During the lecture portion, we learned about the benefits of massage - besides just that "it feels good." Things like improved circulation, promotes muscle recovery from exercise, increasing oxygen to the blood, improved lymphatic systems, helps invigorate the immune system, and so much more. We also learned some of the history of massage, dating as far back as 3000 BC in China learning about some of the pioneers of modern massage to what we have now, with its many modalities.
We did an exercise in meditation, closing our eyes, envisioning ourselves in our massage room, giving ourselves a massage, what we would like and how we would go about doing it. In the future, when we've had a busy, hectic day, we'll want to calm ourselves to be able to be "present" with our client on the table, so he or she feels cared for, which is the reason for wanting to take a few moments prior to the massage to do this.
We learned techniques on "draping." When a client is on the table, they are generally undressed to his or her comfort level, under a sheet, and probably a blanket as well. As a bodyworker, it is our job to make our client feel secure since he/she is in the most vulnerable position. We use what's called "draping," which is only uncovering the part of the body, such as a leg or the back, when it is being worked on. The instructor and TA demonstrated how to quickly and properly drape a client when on his/her back and stomach.

We only got a little bit of time to actually practice our techniques since we were running out of time. I think I owe my partner from tonight a good deal of time on the table when I get a chance. Poor thing didn't have her fair time on the table and I certainly didn't get enough practice.
Tomorrow night: final exam - all hands-on. No written. We'll be graded on professionalism, dress code, body mechanics, beingness, draping, and of course, stroke technique.
I got to set up my table before I left for class this evening. I think I need to rearrange the room a little bit to fit the table in there, but I think it's going to work out well. I also think I need to get more sheets.
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