In this evening's Professional Development class, we discussed the interview process while looking for a job. We also discussed about how employers may seek out the on-line presence of potential candidates and what's found on their facebook pages (or blogs) could determine whether or not they get the job or even the interview.
Well, if you're one of my potential employers and you stumble up on this, welcome to my blog. If you go back through my journey, you'll see how I have progressed, gotten frustrated, overcome obstacles, and generally, experienced life while going to school. I hope you're still considering me.
What is boils down to is this: employers want good candidates, candidates want good employers. It's a mutual interview. What if I get to the interview and realize that there is no way on God's green Earth that I would want to work for a particular company?
Rhetorical...not gonna answer...because it's rhetorical.
I guess it comes down to this: we all gotta do interviews at some point in time. It's best we learn how to come through well on the other side of the interview.
A blog about going through my journey of Massage School classes at the Baltimore School of Massage.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 170 - I Just LOVE Friday Night Classes (Gag!) (Oh, and 47 Days Left)
Since we didn't have class last Monday due to Presidents Day, they made us come to class tonight. And it couldn't be something a little less intense or more fun like a bodywork class. Nope. It had to be Pathology. And we were combine with another class - again. And we took a quiz (13/15). We handed in homework, and had a little lecture.
We learned about some pathologies of the respiratory system. The most exciting part of class for me: when the instructor was describing how the common cold is a virus and there are many mutated viruses of the common cold. However, our body's immune system recognizes only the ones it has experienced before, so when it sees a familiar virus, it says (quote from the movie "Taken"), "I have a special select set of skills. I will hunt you down. I WILL find you. And I will kill you." Take that, Bad Virus!
Best part of class.
We learned about some pathologies of the respiratory system. The most exciting part of class for me: when the instructor was describing how the common cold is a virus and there are many mutated viruses of the common cold. However, our body's immune system recognizes only the ones it has experienced before, so when it sees a familiar virus, it says (quote from the movie "Taken"), "I have a special select set of skills. I will hunt you down. I WILL find you. And I will kill you." Take that, Bad Virus!
Best part of class.
combined class,
Friday Night Class,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 169 - The Refleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-fleck-flex (48 Days Left)
In those ancient days known as the 80's, in my formative years, my friend LOVED Duran Duran and just knew that she would entice John Taylor, their bass player, into marrying her. I, however, knew that George Michael would want to marry me. Ahhh...the innocence of youth. I still love George's "Faith" album and still count the "Faith" tour concert as one of the best concerts I've seen. Of course, this whole George Michael marriage thing happened AFTER I had gotten over cutie Hardy Boy, Shawn Cassidy, and teen heart-throb, Andy Gibb. I was pretty upset when Andy passed away. I mean...I wasn't there for him and all...maybe I could have done something to help.
But alas now, as a more "mature" woman, I find myself having Duran Duran's song "The Reflex" going through my head sometimes as we practice in Reflexology class.
I have no idea what one has to do with the other, or why I decided to take the walk down my pre-teen and teen idol memory lane, except for the closeness in names of the song "The Reflex" and the modality, "Reflexolgy."
Tonight we took what we learned in anatomy months ago about the digestive system and learned where it could have some issues. I'm guessing that we'll be learning about how reflexology can potentially help the body regulate its digestive system.
We also learned some more techniques for practicing this modality, like thumb-walking (has nothing to do with hitch-hiking), finger walking, and hook and peel...or hook and run...or hook, line, and sinker...or...something like that.
Then we got to practice with our partner.
Can I just say that I really enjoy working on feet? And I like to have mine done, too?
But alas now, as a more "mature" woman, I find myself having Duran Duran's song "The Reflex" going through my head sometimes as we practice in Reflexology class.
I have no idea what one has to do with the other, or why I decided to take the walk down my pre-teen and teen idol memory lane, except for the closeness in names of the song "The Reflex" and the modality, "Reflexolgy."
Tonight we took what we learned in anatomy months ago about the digestive system and learned where it could have some issues. I'm guessing that we'll be learning about how reflexology can potentially help the body regulate its digestive system.
We also learned some more techniques for practicing this modality, like thumb-walking (has nothing to do with hitch-hiking), finger walking, and hook and peel...or hook and run...or hook, line, and sinker...or...something like that.
Then we got to practice with our partner.
Can I just say that I really enjoy working on feet? And I like to have mine done, too?
Andy Gibb,
Duran Duran,
George Michael,
Shawn Cassidy
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 168 - I Must See Your Papers (49 Days Left)
Almost two years ago, I was laid off from my J-O-B of 18 years, during which I had climbed the proverbial corporate ladder. In the ensuing months that followed, I sent out dozens of resumes and cover letters. I practically tailored each resume for each position for which I applied. After six months, I finally was offered an entry level J-O-B. At the time, I just figured that keeping our house would be better than trying to move WGH and I to my mother's house, so I bit the bullet and took the first J-O-B offered, which was data entry and what I still do.
On a side-note, the new HR person at the J-O-B as me the loaded question of "if you could change one thing about this company, what would it be?" Feeling like I have nothing to lose, I was honest and pretty much laid it out there. If anything comes of this in the future, I will keep you posted, but for now, I was pretty proud of myself for being diplomatic yet honest about my thoughts with no fear of reprisals.
In this evening's class, we discussed resumes and application letters, which will be our "big assignment" for this installment of the Professional Development class, and a big portion of our grade for this class.
The great thing about this is that we'll get a chance to have many people, including those who are responsible for hiring people, look at our resumes, proofread, offer suggestions, and generally help us get the job that we are looking for in this field.
I'm actually looking forward to this assignment.
How weird is that?
On a side-note, the new HR person at the J-O-B as me the loaded question of "if you could change one thing about this company, what would it be?" Feeling like I have nothing to lose, I was honest and pretty much laid it out there. If anything comes of this in the future, I will keep you posted, but for now, I was pretty proud of myself for being diplomatic yet honest about my thoughts with no fear of reprisals.
In this evening's class, we discussed resumes and application letters, which will be our "big assignment" for this installment of the Professional Development class, and a big portion of our grade for this class.
The great thing about this is that we'll get a chance to have many people, including those who are responsible for hiring people, look at our resumes, proofread, offer suggestions, and generally help us get the job that we are looking for in this field.
I'm actually looking forward to this assignment.
How weird is that?
cover letters,
professional development,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 167 - Snow Path (50 Days Left)
This morning, we woke up to a lovely blanket of snow over our fair county and surrounding areas. It's lovely, anyway, until you have to shovel it and then drive in it. I spent 45 minutes shoveling our driveway this morning and digging out my car, making me 45 minutes late for the J-O-B. Oh well. Not too concerned there.
At the school, however, they didn't have classes during the day, but went ahead and had the evening classes, which meant there was confusion among the students and/or instructors about who was to be there.
As it turned out, due to said confusion, an instructor didn't show up, making our Pathology instructor go teach another class, in turn, making our class get combined (again) with another class in one of the smallest classrooms in the building.
Putting that many people in a small space and actually trying to teach them something is probably about as effective as putting an open can of tuna fish in front of a cat and not expect the cat to eat it.
I think all things considered, we ended up learning at least something and we were released at 9:30 so as to avoid any ice that may have frozen as a result of the water that had melted earlier in the day.
Over the weekend in clinic, I had four clients (yay me) and things went about as smoothly as they could, seeing as how the Director of Student Clinic was released from employment a couple weeks ago, the assistant that has given out clients was out at a funeral, and the Director of the Campus who had been running clinic had just quit last week. They got in a couple of the regular classroom instructors and had them do the best they could with running the clinic and by mid-afternoon on Saturday, I think they got their groove.
My last client looked like a 12 year old boy and when I picked him up in the waiting room, a young woman came with us. I asked if she was his mom, she giggled and said that she was his girlfriend. I didn't know what to think, but went about my duty and did my pre-massage interview and must have been a little flustered by the situation and didn't explain how to get onto the table well enough.
After two attempts, he was finally on the table, wearing his jeans and tank top and the sheet over top of him. I had let him know to "disrobe to his level of comfort," so I assumed that he wasn't comfortable taking off his clothes and worked over top his jeans to massage his legs. By the time I had him turn onto his stomach, he asked if it was ok to take off his tank top so I could work on his back.
All the while, the GF watched what I did.
He seemed to enjoy it from the feedback I got from him afterward.
I'm also guessing that this was his first massage.
I have two Student Clinics left, and it should be very interesting to see what they bring.
At the school, however, they didn't have classes during the day, but went ahead and had the evening classes, which meant there was confusion among the students and/or instructors about who was to be there.
As it turned out, due to said confusion, an instructor didn't show up, making our Pathology instructor go teach another class, in turn, making our class get combined (again) with another class in one of the smallest classrooms in the building.
Putting that many people in a small space and actually trying to teach them something is probably about as effective as putting an open can of tuna fish in front of a cat and not expect the cat to eat it.
I think all things considered, we ended up learning at least something and we were released at 9:30 so as to avoid any ice that may have frozen as a result of the water that had melted earlier in the day.
Over the weekend in clinic, I had four clients (yay me) and things went about as smoothly as they could, seeing as how the Director of Student Clinic was released from employment a couple weeks ago, the assistant that has given out clients was out at a funeral, and the Director of the Campus who had been running clinic had just quit last week. They got in a couple of the regular classroom instructors and had them do the best they could with running the clinic and by mid-afternoon on Saturday, I think they got their groove.
My last client looked like a 12 year old boy and when I picked him up in the waiting room, a young woman came with us. I asked if she was his mom, she giggled and said that she was his girlfriend. I didn't know what to think, but went about my duty and did my pre-massage interview and must have been a little flustered by the situation and didn't explain how to get onto the table well enough.
After two attempts, he was finally on the table, wearing his jeans and tank top and the sheet over top of him. I had let him know to "disrobe to his level of comfort," so I assumed that he wasn't comfortable taking off his clothes and worked over top his jeans to massage his legs. By the time I had him turn onto his stomach, he asked if it was ok to take off his tank top so I could work on his back.
All the while, the GF watched what I did.
He seemed to enjoy it from the feedback I got from him afterward.
I'm also guessing that this was his first massage.
I have two Student Clinics left, and it should be very interesting to see what they bring.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 166 - Something Strange Is Afoot (55 Days Left)
I have discovered that I enjoy giving foot massages. I enjoy receiving them, as well. We started Reflexology class tonight, which is basically using a zone theory developed in the early 1900's to "map" the foot and link it to the body and specific organs.
I enjoyed the class and am looking forward to learning more about how to incorporate more foot stuff in my massages.
Now...I just need to figure out how to keep my hands from smelling like feet.
I enjoyed the class and am looking forward to learning more about how to incorporate more foot stuff in my massages.
Now...I just need to figure out how to keep my hands from smelling like feet.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 165 - No More Meetings (56 Days Left)
This afternoon at the J-O-B, TPTB decided that it would be a great idea to have a meeting to update the staff on the last quarter's results. I don't know whose idea it was to stick people in a warm, dark room at 3:00, show indecipherable financial Power Point slides to people who would rather dissect worms, while droning on and on about more indecipherable financial statistics. I mean - really. Who can possibly stay awake during that? Unless your name is Donald Trump. Even then, it might be a stretch. One co-worker woke herself up when she snored a little bit.
Needless to say, I don't really remember anything that was said, and I certainly didn't understand it at the time.
During a break from our Professional Development class tonight, I asked the teacher if as Massage Therapists we would have to sit through those types of meetings. I was quite grateful when he said, "No."
In our class, we discussed professionalism and the Code of Ethics of Massage Therapy, Cultural Diversity, and other stuff that we'll have to at least be prepared for when we are released into the wild world of Massage Therapy.
I may not say this often, but tonight's class was fun. We laughed. Sometimes I think this particular teacher needs to do some stand-up comedy.
Needless to say, I don't really remember anything that was said, and I certainly didn't understand it at the time.
During a break from our Professional Development class tonight, I asked the teacher if as Massage Therapists we would have to sit through those types of meetings. I was quite grateful when he said, "No."
In our class, we discussed professionalism and the Code of Ethics of Massage Therapy, Cultural Diversity, and other stuff that we'll have to at least be prepared for when we are released into the wild world of Massage Therapy.
I may not say this often, but tonight's class was fun. We laughed. Sometimes I think this particular teacher needs to do some stand-up comedy.
professional development,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 164 - Won't Learn (57 Days Left - 56 Probably By the Time You Read This)
In tonight's Pathology class, we discussed disorders of the cardiovascular system, like leukemia, anemia, and atherosclerosis. Our teacher seemed really good at getting across what each of the diseases/disorders was about and talked about how athersclerosis is a very preventable disease because the majority of causes are lifestyle related. Diet, stress-level, smoking, and such are probable causes of it and it can be mostly avoided by changing our lifestyles.
After hearing this lecture, I thought to myself, "Well, I probably won't live past 50." I can very much say that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I could definitely do better.
Upon returning home from school, I had a piece of fried chicken and some buttered bread.
Eh...there's always tomorrow to make better choices.
After hearing this lecture, I thought to myself, "Well, I probably won't live past 50." I can very much say that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I could definitely do better.
Upon returning home from school, I had a piece of fried chicken and some buttered bread.
Eh...there's always tomorrow to make better choices.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 163 - Are We There Yet? (58 Days To Go)
Over the weekend, during Student Clinic, I had the privilege of massaging a jogger, two nurses, and a cancer survivor with a great attitude and positive outlook. One of the nurses was a practicing massage therapist for awhile and then got into the nursing field.
I had something very interesting happen to me, too. While I was massaging the cancer survivor, as I do with other clients, I was praying over him while massaging him - for continued healing, strengthening his spiritual walk, and that sort of thing. After I closed and thanked him for allowing me to work with him, he thanked me for the "energy work" I did on him.
That took me back. Did he sense or feel my prayers? Did he know to whom I was praying?
One of the things that I have been somewhat concerned about during this whole program is the delving into Eastern philosophies, including medicines and religion. I can't say that I subscribe to the whole "energy" thing that some people may. However, if someone can sense that I'm praying for him or her, well, then I guess that's good because I believe that God can hear the prayers of His people - and will answer them.
Anyway, in tonight's class, to celebrate Valentines Day (NOT!), we discussed some things that we may run into either during clinic or when we have clients on our tables. Things like Somatic Emotional Release - which basically states that a client may become emotional (crying or excessive laughter) while receiving a massage as a result of a physical release from the massage. I almost experienced that myself last year about this time of year when I received the massage that inspired me to get into this whole program.
During that massage, I came very close to crying. I had experienced a rough year to year and a half, between deaths in the family and losing my long-time J-O-B, and I mark that massage as one of the the turning points in my emotional healing. Not to mention the new focus and direction for my career.
After that discussion, we took our final exam for this Core class. I went first as practitioner and earned a 94/100. Then I got to relax and let my partner do his thing and take his exam.
I had something very interesting happen to me, too. While I was massaging the cancer survivor, as I do with other clients, I was praying over him while massaging him - for continued healing, strengthening his spiritual walk, and that sort of thing. After I closed and thanked him for allowing me to work with him, he thanked me for the "energy work" I did on him.
That took me back. Did he sense or feel my prayers? Did he know to whom I was praying?
One of the things that I have been somewhat concerned about during this whole program is the delving into Eastern philosophies, including medicines and religion. I can't say that I subscribe to the whole "energy" thing that some people may. However, if someone can sense that I'm praying for him or her, well, then I guess that's good because I believe that God can hear the prayers of His people - and will answer them.
Anyway, in tonight's class, to celebrate Valentines Day (NOT!), we discussed some things that we may run into either during clinic or when we have clients on our tables. Things like Somatic Emotional Release - which basically states that a client may become emotional (crying or excessive laughter) while receiving a massage as a result of a physical release from the massage. I almost experienced that myself last year about this time of year when I received the massage that inspired me to get into this whole program.
During that massage, I came very close to crying. I had experienced a rough year to year and a half, between deaths in the family and losing my long-time J-O-B, and I mark that massage as one of the the turning points in my emotional healing. Not to mention the new focus and direction for my career.
After that discussion, we took our final exam for this Core class. I went first as practitioner and earned a 94/100. Then I got to relax and let my partner do his thing and take his exam.
energy work,
final exam,
Somatic Emotional Release,
Student Clinic
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 162 - No Go (62 Days Left)
After I felt really great yesterday, I didn't feel well today, so I decided to stay home from school tonight t get some rest. Back at it on Saturday afternoon for Student Clinic.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 161 - That's a Wrap (63 Days Left)
Last week, when we were finishing up Spa Treatments, we got a chance to see a demo of a body wrap, but didn't get to practice it ourselves, due to the weather conditions. Tonight, during Core class, we got a quick demo and got to practice it ourselves!
I went first on the table and my therapist/classmate did an excellent job on me. The wrap itself was like being in a really warm blanket or like being a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths - very snuggly and warm.
After she unwrapped me, I think my pants were a little more loose, which "they" say is one of the effects of a wrap - instant weight loss. I highly doubt the effects last long, considering it would be mostly water weight that is lost.
When it was her turn on the table, I wrapped her up and then I worked on massaging her face, temples, head, neck, and shoulders. Unfortunately, at the most inopportune time, my throat started tickling. Just a dry tickle in the back. Enough to make me cough. And cough. And cough.
I felt like everybody was looking at me like a leper. Well, I felt like a leper, so it was stressing me out, which made me cough more.
I was able to calm down enough to finish the wrap session and after unwrapping my client/partner, I started the regular massage. And then more coughing ensued.
Ugh! How frustrating.
I know I'm better now from the crazy cold thing I had. No fever and I feel fine, except for some occasional dryness/itchiness in my throat which just happens to manifest sometimes as coughing.
At any rate, I ended the session early and my partner and I were able to help the teacher get some things put away so she wouldn't have to do it all herself.
So the moral of this story is to always make sure you have some hand sanitizer close by - just in case.
I went first on the table and my therapist/classmate did an excellent job on me. The wrap itself was like being in a really warm blanket or like being a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths - very snuggly and warm.
After she unwrapped me, I think my pants were a little more loose, which "they" say is one of the effects of a wrap - instant weight loss. I highly doubt the effects last long, considering it would be mostly water weight that is lost.
When it was her turn on the table, I wrapped her up and then I worked on massaging her face, temples, head, neck, and shoulders. Unfortunately, at the most inopportune time, my throat started tickling. Just a dry tickle in the back. Enough to make me cough. And cough. And cough.
I felt like everybody was looking at me like a leper. Well, I felt like a leper, so it was stressing me out, which made me cough more.
I was able to calm down enough to finish the wrap session and after unwrapping my client/partner, I started the regular massage. And then more coughing ensued.
Ugh! How frustrating.
I know I'm better now from the crazy cold thing I had. No fever and I feel fine, except for some occasional dryness/itchiness in my throat which just happens to manifest sometimes as coughing.
At any rate, I ended the session early and my partner and I were able to help the teacher get some things put away so she wouldn't have to do it all herself.
So the moral of this story is to always make sure you have some hand sanitizer close by - just in case.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 160 - Cowbell Must Have Worked (64 Days Left - Sorry, Molly)
I woke up this morning feeling groggy, but made it to the J-O-B and consumed hot peppermint tea with honey and a little cinnamon sprinkled in it. Oh yeah, I did some work, too.
After a joyous day at the J-O-B (joyous meaning I didn't leave early nor fall asleep at my desk), I came home and went through my normal routine and got to school on time and all. I also did not have a fever, which meant I could receive bodywork! Yay!
All-in-all, class went well. Still, a good number of classmates didn't make it in again due to sickness.
But tomorrow is another day.
After a joyous day at the J-O-B (joyous meaning I didn't leave early nor fall asleep at my desk), I came home and went through my normal routine and got to school on time and all. I also did not have a fever, which meant I could receive bodywork! Yay!
All-in-all, class went well. Still, a good number of classmates didn't make it in again due to sickness.
![]() |
Just another 64 days... |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 159 - Maybe Cowbell Will Help (65 Days Left)
I apparently got punished for skipping skool on Friday night by waking up Saturday morning with a dry throat - the beginnings of a scratchy throat, which is the beginnings of a sore throat, and that could lead to a full blown cold, bronchitis, or other nasty things I don't even want to think about.
I ended up going to clinic and doing my shift. I had one client, one student exchange, and then a repeat client: WGH. I got through the shift on cough drops and water. Afterward, WGH and I just "happened" to go by Sonic and have some tator tots and a vanilla malt...oh and a sammich, too. But nothing else on the menu matters to me besides the tator tots and vanilla malt.
Anyway, after the feast on Sonic while sitting in the commuter car, I fell asleep on the way home. Upon arrival at home, I took a peppermint and euchalyptus bath. And then fell asleep.
On Sunday, WGH went to the store and got me a neti-pot, which I found weird, but have gotten used to it and now want to use it about every hour. However, I think that may be overkill. I got done the things I needed to do and rested when I needed to as well.
However, Monday came on like a slap in the face. I wasn't all that congested when I woke up so I thought I was getting better. However, after being at the J-O-B, I was feeling rather miserable and after torturing myself for over six hours at the J-O-B, I finally went home, crawled into bed, and slept for two hours.
When I woke up, I checked my temperature and it said 99.0 degrees, so I knew that when I went to school, I wouldn't be able to receive any bodywork with any kind of fever, but knew that I needed to get to school just because of the hours policy. Plus, it was the first night of this class and I like to see who the teacher is and get a feel for how the class is going to go.
Apparently, though, I wasn't the only one in my class not feeling well. Several - and I mean several - stayed home because they were sick. Oddly enough, all the symptoms seem to be earily similar. Maybe we all got the same bug? Who knows? At any rate, I went like a masochistic pony in a glue factory.
When I arrived at class, I saw that the teacher was someone whom I've known as a TA for all this time. She hasn't been one of my class' regular TA's, but one I've seen around a lot. She seemed rather aloof when I've seen her around, but after tonight's class, I think I've figured out that she's just shy.
We did our introductions and then an exercise in draping, opening, and closings, and then began bodywork. I worked on my partner, and then since I couldn't get any work done, I signed myself out and came home.
Now that I'm home, I'm wondering if I need more cowbell or more neti-pot to help with this fever.
I ended up going to clinic and doing my shift. I had one client, one student exchange, and then a repeat client: WGH. I got through the shift on cough drops and water. Afterward, WGH and I just "happened" to go by Sonic and have some tator tots and a vanilla malt...oh and a sammich, too. But nothing else on the menu matters to me besides the tator tots and vanilla malt.
Anyway, after the feast on Sonic while sitting in the commuter car, I fell asleep on the way home. Upon arrival at home, I took a peppermint and euchalyptus bath. And then fell asleep.
On Sunday, WGH went to the store and got me a neti-pot, which I found weird, but have gotten used to it and now want to use it about every hour. However, I think that may be overkill. I got done the things I needed to do and rested when I needed to as well.
However, Monday came on like a slap in the face. I wasn't all that congested when I woke up so I thought I was getting better. However, after being at the J-O-B, I was feeling rather miserable and after torturing myself for over six hours at the J-O-B, I finally went home, crawled into bed, and slept for two hours.
When I woke up, I checked my temperature and it said 99.0 degrees, so I knew that when I went to school, I wouldn't be able to receive any bodywork with any kind of fever, but knew that I needed to get to school just because of the hours policy. Plus, it was the first night of this class and I like to see who the teacher is and get a feel for how the class is going to go.
Apparently, though, I wasn't the only one in my class not feeling well. Several - and I mean several - stayed home because they were sick. Oddly enough, all the symptoms seem to be earily similar. Maybe we all got the same bug? Who knows? At any rate, I went like a masochistic pony in a glue factory.
When I arrived at class, I saw that the teacher was someone whom I've known as a TA for all this time. She hasn't been one of my class' regular TA's, but one I've seen around a lot. She seemed rather aloof when I've seen her around, but after tonight's class, I think I've figured out that she's just shy.
We did our introductions and then an exercise in draping, opening, and closings, and then began bodywork. I worked on my partner, and then since I couldn't get any work done, I signed myself out and came home.
Now that I'm home, I'm wondering if I need more cowbell or more neti-pot to help with this fever.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Day 158 - Skipping Skool!
I was supposed to be in a make-up class from last week's snow storm. However, since I took my finals last night, I skipped skool.
And I don't feel guilty because I was able to spend the evening with WGH on his birthday.
And I don't feel guilty because I was able to spend the evening with WGH on his birthday.
Day 157 - Longus DayiNightus (69 Days Left)
In learning Anatomy, we're learning a whole new language. Greek and Latin...maybe something else or other thrown in there, too. Hence the title of this post. My version that means "Long Day and Night."
I started this morning, went to the J-O-B, worked eight hours, and then immediately drove to school so that I could take the Antomy final and then immediately take the Spa Treatment final afterward.
I ended up getting a 41 out of 50 on the written portion and 20 out of 20 on the hands-on portion of the Anatomy final.
After that, I raced up to Subway, got a double-meat 6-inch sub, raced back to school, scarfed it down, along with the cookies, and then ran (well, walked) to class. I took the written Spa Treatment exam and got 91 out of 100 and then we did the hands-on, which I got 95 out of 100.
So far, looking good for a continued 4.0 GPA. Yay!
I would also like to wish a wonderful birthday to the man who has supported me emotionally, physically, and just being awesome for the last nine months of being in school. Thank you, WGH. AKA Ricky. Love you bunches!
I started this morning, went to the J-O-B, worked eight hours, and then immediately drove to school so that I could take the Antomy final and then immediately take the Spa Treatment final afterward.
I ended up getting a 41 out of 50 on the written portion and 20 out of 20 on the hands-on portion of the Anatomy final.
After that, I raced up to Subway, got a double-meat 6-inch sub, raced back to school, scarfed it down, along with the cookies, and then ran (well, walked) to class. I took the written Spa Treatment exam and got 91 out of 100 and then we did the hands-on, which I got 95 out of 100.
So far, looking good for a continued 4.0 GPA. Yay!
I would also like to wish a wonderful birthday to the man who has supported me emotionally, physically, and just being awesome for the last nine months of being in school. Thank you, WGH. AKA Ricky. Love you bunches!
final exam,
spa treatment,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 156 - Great Sigh of Relief (70 Days Left)
Beginning last night, I began studying for a quiz for tonight's Anatomy class that I thought was going to be on the antebrachium and its muscles (that's the forearm in lay people's vocabulary). Mostly, it was on the shoulder and upper arm bones and muscles, which was a great relief to me, as I was having a hard time understanding the forearm and hand stuff. There is a LOT of muscles in there.
As it turned out, I ended up getting a 8.5 out of 10 on the quiz, which will be rounded up to a 9/10 for their data records.
After the quiz, we reviewed for the final exam on Friday (which I'm actually taking tomorrow evening before the Spa Treatment final exam). I will be glad after tomorrow evening to be free of this session. Well, actually, the end of it will be Saturday after clinic.
I know I have mentioned my new cell phone that does just about everything except wash the dishes. Since it can be used as a MP3 player, I have downloaded some sermons that my dear friend gave at his church and I've been listening to them on the way to and from school this week. It's been really nice because it's like I feel like I've been needing some spiritual recharging. His messages have been helping me think about something other than school or the J-O-B and instead think of things of higher importance than the trivial matters I keep getting myself sucked into on a day to day basis.
It also makes me realize how much I miss having a life outside of school and seeing my friends.
70 days, my friends. 70 days.
As it turned out, I ended up getting a 8.5 out of 10 on the quiz, which will be rounded up to a 9/10 for their data records.
After the quiz, we reviewed for the final exam on Friday (which I'm actually taking tomorrow evening before the Spa Treatment final exam). I will be glad after tomorrow evening to be free of this session. Well, actually, the end of it will be Saturday after clinic.
I know I have mentioned my new cell phone that does just about everything except wash the dishes. Since it can be used as a MP3 player, I have downloaded some sermons that my dear friend gave at his church and I've been listening to them on the way to and from school this week. It's been really nice because it's like I feel like I've been needing some spiritual recharging. His messages have been helping me think about something other than school or the J-O-B and instead think of things of higher importance than the trivial matters I keep getting myself sucked into on a day to day basis.
It also makes me realize how much I miss having a life outside of school and seeing my friends.
70 days, my friends. 70 days.
cell phone,
final exam,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 155 - Spaahhh Treatment (71 Days Left)
So by the time I got home last night, I was a bit frustrated as you may have noticed. I'm better tonight.
The impending Winter Storm of Doom we were expecting last night was not as bad for me as was being reported on TV. I was able to make it to the J-O-B this morning and I was able to make it to class tonight. Since tonight was Spa Treatment class, I was pretty well looking forward to some bodywork.
As it turned out, we ended up leaving early from class due to the potential weather issues. We took our quiz (20/25) and saw a demo for a body wrap treatment. The treatment was not exactly what I thought it would be, but was still pretty interesting.
Then, glory of glories...we left. And now I'm home, comfy cozy on my couch.
The impending Winter Storm of Doom we were expecting last night was not as bad for me as was being reported on TV. I was able to make it to the J-O-B this morning and I was able to make it to class tonight. Since tonight was Spa Treatment class, I was pretty well looking forward to some bodywork.
As it turned out, we ended up leaving early from class due to the potential weather issues. We took our quiz (20/25) and saw a demo for a body wrap treatment. The treatment was not exactly what I thought it would be, but was still pretty interesting.
Then, glory of glories...we left. And now I'm home, comfy cozy on my couch.
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