit of chaos until things settled down. Oh well. We'll survive.
My newbie partner tonight took it all in. I could tell she was really trying to pay attention to the flow and techniques I used and then tried repeating them when it was her turn as practitioner. I think she'll be a fine massage therapist.
Since they have so much to learn, when we need to partner up with somebody, I'll more than likely pick a newbie. Call it "paying it forward."
I also have to say that DS (Drill Sergeant) wasn't as drill-sergeant-like tonight. He had a lot of material to cover and got through it. However, our breaks seemed rushed as we were getting tables dressed and getting on the tables and just a bit of chaos until things settled down. Oh well. We'll survive.
My newbie partner tonight took it all in. I could tell she was really trying to pay attention to the flow and techniques I used and then tried repeating them when it was her turn as practitioner. I think she'll be a fine massage therapist.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Day 179 - Newbie Central (30 Days Left)
The evening I started school last year, we were marched into a room of an established class who had already had one five week session consisting of a Core class, an anatomy class, and a sports massage class. Last week, the remaining students from that established group finished their program and are ready to graduate.
Tonight, after being in the program for 11 months, we had about 11 newbies begin the program in our class. They had about the same look on their faces that we had on ours last year - stunned. Wondering what just hit them.
For the next five weeks, we'll have the three classes mentioned together and then about 20 or so of us will graduate, leaving the 11 newbies alone.
Actually, they will probably have a new class start with them after we're no longer there. I guess that's the way it works.
I found myself wanting to help the newbies tonight...teaching them the ways of the force. I mean...uh...basic massage. (I was watching Star Wars last night)

We had Core class tonight with our instructor, the Drill Sergeant (DS) - whom we haven't seen for awhile. It was like throwing the newbies to the wolves. They had to sit through a couple hours of learning some real basics (hearing the same stuff again for us - ugh!) through lecture and then a brief demo, and then actual hands-on stuff. DS had the "senior" classmates partner up with the "junior" classmates to facilitate quicker learning for them.
My partner was very complimentary saying that I'll be a great massage therapist. (like I didn't know that - wiggles eyebrows) But then, it's her first night.
Those poor newbies. Do they really know what they've gotten themselves into?
Tonight, after being in the program for 11 months, we had about 11 newbies begin the program in our class. They had about the same look on their faces that we had on ours last year - stunned. Wondering what just hit them.
For the next five weeks, we'll have the three classes mentioned together and then about 20 or so of us will graduate, leaving the 11 newbies alone.
Actually, they will probably have a new class start with them after we're no longer there. I guess that's the way it works.
I found myself wanting to help the newbies tonight...teaching them the ways of the force. I mean...uh...basic massage. (I was watching Star Wars last night)
We had Core class tonight with our instructor, the Drill Sergeant (DS) - whom we haven't seen for awhile. It was like throwing the newbies to the wolves. They had to sit through a couple hours of learning some real basics (hearing the same stuff again for us - ugh!) through lecture and then a brief demo, and then actual hands-on stuff. DS had the "senior" classmates partner up with the "junior" classmates to facilitate quicker learning for them.
My partner was very complimentary saying that I'll be a great massage therapist. (like I didn't know that - wiggles eyebrows) But then, it's her first night.
Those poor newbies. Do they really know what they've gotten themselves into?
Core class,
Drill Sergeant,
Star Wars
Friday, March 11, 2011
Group Interview
I realized after I posted last night that I forgot to talk about the practice job interview for class. Normally, when going for an interview, you meet with one person, say, HR, then if they feel you're a good candidate, you go on to the next round, meeting with a manager or director or something similar. Another thing that may happen, such as when I interviewed for my current J-O-B, you have one interview with a panel of people: HR, managers, maybe a director, your immediate supervisor.
Last night, I got to experience a "group interview" in which there were three candidates and one interviewer. This tactic may be used for any position, I suppose, but it's apparently quite popular for sales positions, to see how the candidates interact, who's competitive, and that sort of thing.
The three of us in this mock interview were all classmates, so we were familiar with each other, but in a normal situation, they would be strangers, obviously. Each of us had a different approach to the interview and reasons why we should be "hired for the job."
Interestingly enough, when one of the other "candidates" would answer a question, I wanted to ask a follow-up question. I don't know exactly what that says about me, but oh well.
I'm glad to have experienced that just in case I am in a group interview situation, at least I won't be totally caught by surprise.
Last night, I got to experience a "group interview" in which there were three candidates and one interviewer. This tactic may be used for any position, I suppose, but it's apparently quite popular for sales positions, to see how the candidates interact, who's competitive, and that sort of thing.
The three of us in this mock interview were all classmates, so we were familiar with each other, but in a normal situation, they would be strangers, obviously. Each of us had a different approach to the interview and reasons why we should be "hired for the job."
Interestingly enough, when one of the other "candidates" would answer a question, I wanted to ask a follow-up question. I don't know exactly what that says about me, but oh well.
I'm glad to have experienced that just in case I am in a group interview situation, at least I won't be totally caught by surprise.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 178 - Ring That Bell! (34 Days Left)
In the school's lobby is a foot tall Asian style bell with a mallot. The first thing people want to do when they walk through the lobby door is ring the bell.
C'mon. It's human nature.
Everybody wants to. I know I wanted to the first time I visited.
That bell is special to every student in the school because on the last day of class, the graduating students get to say a few words and ring the bell.
Exactly five weeks from tonight, I will be doing just that.
However, several in our class got to ring the bell tonight after our practice job interviews for class (basically the only thing class-like that we did*) and our potluck feast to celebrate with the graduates.
Some classmates gave inspirational words, some cried, and some just seemed happy that they can get their lives back after tonight.
I will miss them in our class, and wish them the best in their careers in massage.
*I ended up getting an "A" in Professional Development. Yay!
C'mon. It's human nature.
Everybody wants to. I know I wanted to the first time I visited.
That bell is special to every student in the school because on the last day of class, the graduating students get to say a few words and ring the bell.
Exactly five weeks from tonight, I will be doing just that.

Some classmates gave inspirational words, some cried, and some just seemed happy that they can get their lives back after tonight.
I will miss them in our class, and wish them the best in their careers in massage.
*I ended up getting an "A" in Professional Development. Yay!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day 177 - Plugging Away (35 Days Left)
In Pathology tonight, we took our last quiz and turned in our homework. I ended up getting a 15/15 on the quiz and a 98% overall grade for Pathology, my nemesis class. It's tough, but with some studying, I was able to pull off a pretty high grade. Yay!
After all that got taken care of, there wasn't much else to do, and with the expectation of a pouring rain storm with flash flood watches, I decided to go home early. So, here I sit at home on my couch when I would normally be in class.
It's kinda nice, I gotta say.
On other note, there's something I've been thinking about for the last few days. WGH and I hardly see each other through the week, but I have to give him props because he's so encouraging and helpful to the things I can't do because I'm at school. Also, because he leaves before the crack of dawn and I don't have to leave for another few hours, and then when I get home from school, he's already asleep, our communication through the week is sporadic at best. Sometimes, when he actually reads this blog, he can actually find out what's going on in class and at the J-O-B, since we barely have 15 minutes otherwise.
So I just want to give a shout-out to WGH and say "Thank you" for all the support. Also, I need to thank my sister, who has been available and willing to help out when WGH has needed a ride to drop off a car at the shop - or pick it up. She's also very supportive of this endeavor, despite her initial misgivings.
And to all of you, my friendly readers, all four of you, thank you for your ways of encouraging me and inspiring me to get through this.
Wow...kinda mushy or something tonight.
Back to my usual tomorrow.
After all that got taken care of, there wasn't much else to do, and with the expectation of a pouring rain storm with flash flood watches, I decided to go home early. So, here I sit at home on my couch when I would normally be in class.
It's kinda nice, I gotta say.
On other note, there's something I've been thinking about for the last few days. WGH and I hardly see each other through the week, but I have to give him props because he's so encouraging and helpful to the things I can't do because I'm at school. Also, because he leaves before the crack of dawn and I don't have to leave for another few hours, and then when I get home from school, he's already asleep, our communication through the week is sporadic at best. Sometimes, when he actually reads this blog, he can actually find out what's going on in class and at the J-O-B, since we barely have 15 minutes otherwise.
So I just want to give a shout-out to WGH and say "Thank you" for all the support. Also, I need to thank my sister, who has been available and willing to help out when WGH has needed a ride to drop off a car at the shop - or pick it up. She's also very supportive of this endeavor, despite her initial misgivings.
And to all of you, my friendly readers, all four of you, thank you for your ways of encouraging me and inspiring me to get through this.
Wow...kinda mushy or something tonight.
Back to my usual tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day 176 - Strange Things Are Afoot (36 Days Left)
One of my favorite brain-dead movies (the ones that you watch when you really don't want to think too hard) is Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. One of the best quote from the movie: "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
Working on feet in Reflexology remind me of that quote. Go figure.
We had our final exams tonight, both portions, written (98%) and hands-on (100%). When they allot you 50 minutes for an exam and you're done in approximately 14, you know you did pretty well.
My partner nearly fell asleep during the hands-on portion. Our neighbor on the next table over definitely fell asleep...and snored. Pretty loudly, I might add.
Prior to the class and exam tonight, representatives from Massage Envy were on the premises recruiting for their new locations opening in the DC/Baltimore area, including one in Frederick - the one that will practically be across the street from my current J-O-B that is 14 minutes and three STOP signs from my house.
I have to say, I think I may have to go for this one once I'm licensed. The location can't be beat. Well, I mean, unless it's in the strip shopping center across the street from my neighborhood.
And I got a free plastic cup and pen.
Everybody say, "ooooo ahhhhh..."
Working on feet in Reflexology remind me of that quote. Go figure.
We had our final exams tonight, both portions, written (98%) and hands-on (100%). When they allot you 50 minutes for an exam and you're done in approximately 14, you know you did pretty well.
My partner nearly fell asleep during the hands-on portion. Our neighbor on the next table over definitely fell asleep...and snored. Pretty loudly, I might add.
Prior to the class and exam tonight, representatives from Massage Envy were on the premises recruiting for their new locations opening in the DC/Baltimore area, including one in Frederick - the one that will practically be across the street from my current J-O-B that is 14 minutes and three STOP signs from my house.
I have to say, I think I may have to go for this one once I'm licensed. The location can't be beat. Well, I mean, unless it's in the strip shopping center across the street from my neighborhood.
And I got a free plastic cup and pen.
Everybody say, "ooooo ahhhhh..."
Monday, March 7, 2011
Day 175 - New Tricks (37 Days Left)
I'm sure you're familiar with that cliche saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
I have some thoughts about that.
I am - ahem - middle aged. I have started to do that thing when I'm trying to read something and adjust my arm to the proper length for reading. I bought a pair (or two) of reading glasses at the flea market.
I am ok with this.
Last year, when I embarked on this journey through massage school, once classes started, to say that I was stunned would be pretty accurate. Prior to that, my knowledge of the human body was pretty limited to that song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes." I found that I needed to study quite a bit in order to retain the information. I started getting into a groove and understanding a catching on pretty quickly. I am finding now that I look over the information a few times and I'm good to go.
Is this because exercising the brain makes it more supple and can retain more, or is it because I'm getting familiar with the terminology and subject matter to better retain information?
Or is it a combination of both?
Either way, I'm pretty glad about the retention of information becoming a bit easier than it was in the beginning.
Speaking of information retention, we had a level test for Professional Development class tonight. I won't know what my score was until tomorrow, probably, but I'm pretty confident. We also ended up going over information about taking the national and state exams and their application processes. Quite informative.
Our instructor also gave us some words of wisdom that how we present ourselves at the school is going to potentially impact how we have been perceived and our future prospects in our massage careers. It's true. Just based on what I've seen in the hallways at the school, I don't know that I would want some of the students being my professional massage therapist.
I hope that I present myself in a friendly, if not professional, manner while at the school. I guess only time will tell.
Tomorrow night: Reflexology final exam.
I have some thoughts about that.
I am - ahem - middle aged. I have started to do that thing when I'm trying to read something and adjust my arm to the proper length for reading. I bought a pair (or two) of reading glasses at the flea market.
I am ok with this.
Last year, when I embarked on this journey through massage school, once classes started, to say that I was stunned would be pretty accurate. Prior to that, my knowledge of the human body was pretty limited to that song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes." I found that I needed to study quite a bit in order to retain the information. I started getting into a groove and understanding a catching on pretty quickly. I am finding now that I look over the information a few times and I'm good to go.
Is this because exercising the brain makes it more supple and can retain more, or is it because I'm getting familiar with the terminology and subject matter to better retain information?
Or is it a combination of both?
Either way, I'm pretty glad about the retention of information becoming a bit easier than it was in the beginning.
Speaking of information retention, we had a level test for Professional Development class tonight. I won't know what my score was until tomorrow, probably, but I'm pretty confident. We also ended up going over information about taking the national and state exams and their application processes. Quite informative.
Our instructor also gave us some words of wisdom that how we present ourselves at the school is going to potentially impact how we have been perceived and our future prospects in our massage careers. It's true. Just based on what I've seen in the hallways at the school, I don't know that I would want some of the students being my professional massage therapist.
I hope that I present myself in a friendly, if not professional, manner while at the school. I guess only time will tell.
Tomorrow night: Reflexology final exam.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Day 174 - Visitors (41 Days Left)
Tonight during breaks from classes, a local massage business came in to recruit and/or educate students about their business. They are a franchise of nationwide massage centers and are looking to open new centers. The center that the folks came from this evening were from Edgewater, MD, which is roughly an hour and a half from where I live. As soon as I saw where they were from, I turned around and went back to class.
Then during our Reflexology demonstration, one of my classmates came in and mentioned to me that they are looking to open a center in Frederick, so I high-tailed it out of there to go talk to them.
I know just the area where it would do well.
So the question is - do I pass that knowledge off to somebody else to make it happen, like I have done before, or do I make it happen myself?
Oh...and about class. We had Reflexology tonight. Enjoyed it. Definitely wish I had more time to be on table as the client.
Then during our Reflexology demonstration, one of my classmates came in and mentioned to me that they are looking to open a center in Frederick, so I high-tailed it out of there to go talk to them.
I know just the area where it would do well.
So the question is - do I pass that knowledge off to somebody else to make it happen, like I have done before, or do I make it happen myself?
Oh...and about class. We had Reflexology tonight. Enjoyed it. Definitely wish I had more time to be on table as the client.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 173 - Cram It In (42 Days Left)
Back when I was in college, I don't remember too many times doing "all-nighters" in cramming for exams. Or even writing papers. I did my work and I think I studied some, but not necessarily all-nighters.
I remember some parties that were all-nighters, though.
Well, mostly remember. I definitely enjoyed the extra-curricular college-life back in the day.
Anyway, fast-forward to today.
While I've been in class, sometimes I feel like we are just putting stuff into our brains. And we're cramming it all in there. Sometimes, pieces fall out, though.
Tonight's menu of cramming was pathologies of the digestive system and the urinary system. Because we had so many issues with previous classes of pathology, our instructor felt very behind and after a certain amount of panic and consultation with TPTB, she gave us the notes for the two systems and helped us review for our quiz next week. And so we crammed.
Not much else to report.
I remember some parties that were all-nighters, though.
Well, mostly remember. I definitely enjoyed the extra-curricular college-life back in the day.
Anyway, fast-forward to today.
While I've been in class, sometimes I feel like we are just putting stuff into our brains. And we're cramming it all in there. Sometimes, pieces fall out, though.
Tonight's menu of cramming was pathologies of the digestive system and the urinary system. Because we had so many issues with previous classes of pathology, our instructor felt very behind and after a certain amount of panic and consultation with TPTB, she gave us the notes for the two systems and helped us review for our quiz next week. And so we crammed.
Not much else to report.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Day 172 - System Review (43 Days Left)
At one time, I worked in the computer department (Information Services) at the old J-O-B. Every once and awhile, we'd hear of people saying they had a "system Failure."
That's not a good thing.
Especially if you are talking about the body. System Failure is definitely not good. Systems like respiratory, circulatory, urinary, skeletal...you get the point. Usually, without those one of those systems, the body is "unable to sustain life" as is stated in some of our manuals for class.
We did some reviewing of those systems this evening in class. Believe it or not, it was not even an anatomy or pathology class, but a reflexology class. In order to learn the principles of reflexology, we also must understand the systems of the body, as they are what corresponds to what we are trying to accomplish with this modality.
On a side note, I went to the dentist today. My dental hygienist is also a part-time massage therapist, so we had lots to talk about. Well, I didn't talk much. My mouth was otherwise occupied. Go figure.
I had a good report. I may need a crown, though. Ewwww.
I don't mind the dental work, I just hate paying for it. Especially crowns. They cost as much as the royal jewels, so that's why they call them crowns.
That's not a good thing.
Especially if you are talking about the body. System Failure is definitely not good. Systems like respiratory, circulatory, urinary, skeletal...you get the point. Usually, without those one of those systems, the body is "unable to sustain life" as is stated in some of our manuals for class.
We did some reviewing of those systems this evening in class. Believe it or not, it was not even an anatomy or pathology class, but a reflexology class. In order to learn the principles of reflexology, we also must understand the systems of the body, as they are what corresponds to what we are trying to accomplish with this modality.
On a side note, I went to the dentist today. My dental hygienist is also a part-time massage therapist, so we had lots to talk about. Well, I didn't talk much. My mouth was otherwise occupied. Go figure.
I had a good report. I may need a crown, though. Ewwww.
I don't mind the dental work, I just hate paying for it. Especially crowns. They cost as much as the royal jewels, so that's why they call them crowns.
body systems,
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 171 - Just Talk To Me (44 Days Left)
In this evening's Professional Development class, we discussed the interview process while looking for a job. We also discussed about how employers may seek out the on-line presence of potential candidates and what's found on their facebook pages (or blogs) could determine whether or not they get the job or even the interview.
Well, if you're one of my potential employers and you stumble up on this, welcome to my blog. If you go back through my journey, you'll see how I have progressed, gotten frustrated, overcome obstacles, and generally, experienced life while going to school. I hope you're still considering me.
What is boils down to is this: employers want good candidates, candidates want good employers. It's a mutual interview. What if I get to the interview and realize that there is no way on God's green Earth that I would want to work for a particular company?
Rhetorical...not gonna answer...because it's rhetorical.
I guess it comes down to this: we all gotta do interviews at some point in time. It's best we learn how to come through well on the other side of the interview.
Well, if you're one of my potential employers and you stumble up on this, welcome to my blog. If you go back through my journey, you'll see how I have progressed, gotten frustrated, overcome obstacles, and generally, experienced life while going to school. I hope you're still considering me.
What is boils down to is this: employers want good candidates, candidates want good employers. It's a mutual interview. What if I get to the interview and realize that there is no way on God's green Earth that I would want to work for a particular company?
Rhetorical...not gonna answer...because it's rhetorical.
I guess it comes down to this: we all gotta do interviews at some point in time. It's best we learn how to come through well on the other side of the interview.
professional development
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 170 - I Just LOVE Friday Night Classes (Gag!) (Oh, and 47 Days Left)
Since we didn't have class last Monday due to Presidents Day, they made us come to class tonight. And it couldn't be something a little less intense or more fun like a bodywork class. Nope. It had to be Pathology. And we were combine with another class - again. And we took a quiz (13/15). We handed in homework, and had a little lecture.
We learned about some pathologies of the respiratory system. The most exciting part of class for me: when the instructor was describing how the common cold is a virus and there are many mutated viruses of the common cold. However, our body's immune system recognizes only the ones it has experienced before, so when it sees a familiar virus, it says (quote from the movie "Taken"), "I have a special select set of skills. I will hunt you down. I WILL find you. And I will kill you." Take that, Bad Virus!
Best part of class.
We learned about some pathologies of the respiratory system. The most exciting part of class for me: when the instructor was describing how the common cold is a virus and there are many mutated viruses of the common cold. However, our body's immune system recognizes only the ones it has experienced before, so when it sees a familiar virus, it says (quote from the movie "Taken"), "I have a special select set of skills. I will hunt you down. I WILL find you. And I will kill you." Take that, Bad Virus!
Best part of class.
combined class,
Friday Night Class,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 169 - The Refleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-flex (48 Days Left)
In those ancient days known as the 80's, in my formative years, my friend LOVED Duran Duran and just knew that she would entice John Taylor, their bass player, into marrying her. I, however, knew that George Michael would want to marry me. Ahhh...the innocence of youth. I still love George's "Faith" album and still count the "Faith" tour concert as one of the best concerts I've seen. Of course, this whole George Michael marriage thing happened AFTER I had gotten over cutie Hardy Boy, Shawn Cassidy, and teen heart-throb, Andy Gibb. I was pretty upset when Andy passed away. I mean...I wasn't there for him and all...maybe I could have done something to help.
But alas now, as a more "mature" woman, I find myself having Duran Duran's song "The Reflex" going through my head sometimes as we practice in Reflexology class.
I have no idea what one has to do with the other, or why I decided to take the walk down my pre-teen and teen idol memory lane, except for the closeness in names of the song "The Reflex" and the modality, "Reflexolgy."
Tonight we took what we learned in anatomy months ago about the digestive system and learned where it could have some issues. I'm guessing that we'll be learning about how reflexology can potentially help the body regulate its digestive system.
We also learned some more techniques for practicing this modality, like thumb-walking (has nothing to do with hitch-hiking), finger walking, and hook and peel...or hook and run...or hook, line, and sinker...or...something like that.
Then we got to practice with our partner.
Can I just say that I really enjoy working on feet? And I like to have mine done, too?
But alas now, as a more "mature" woman, I find myself having Duran Duran's song "The Reflex" going through my head sometimes as we practice in Reflexology class.
I have no idea what one has to do with the other, or why I decided to take the walk down my pre-teen and teen idol memory lane, except for the closeness in names of the song "The Reflex" and the modality, "Reflexolgy."
Tonight we took what we learned in anatomy months ago about the digestive system and learned where it could have some issues. I'm guessing that we'll be learning about how reflexology can potentially help the body regulate its digestive system.
We also learned some more techniques for practicing this modality, like thumb-walking (has nothing to do with hitch-hiking), finger walking, and hook and peel...or hook and run...or hook, line, and sinker...or...something like that.
Then we got to practice with our partner.
Can I just say that I really enjoy working on feet? And I like to have mine done, too?
Andy Gibb,
Duran Duran,
George Michael,
Shawn Cassidy
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 168 - I Must See Your Papers (49 Days Left)
Almost two years ago, I was laid off from my J-O-B of 18 years, during which I had climbed the proverbial corporate ladder. In the ensuing months that followed, I sent out dozens of resumes and cover letters. I practically tailored each resume for each position for which I applied. After six months, I finally was offered an entry level J-O-B. At the time, I just figured that keeping our house would be better than trying to move WGH and I to my mother's house, so I bit the bullet and took the first J-O-B offered, which was data entry and what I still do.
On a side-note, the new HR person at the J-O-B as me the loaded question of "if you could change one thing about this company, what would it be?" Feeling like I have nothing to lose, I was honest and pretty much laid it out there. If anything comes of this in the future, I will keep you posted, but for now, I was pretty proud of myself for being diplomatic yet honest about my thoughts with no fear of reprisals.
In this evening's class, we discussed resumes and application letters, which will be our "big assignment" for this installment of the Professional Development class, and a big portion of our grade for this class.
The great thing about this is that we'll get a chance to have many people, including those who are responsible for hiring people, look at our resumes, proofread, offer suggestions, and generally help us get the job that we are looking for in this field.
I'm actually looking forward to this assignment.
How weird is that?
On a side-note, the new HR person at the J-O-B as me the loaded question of "if you could change one thing about this company, what would it be?" Feeling like I have nothing to lose, I was honest and pretty much laid it out there. If anything comes of this in the future, I will keep you posted, but for now, I was pretty proud of myself for being diplomatic yet honest about my thoughts with no fear of reprisals.
In this evening's class, we discussed resumes and application letters, which will be our "big assignment" for this installment of the Professional Development class, and a big portion of our grade for this class.
The great thing about this is that we'll get a chance to have many people, including those who are responsible for hiring people, look at our resumes, proofread, offer suggestions, and generally help us get the job that we are looking for in this field.
I'm actually looking forward to this assignment.
How weird is that?
cover letters,
professional development,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 167 - Snow Path (50 Days Left)
This morning, we woke up to a lovely blanket of snow over our fair county and surrounding areas. It's lovely, anyway, until you have to shovel it and then drive in it. I spent 45 minutes shoveling our driveway this morning and digging out my car, making me 45 minutes late for the J-O-B. Oh well. Not too concerned there.
At the school, however, they didn't have classes during the day, but went ahead and had the evening classes, which meant there was confusion among the students and/or instructors about who was to be there.
As it turned out, due to said confusion, an instructor didn't show up, making our Pathology instructor go teach another class, in turn, making our class get combined (again) with another class in one of the smallest classrooms in the building.
Putting that many people in a small space and actually trying to teach them something is probably about as effective as putting an open can of tuna fish in front of a cat and not expect the cat to eat it.
I think all things considered, we ended up learning at least something and we were released at 9:30 so as to avoid any ice that may have frozen as a result of the water that had melted earlier in the day.
Over the weekend in clinic, I had four clients (yay me) and things went about as smoothly as they could, seeing as how the Director of Student Clinic was released from employment a couple weeks ago, the assistant that has given out clients was out at a funeral, and the Director of the Campus who had been running clinic had just quit last week. They got in a couple of the regular classroom instructors and had them do the best they could with running the clinic and by mid-afternoon on Saturday, I think they got their groove.
My last client looked like a 12 year old boy and when I picked him up in the waiting room, a young woman came with us. I asked if she was his mom, she giggled and said that she was his girlfriend. I didn't know what to think, but went about my duty and did my pre-massage interview and must have been a little flustered by the situation and didn't explain how to get onto the table well enough.
After two attempts, he was finally on the table, wearing his jeans and tank top and the sheet over top of him. I had let him know to "disrobe to his level of comfort," so I assumed that he wasn't comfortable taking off his clothes and worked over top his jeans to massage his legs. By the time I had him turn onto his stomach, he asked if it was ok to take off his tank top so I could work on his back.
All the while, the GF watched what I did.
He seemed to enjoy it from the feedback I got from him afterward.
I'm also guessing that this was his first massage.
I have two Student Clinics left, and it should be very interesting to see what they bring.
At the school, however, they didn't have classes during the day, but went ahead and had the evening classes, which meant there was confusion among the students and/or instructors about who was to be there.
As it turned out, due to said confusion, an instructor didn't show up, making our Pathology instructor go teach another class, in turn, making our class get combined (again) with another class in one of the smallest classrooms in the building.
Putting that many people in a small space and actually trying to teach them something is probably about as effective as putting an open can of tuna fish in front of a cat and not expect the cat to eat it.
I think all things considered, we ended up learning at least something and we were released at 9:30 so as to avoid any ice that may have frozen as a result of the water that had melted earlier in the day.
Over the weekend in clinic, I had four clients (yay me) and things went about as smoothly as they could, seeing as how the Director of Student Clinic was released from employment a couple weeks ago, the assistant that has given out clients was out at a funeral, and the Director of the Campus who had been running clinic had just quit last week. They got in a couple of the regular classroom instructors and had them do the best they could with running the clinic and by mid-afternoon on Saturday, I think they got their groove.
My last client looked like a 12 year old boy and when I picked him up in the waiting room, a young woman came with us. I asked if she was his mom, she giggled and said that she was his girlfriend. I didn't know what to think, but went about my duty and did my pre-massage interview and must have been a little flustered by the situation and didn't explain how to get onto the table well enough.
After two attempts, he was finally on the table, wearing his jeans and tank top and the sheet over top of him. I had let him know to "disrobe to his level of comfort," so I assumed that he wasn't comfortable taking off his clothes and worked over top his jeans to massage his legs. By the time I had him turn onto his stomach, he asked if it was ok to take off his tank top so I could work on his back.
All the while, the GF watched what I did.
He seemed to enjoy it from the feedback I got from him afterward.
I'm also guessing that this was his first massage.
I have two Student Clinics left, and it should be very interesting to see what they bring.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 166 - Something Strange Is Afoot (55 Days Left)
I have discovered that I enjoy giving foot massages. I enjoy receiving them, as well. We started Reflexology class tonight, which is basically using a zone theory developed in the early 1900's to "map" the foot and link it to the body and specific organs.
I enjoyed the class and am looking forward to learning more about how to incorporate more foot stuff in my massages.
Now...I just need to figure out how to keep my hands from smelling like feet.
I enjoyed the class and am looking forward to learning more about how to incorporate more foot stuff in my massages.
Now...I just need to figure out how to keep my hands from smelling like feet.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 165 - No More Meetings (56 Days Left)
This afternoon at the J-O-B, TPTB decided that it would be a great idea to have a meeting to update the staff on the last quarter's results. I don't know whose idea it was to stick people in a warm, dark room at 3:00, show indecipherable financial Power Point slides to people who would rather dissect worms, while droning on and on about more indecipherable financial statistics. I mean - really. Who can possibly stay awake during that? Unless your name is Donald Trump. Even then, it might be a stretch. One co-worker woke herself up when she snored a little bit.
Needless to say, I don't really remember anything that was said, and I certainly didn't understand it at the time.
During a break from our Professional Development class tonight, I asked the teacher if as Massage Therapists we would have to sit through those types of meetings. I was quite grateful when he said, "No."
In our class, we discussed professionalism and the Code of Ethics of Massage Therapy, Cultural Diversity, and other stuff that we'll have to at least be prepared for when we are released into the wild world of Massage Therapy.
I may not say this often, but tonight's class was fun. We laughed. Sometimes I think this particular teacher needs to do some stand-up comedy.
Needless to say, I don't really remember anything that was said, and I certainly didn't understand it at the time.
During a break from our Professional Development class tonight, I asked the teacher if as Massage Therapists we would have to sit through those types of meetings. I was quite grateful when he said, "No."
In our class, we discussed professionalism and the Code of Ethics of Massage Therapy, Cultural Diversity, and other stuff that we'll have to at least be prepared for when we are released into the wild world of Massage Therapy.
I may not say this often, but tonight's class was fun. We laughed. Sometimes I think this particular teacher needs to do some stand-up comedy.
professional development,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 164 - Won't Learn (57 Days Left - 56 Probably By the Time You Read This)
In tonight's Pathology class, we discussed disorders of the cardiovascular system, like leukemia, anemia, and atherosclerosis. Our teacher seemed really good at getting across what each of the diseases/disorders was about and talked about how athersclerosis is a very preventable disease because the majority of causes are lifestyle related. Diet, stress-level, smoking, and such are probable causes of it and it can be mostly avoided by changing our lifestyles.
After hearing this lecture, I thought to myself, "Well, I probably won't live past 50." I can very much say that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I could definitely do better.
Upon returning home from school, I had a piece of fried chicken and some buttered bread.
Eh...there's always tomorrow to make better choices.
After hearing this lecture, I thought to myself, "Well, I probably won't live past 50." I can very much say that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I could definitely do better.
Upon returning home from school, I had a piece of fried chicken and some buttered bread.
Eh...there's always tomorrow to make better choices.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 163 - Are We There Yet? (58 Days To Go)
Over the weekend, during Student Clinic, I had the privilege of massaging a jogger, two nurses, and a cancer survivor with a great attitude and positive outlook. One of the nurses was a practicing massage therapist for awhile and then got into the nursing field.
I had something very interesting happen to me, too. While I was massaging the cancer survivor, as I do with other clients, I was praying over him while massaging him - for continued healing, strengthening his spiritual walk, and that sort of thing. After I closed and thanked him for allowing me to work with him, he thanked me for the "energy work" I did on him.
That took me back. Did he sense or feel my prayers? Did he know to whom I was praying?
One of the things that I have been somewhat concerned about during this whole program is the delving into Eastern philosophies, including medicines and religion. I can't say that I subscribe to the whole "energy" thing that some people may. However, if someone can sense that I'm praying for him or her, well, then I guess that's good because I believe that God can hear the prayers of His people - and will answer them.
Anyway, in tonight's class, to celebrate Valentines Day (NOT!), we discussed some things that we may run into either during clinic or when we have clients on our tables. Things like Somatic Emotional Release - which basically states that a client may become emotional (crying or excessive laughter) while receiving a massage as a result of a physical release from the massage. I almost experienced that myself last year about this time of year when I received the massage that inspired me to get into this whole program.
During that massage, I came very close to crying. I had experienced a rough year to year and a half, between deaths in the family and losing my long-time J-O-B, and I mark that massage as one of the the turning points in my emotional healing. Not to mention the new focus and direction for my career.
After that discussion, we took our final exam for this Core class. I went first as practitioner and earned a 94/100. Then I got to relax and let my partner do his thing and take his exam.
I had something very interesting happen to me, too. While I was massaging the cancer survivor, as I do with other clients, I was praying over him while massaging him - for continued healing, strengthening his spiritual walk, and that sort of thing. After I closed and thanked him for allowing me to work with him, he thanked me for the "energy work" I did on him.
That took me back. Did he sense or feel my prayers? Did he know to whom I was praying?
One of the things that I have been somewhat concerned about during this whole program is the delving into Eastern philosophies, including medicines and religion. I can't say that I subscribe to the whole "energy" thing that some people may. However, if someone can sense that I'm praying for him or her, well, then I guess that's good because I believe that God can hear the prayers of His people - and will answer them.
Anyway, in tonight's class, to celebrate Valentines Day (NOT!), we discussed some things that we may run into either during clinic or when we have clients on our tables. Things like Somatic Emotional Release - which basically states that a client may become emotional (crying or excessive laughter) while receiving a massage as a result of a physical release from the massage. I almost experienced that myself last year about this time of year when I received the massage that inspired me to get into this whole program.
During that massage, I came very close to crying. I had experienced a rough year to year and a half, between deaths in the family and losing my long-time J-O-B, and I mark that massage as one of the the turning points in my emotional healing. Not to mention the new focus and direction for my career.
After that discussion, we took our final exam for this Core class. I went first as practitioner and earned a 94/100. Then I got to relax and let my partner do his thing and take his exam.
energy work,
final exam,
Somatic Emotional Release,
Student Clinic
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 162 - No Go (62 Days Left)
After I felt really great yesterday, I didn't feel well today, so I decided to stay home from school tonight t get some rest. Back at it on Saturday afternoon for Student Clinic.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 161 - That's a Wrap (63 Days Left)
Last week, when we were finishing up Spa Treatments, we got a chance to see a demo of a body wrap, but didn't get to practice it ourselves, due to the weather conditions. Tonight, during Core class, we got a quick demo and got to practice it ourselves!
I went first on the table and my therapist/classmate did an excellent job on me. The wrap itself was like being in a really warm blanket or like being a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths - very snuggly and warm.
After she unwrapped me, I think my pants were a little more loose, which "they" say is one of the effects of a wrap - instant weight loss. I highly doubt the effects last long, considering it would be mostly water weight that is lost.
When it was her turn on the table, I wrapped her up and then I worked on massaging her face, temples, head, neck, and shoulders. Unfortunately, at the most inopportune time, my throat started tickling. Just a dry tickle in the back. Enough to make me cough. And cough. And cough.
I felt like everybody was looking at me like a leper. Well, I felt like a leper, so it was stressing me out, which made me cough more.
I was able to calm down enough to finish the wrap session and after unwrapping my client/partner, I started the regular massage. And then more coughing ensued.
Ugh! How frustrating.
I know I'm better now from the crazy cold thing I had. No fever and I feel fine, except for some occasional dryness/itchiness in my throat which just happens to manifest sometimes as coughing.
At any rate, I ended the session early and my partner and I were able to help the teacher get some things put away so she wouldn't have to do it all herself.
So the moral of this story is to always make sure you have some hand sanitizer close by - just in case.
I went first on the table and my therapist/classmate did an excellent job on me. The wrap itself was like being in a really warm blanket or like being a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths - very snuggly and warm.
After she unwrapped me, I think my pants were a little more loose, which "they" say is one of the effects of a wrap - instant weight loss. I highly doubt the effects last long, considering it would be mostly water weight that is lost.
When it was her turn on the table, I wrapped her up and then I worked on massaging her face, temples, head, neck, and shoulders. Unfortunately, at the most inopportune time, my throat started tickling. Just a dry tickle in the back. Enough to make me cough. And cough. And cough.
I felt like everybody was looking at me like a leper. Well, I felt like a leper, so it was stressing me out, which made me cough more.
I was able to calm down enough to finish the wrap session and after unwrapping my client/partner, I started the regular massage. And then more coughing ensued.
Ugh! How frustrating.
I know I'm better now from the crazy cold thing I had. No fever and I feel fine, except for some occasional dryness/itchiness in my throat which just happens to manifest sometimes as coughing.
At any rate, I ended the session early and my partner and I were able to help the teacher get some things put away so she wouldn't have to do it all herself.
So the moral of this story is to always make sure you have some hand sanitizer close by - just in case.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 160 - Cowbell Must Have Worked (64 Days Left - Sorry, Molly)
I woke up this morning feeling groggy, but made it to the J-O-B and consumed hot peppermint tea with honey and a little cinnamon sprinkled in it. Oh yeah, I did some work, too.
After a joyous day at the J-O-B (joyous meaning I didn't leave early nor fall asleep at my desk), I came home and went through my normal routine and got to school on time and all. I also did not have a fever, which meant I could receive bodywork! Yay!
All-in-all, class went well. Still, a good number of classmates didn't make it in again due to sickness.
But tomorrow is another day.
After a joyous day at the J-O-B (joyous meaning I didn't leave early nor fall asleep at my desk), I came home and went through my normal routine and got to school on time and all. I also did not have a fever, which meant I could receive bodywork! Yay!
All-in-all, class went well. Still, a good number of classmates didn't make it in again due to sickness.
![]() |
Just another 64 days... |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 159 - Maybe Cowbell Will Help (65 Days Left)
I apparently got punished for skipping skool on Friday night by waking up Saturday morning with a dry throat - the beginnings of a scratchy throat, which is the beginnings of a sore throat, and that could lead to a full blown cold, bronchitis, or other nasty things I don't even want to think about.
I ended up going to clinic and doing my shift. I had one client, one student exchange, and then a repeat client: WGH. I got through the shift on cough drops and water. Afterward, WGH and I just "happened" to go by Sonic and have some tator tots and a vanilla malt...oh and a sammich, too. But nothing else on the menu matters to me besides the tator tots and vanilla malt.
Anyway, after the feast on Sonic while sitting in the commuter car, I fell asleep on the way home. Upon arrival at home, I took a peppermint and euchalyptus bath. And then fell asleep.
On Sunday, WGH went to the store and got me a neti-pot, which I found weird, but have gotten used to it and now want to use it about every hour. However, I think that may be overkill. I got done the things I needed to do and rested when I needed to as well.
However, Monday came on like a slap in the face. I wasn't all that congested when I woke up so I thought I was getting better. However, after being at the J-O-B, I was feeling rather miserable and after torturing myself for over six hours at the J-O-B, I finally went home, crawled into bed, and slept for two hours.
When I woke up, I checked my temperature and it said 99.0 degrees, so I knew that when I went to school, I wouldn't be able to receive any bodywork with any kind of fever, but knew that I needed to get to school just because of the hours policy. Plus, it was the first night of this class and I like to see who the teacher is and get a feel for how the class is going to go.
Apparently, though, I wasn't the only one in my class not feeling well. Several - and I mean several - stayed home because they were sick. Oddly enough, all the symptoms seem to be earily similar. Maybe we all got the same bug? Who knows? At any rate, I went like a masochistic pony in a glue factory.
When I arrived at class, I saw that the teacher was someone whom I've known as a TA for all this time. She hasn't been one of my class' regular TA's, but one I've seen around a lot. She seemed rather aloof when I've seen her around, but after tonight's class, I think I've figured out that she's just shy.
We did our introductions and then an exercise in draping, opening, and closings, and then began bodywork. I worked on my partner, and then since I couldn't get any work done, I signed myself out and came home.
Now that I'm home, I'm wondering if I need more cowbell or more neti-pot to help with this fever.
I ended up going to clinic and doing my shift. I had one client, one student exchange, and then a repeat client: WGH. I got through the shift on cough drops and water. Afterward, WGH and I just "happened" to go by Sonic and have some tator tots and a vanilla malt...oh and a sammich, too. But nothing else on the menu matters to me besides the tator tots and vanilla malt.
Anyway, after the feast on Sonic while sitting in the commuter car, I fell asleep on the way home. Upon arrival at home, I took a peppermint and euchalyptus bath. And then fell asleep.
On Sunday, WGH went to the store and got me a neti-pot, which I found weird, but have gotten used to it and now want to use it about every hour. However, I think that may be overkill. I got done the things I needed to do and rested when I needed to as well.
However, Monday came on like a slap in the face. I wasn't all that congested when I woke up so I thought I was getting better. However, after being at the J-O-B, I was feeling rather miserable and after torturing myself for over six hours at the J-O-B, I finally went home, crawled into bed, and slept for two hours.
When I woke up, I checked my temperature and it said 99.0 degrees, so I knew that when I went to school, I wouldn't be able to receive any bodywork with any kind of fever, but knew that I needed to get to school just because of the hours policy. Plus, it was the first night of this class and I like to see who the teacher is and get a feel for how the class is going to go.
Apparently, though, I wasn't the only one in my class not feeling well. Several - and I mean several - stayed home because they were sick. Oddly enough, all the symptoms seem to be earily similar. Maybe we all got the same bug? Who knows? At any rate, I went like a masochistic pony in a glue factory.
When I arrived at class, I saw that the teacher was someone whom I've known as a TA for all this time. She hasn't been one of my class' regular TA's, but one I've seen around a lot. She seemed rather aloof when I've seen her around, but after tonight's class, I think I've figured out that she's just shy.
We did our introductions and then an exercise in draping, opening, and closings, and then began bodywork. I worked on my partner, and then since I couldn't get any work done, I signed myself out and came home.
Now that I'm home, I'm wondering if I need more cowbell or more neti-pot to help with this fever.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Day 158 - Skipping Skool!
I was supposed to be in a make-up class from last week's snow storm. However, since I took my finals last night, I skipped skool.
And I don't feel guilty because I was able to spend the evening with WGH on his birthday.
And I don't feel guilty because I was able to spend the evening with WGH on his birthday.
Day 157 - Longus DayiNightus (69 Days Left)
In learning Anatomy, we're learning a whole new language. Greek and Latin...maybe something else or other thrown in there, too. Hence the title of this post. My version that means "Long Day and Night."
I started this morning, went to the J-O-B, worked eight hours, and then immediately drove to school so that I could take the Antomy final and then immediately take the Spa Treatment final afterward.
I ended up getting a 41 out of 50 on the written portion and 20 out of 20 on the hands-on portion of the Anatomy final.
After that, I raced up to Subway, got a double-meat 6-inch sub, raced back to school, scarfed it down, along with the cookies, and then ran (well, walked) to class. I took the written Spa Treatment exam and got 91 out of 100 and then we did the hands-on, which I got 95 out of 100.
So far, looking good for a continued 4.0 GPA. Yay!
I would also like to wish a wonderful birthday to the man who has supported me emotionally, physically, and just being awesome for the last nine months of being in school. Thank you, WGH. AKA Ricky. Love you bunches!
I started this morning, went to the J-O-B, worked eight hours, and then immediately drove to school so that I could take the Antomy final and then immediately take the Spa Treatment final afterward.
I ended up getting a 41 out of 50 on the written portion and 20 out of 20 on the hands-on portion of the Anatomy final.
After that, I raced up to Subway, got a double-meat 6-inch sub, raced back to school, scarfed it down, along with the cookies, and then ran (well, walked) to class. I took the written Spa Treatment exam and got 91 out of 100 and then we did the hands-on, which I got 95 out of 100.
So far, looking good for a continued 4.0 GPA. Yay!
I would also like to wish a wonderful birthday to the man who has supported me emotionally, physically, and just being awesome for the last nine months of being in school. Thank you, WGH. AKA Ricky. Love you bunches!
final exam,
spa treatment,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 156 - Great Sigh of Relief (70 Days Left)
Beginning last night, I began studying for a quiz for tonight's Anatomy class that I thought was going to be on the antebrachium and its muscles (that's the forearm in lay people's vocabulary). Mostly, it was on the shoulder and upper arm bones and muscles, which was a great relief to me, as I was having a hard time understanding the forearm and hand stuff. There is a LOT of muscles in there.
As it turned out, I ended up getting a 8.5 out of 10 on the quiz, which will be rounded up to a 9/10 for their data records.
After the quiz, we reviewed for the final exam on Friday (which I'm actually taking tomorrow evening before the Spa Treatment final exam). I will be glad after tomorrow evening to be free of this session. Well, actually, the end of it will be Saturday after clinic.
I know I have mentioned my new cell phone that does just about everything except wash the dishes. Since it can be used as a MP3 player, I have downloaded some sermons that my dear friend gave at his church and I've been listening to them on the way to and from school this week. It's been really nice because it's like I feel like I've been needing some spiritual recharging. His messages have been helping me think about something other than school or the J-O-B and instead think of things of higher importance than the trivial matters I keep getting myself sucked into on a day to day basis.
It also makes me realize how much I miss having a life outside of school and seeing my friends.
70 days, my friends. 70 days.
As it turned out, I ended up getting a 8.5 out of 10 on the quiz, which will be rounded up to a 9/10 for their data records.
After the quiz, we reviewed for the final exam on Friday (which I'm actually taking tomorrow evening before the Spa Treatment final exam). I will be glad after tomorrow evening to be free of this session. Well, actually, the end of it will be Saturday after clinic.
I know I have mentioned my new cell phone that does just about everything except wash the dishes. Since it can be used as a MP3 player, I have downloaded some sermons that my dear friend gave at his church and I've been listening to them on the way to and from school this week. It's been really nice because it's like I feel like I've been needing some spiritual recharging. His messages have been helping me think about something other than school or the J-O-B and instead think of things of higher importance than the trivial matters I keep getting myself sucked into on a day to day basis.
It also makes me realize how much I miss having a life outside of school and seeing my friends.
70 days, my friends. 70 days.
cell phone,
final exam,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 155 - Spaahhh Treatment (71 Days Left)
So by the time I got home last night, I was a bit frustrated as you may have noticed. I'm better tonight.
The impending Winter Storm of Doom we were expecting last night was not as bad for me as was being reported on TV. I was able to make it to the J-O-B this morning and I was able to make it to class tonight. Since tonight was Spa Treatment class, I was pretty well looking forward to some bodywork.
As it turned out, we ended up leaving early from class due to the potential weather issues. We took our quiz (20/25) and saw a demo for a body wrap treatment. The treatment was not exactly what I thought it would be, but was still pretty interesting.
Then, glory of glories...we left. And now I'm home, comfy cozy on my couch.
The impending Winter Storm of Doom we were expecting last night was not as bad for me as was being reported on TV. I was able to make it to the J-O-B this morning and I was able to make it to class tonight. Since tonight was Spa Treatment class, I was pretty well looking forward to some bodywork.
As it turned out, we ended up leaving early from class due to the potential weather issues. We took our quiz (20/25) and saw a demo for a body wrap treatment. The treatment was not exactly what I thought it would be, but was still pretty interesting.
Then, glory of glories...we left. And now I'm home, comfy cozy on my couch.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 154 - Rant of the Wall (72 Calendar Days Left)
When I first was registering for the massage program, the admissions person I talked to said that everybody, at some time in the program, hits a wall.
I believe I've not only hit the wall, I've crashed into it and am trying to break through it.
To say that I'm frustrated with the whole experience right now would be pretty accurate, if not an understatement. I believe most of it stems from the winter weather our region has been experiencing the last couple of weeks.
Don't get me wrong, I like a good snow storm - as long as I don't have to be out in it. However, because TPTB* at the J-O-B don't seem to care about their staff and apparently believe that being there seems to be a matter of life and death it takes an act of Congress to close due to inclement weather and then TPTB at the school reschedule cancelled snow classes on Friday nights, I cringe whenever I hear reports of a winter storm coming to town.
I have visions of my May Graduation Orlando Vacation Celebration (say that five times fast) going down the tubes because I have used all of my PTO (Paid Time Off) at the J-O-B due to the stinkin' weather.
Last week, we missed two classes due to snow and we made up one on Friday night and are scheduled to make up the other this coming Friday, with a final exam. However, last Friday, one of the student liaisons brought a "revised" schedule for this week into class and basically, the thought was that because a good number of students may not be able to make class on Friday, we would take the final exam on Wednesday, unless we can all agree to be there on Friday.
This caused a cascade of discussion on our facebook group over the weekend, and it seemed the classmates were divided on which way to go with it. By the time we got to class tonight, we still really hadn't agreed on the best thing for everybody.
THEN - in comes TPTB. They tell us that the exam is on Friday AND we have to be there the whole evening. Well, at least it was a definitive answer, frustrating as it was.
Why did they introduce the revised schedule in the first place? Was that the local school doing that, or TPTB? Does one hand know what the other is doing? It sure caused a lot of confusion and frustration among our classmates unnecessarily. Why do these things always boil down to a lack of communication?
Frankly, I have the time built up that I can sign myself out of class after the exam and I'm still good to go, but that still means driving 41 miles to the school to be there for an hour - at the most, probably.
So, what happens?
More anxiety. While sitting in class.
I can't pay attention to what's going on in the lecture because all I can think of is this junk. By the time we hit our next break, I told the teacher that I was signing out for the night and explained that I just wanted to be there for barebones on Friday, if possible. She was awesome and has worked it out with me so I can take the final at another time, Thursday before my other final, and I don't have to come at all on Friday.
That's a HUGE relief to me.
AND! I can celebrate WGH's birthday with him on his actual birthday on Friday! (He says he'll be 23, but I think I need to check his birth certificate.)
After getting all that straightened out, I still signed out for the night and came home, as there is a winter storm (ice and snow and all kinds of fun stuff) on its way and I didn't want to be a part of it tonight.
And we wonder why I keep saying I want to move to Florida.
I try not to let this stuff stress me out, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. I think if it were one or the other, J-O-B or school, it wouldn't be so bad, but between the two right now, I'm pretty much hitting the wall.
*The Powers That Be (generally meaning "Corporate")
I believe I've not only hit the wall, I've crashed into it and am trying to break through it.
To say that I'm frustrated with the whole experience right now would be pretty accurate, if not an understatement. I believe most of it stems from the winter weather our region has been experiencing the last couple of weeks.
Don't get me wrong, I like a good snow storm - as long as I don't have to be out in it. However, because TPTB* at the J-O-B don't seem to care about their staff and apparently believe that being there seems to be a matter of life and death it takes an act of Congress to close due to inclement weather and then TPTB at the school reschedule cancelled snow classes on Friday nights, I cringe whenever I hear reports of a winter storm coming to town.
I have visions of my May Graduation Orlando Vacation Celebration (say that five times fast) going down the tubes because I have used all of my PTO (Paid Time Off) at the J-O-B due to the stinkin' weather.
Last week, we missed two classes due to snow and we made up one on Friday night and are scheduled to make up the other this coming Friday, with a final exam. However, last Friday, one of the student liaisons brought a "revised" schedule for this week into class and basically, the thought was that because a good number of students may not be able to make class on Friday, we would take the final exam on Wednesday, unless we can all agree to be there on Friday.
This caused a cascade of discussion on our facebook group over the weekend, and it seemed the classmates were divided on which way to go with it. By the time we got to class tonight, we still really hadn't agreed on the best thing for everybody.
THEN - in comes TPTB. They tell us that the exam is on Friday AND we have to be there the whole evening. Well, at least it was a definitive answer, frustrating as it was.
Why did they introduce the revised schedule in the first place? Was that the local school doing that, or TPTB? Does one hand know what the other is doing? It sure caused a lot of confusion and frustration among our classmates unnecessarily. Why do these things always boil down to a lack of communication?
Frankly, I have the time built up that I can sign myself out of class after the exam and I'm still good to go, but that still means driving 41 miles to the school to be there for an hour - at the most, probably.
So, what happens?
More anxiety. While sitting in class.
I can't pay attention to what's going on in the lecture because all I can think of is this junk. By the time we hit our next break, I told the teacher that I was signing out for the night and explained that I just wanted to be there for barebones on Friday, if possible. She was awesome and has worked it out with me so I can take the final at another time, Thursday before my other final, and I don't have to come at all on Friday.
That's a HUGE relief to me.
AND! I can celebrate WGH's birthday with him on his actual birthday on Friday! (He says he'll be 23, but I think I need to check his birth certificate.)
After getting all that straightened out, I still signed out for the night and came home, as there is a winter storm (ice and snow and all kinds of fun stuff) on its way and I didn't want to be a part of it tonight.
And we wonder why I keep saying I want to move to Florida.
I try not to let this stuff stress me out, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. I think if it were one or the other, J-O-B or school, it wouldn't be so bad, but between the two right now, I'm pretty much hitting the wall.
*The Powers That Be (generally meaning "Corporate")
Saturday, January 29, 2011
A First or Two
For the first time, WGH came to clinic and not just dropped me off to pick me up later, but came later and I gave him a massage in "my" environment - student clinic, which is supposed to simulate a spa with "real" clients and such. He was last client of my shift and I have to say that I liked that. I didn't feel rushed like my client has to get out and go home or I have to get going because of time constraints or whatever.
Also, when giving out clients, our TA asked if of the therapists (student therapists) had cubicles side by side. I mentioned that the cubicle next to me was empty, so another student and I were assigned a mother and daughter, whom we could open up the curtain so they could be together. The other student and I agreed that it was a pretty cool experience doing that - tandem massages.

After my clinic shift, I was starving, so WGH and I decided to go check out the Sonic that we've just heard about recently. After a crispy chicken sammich, tator tots, and a vanilla malt, I was in a full food coma. Ahhhh.
Also, when giving out clients, our TA asked if of the therapists (student therapists) had cubicles side by side. I mentioned that the cubicle next to me was empty, so another student and I were assigned a mother and daughter, whom we could open up the curtain so they could be together. The other student and I agreed that it was a pretty cool experience doing that - tandem massages.

After my clinic shift, I was starving, so WGH and I decided to go check out the Sonic that we've just heard about recently. After a crispy chicken sammich, tator tots, and a vanilla malt, I was in a full food coma. Ahhhh.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 153 - Soul Glow
Remember the movie Coming to America with Eddie Murphy and the product "Soul Glow" specifically manufactured for jerry curls?
Classic movie.
Tonight in our make-up class from Wednesday's snow night, we learned about spa treatments using Salt Glow exfoliation. My partner said that I did glow after he finished with the treatment.
Exfoliation treatments are good for dry skin, fatigue, circulation, and washing the car.
Well, maybe not washing the car. It may scratch the paint.
For a Friday night, it seemed that after we got to doing the bodywork, we almost forgot that it was a Friday and actually seemed to enjoy the class.
Maybe it was just me.
I came home smelling like patchouli and eucalyptus. Interesting combination.
Because of the inclement weather, we didn't have class on Wednesday or Thursday, but we still need to make them up. Like I said, we made up Wednesday's class tonight and we'll make up Thursday's class next Friday. I don't think I'm looking forward to that one as much.
On the side note. On Tuesday, we put the commuter car in the shop. Yesterday as we were trying to dig out of the snow, one of the other cars decided it didn't feel like starting, so we called AAA and had it towed to another shop. It ended up being a loose starter wire and we picked it up this afternoon.
Once again. I'm tired of the car situation and I think we should just buy a couple horses. I wonder what the home owner's association (the gestapo) would think of that.
Classic movie.
Tonight in our make-up class from Wednesday's snow night, we learned about spa treatments using Salt Glow exfoliation. My partner said that I did glow after he finished with the treatment.
Exfoliation treatments are good for dry skin, fatigue, circulation, and washing the car.
Well, maybe not washing the car. It may scratch the paint.
For a Friday night, it seemed that after we got to doing the bodywork, we almost forgot that it was a Friday and actually seemed to enjoy the class.
Maybe it was just me.
I came home smelling like patchouli and eucalyptus. Interesting combination.
Because of the inclement weather, we didn't have class on Wednesday or Thursday, but we still need to make them up. Like I said, we made up Wednesday's class tonight and we'll make up Thursday's class next Friday. I don't think I'm looking forward to that one as much.
On the side note. On Tuesday, we put the commuter car in the shop. Yesterday as we were trying to dig out of the snow, one of the other cars decided it didn't feel like starting, so we called AAA and had it towed to another shop. It ended up being a loose starter wire and we picked it up this afternoon.
Once again. I'm tired of the car situation and I think we should just buy a couple horses. I wonder what the home owner's association (the gestapo) would think of that.
dry skin,
salt scrub
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 152 - Squirrely Situation
Rather than share about tonight's class - it's anatomy, that's all you need to know - I want to share about what happened at the Stately Smith Manor and Zoo today.
This morning I was going through my routine of getting ready, which generally consists of putting on make-up, clothes, drinking cawfie, reading the newspaper on-line, reading an on-line devotional, and just mentally preparing myself for the day. I noticed some tree branch movement outside and then heard some activity on the roof, around the chimney. This went on for a minute or two. Since we have had critters on our roof before that have decided to infiltrate our house via the chimney, I started banging on the fireplace to scare them away.
Just for safe measure, I put a make-shift barricade in front of the fireplace door: a TV tray.
When I got home, I tossed my dinner in the microwave and went about my business until the dinner beep signalled. After settling down to eat my dinner, WGH and I began discussing the day and we ended up on the topic of the noises I heard this morning by the chimney and he mentioned that Gringo the cat had been looking at the fireplace funny.
This is usually NOT a good sign.
I asked for a flashlight and as we peered in the fireplace, we saw a stunned squirrel hiding in the back of the fireplace.
I told WGH that I wanted to finish dinner and think about what our next move should be. Hey, I have priorities.
Dinner. Then squirrel removal.
As I enjoyed my beef stew, I began formulating the plan: ok, I need work gloves. Check, WGH is very helpful in getting those.
Ok...finished dinner.
First, we made sure we had the video camera, because you must document these events.
From here, I will just share the video, because if a picture is worth a thousand words, video is two thousand.
And yes, I have been bitten by a squirrel before this event, but that's a story for another day.
This morning I was going through my routine of getting ready, which generally consists of putting on make-up, clothes, drinking cawfie, reading the newspaper on-line, reading an on-line devotional, and just mentally preparing myself for the day. I noticed some tree branch movement outside and then heard some activity on the roof, around the chimney. This went on for a minute or two. Since we have had critters on our roof before that have decided to infiltrate our house via the chimney, I started banging on the fireplace to scare them away.
Just for safe measure, I put a make-shift barricade in front of the fireplace door: a TV tray.
When I got home, I tossed my dinner in the microwave and went about my business until the dinner beep signalled. After settling down to eat my dinner, WGH and I began discussing the day and we ended up on the topic of the noises I heard this morning by the chimney and he mentioned that Gringo the cat had been looking at the fireplace funny.
This is usually NOT a good sign.
I asked for a flashlight and as we peered in the fireplace, we saw a stunned squirrel hiding in the back of the fireplace.
I told WGH that I wanted to finish dinner and think about what our next move should be. Hey, I have priorities.
Dinner. Then squirrel removal.
As I enjoyed my beef stew, I began formulating the plan: ok, I need work gloves. Check, WGH is very helpful in getting those.
Ok...finished dinner.
First, we made sure we had the video camera, because you must document these events.
From here, I will just share the video, because if a picture is worth a thousand words, video is two thousand.
And yes, I have been bitten by a squirrel before this event, but that's a story for another day.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 151 - Loofah Vandross
There are many words in the English language that just sound funny. Squash. Thesaurus. Catharsis. Loofah.
Tonight, we had the joy of working with dry loofahs to exfoliate our partner for the evening. (Exfoliate - another funny sounding word) Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin. It helps to relieve dryness, improve circulation, and give the skin a more youthful appearance.
Oh sorry, I was starting to sound like a commercial.
My partner this evening like the patchouli oil I used the other night, so when we got to the massage part after the exfoliation, we both used it. Patchouli reminds me of hippies for some reason. But hey - maybe sometimes I like to think of myself as bohemian. Even though I'm totally not. Usually. Most of the time.
Where was going with this anyway?
Oh yeah...should I start working in a spa someday, I may be doing body treatments, such as body exfoliation - and maybe I'll be using a Loofah with patchouli while listening to some Luther Vandross. Or space music. Or a tuning fork.
On the "outside of class" part of life, which isn't much, WGH was cruisin' home from work this afternoon when the commuter car decided that it didn't want to work anymore. After a AAA tow to the shop, I picked him up and was able to get home in enough time to scarf down some chow and run back out the door. Unfortunately, I forgot my uniform shirt for class. Fortunately, I was already wearing a black shirt - not to dress code for class, but at least it was black. Also fortunately, it's winter and it's pretty stinkin' cold out so when I didn't take off my fleece sweater/sweatshirt thingy-ma-jig, it wasn't as obvious that in dress code. And if they had sent me home...oh well.
It would have been more time at home.
Tonight, we had the joy of working with dry loofahs to exfoliate our partner for the evening. (Exfoliate - another funny sounding word) Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin. It helps to relieve dryness, improve circulation, and give the skin a more youthful appearance.
Oh sorry, I was starting to sound like a commercial.
My partner this evening like the patchouli oil I used the other night, so when we got to the massage part after the exfoliation, we both used it. Patchouli reminds me of hippies for some reason. But hey - maybe sometimes I like to think of myself as bohemian. Even though I'm totally not. Usually. Most of the time.
Where was going with this anyway?
Oh yeah...should I start working in a spa someday, I may be doing body treatments, such as body exfoliation - and maybe I'll be using a Loofah with patchouli while listening to some Luther Vandross. Or space music. Or a tuning fork.
On the "outside of class" part of life, which isn't much, WGH was cruisin' home from work this afternoon when the commuter car decided that it didn't want to work anymore. After a AAA tow to the shop, I picked him up and was able to get home in enough time to scarf down some chow and run back out the door. Unfortunately, I forgot my uniform shirt for class. Fortunately, I was already wearing a black shirt - not to dress code for class, but at least it was black. Also fortunately, it's winter and it's pretty stinkin' cold out so when I didn't take off my fleece sweater/sweatshirt thingy-ma-jig, it wasn't as obvious that in dress code. And if they had sent me home...oh well.
It would have been more time at home.
commuter car,
spa treatments,
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