Usually, I have been very well prepared for final exams, as we have had plenty of review time in class and my own study time - over the weekend, over breaks at work, lunchtime, etc. However, when we got our final exam for Anatomy from our SUBSTITUTE teacher, I seriously think I had to pick up my jaw (mandible) from the floor. There were questions on there that did not even REMOTELY look familiar. I did my best and trudged through them, trying to remember to think logically, even if I didn't recognize one or two of the words in the question. I think some of the exam was in another language. Not sure which language, but definitely not English.
After 40 minutes of wrestling with it, I finally finished and turned it in. As I went outside, WGH was waiting in the parking lot for me, along with other students who had just finished the same exam. We all had the same look our faces - "What was that?!?!?!?" Anyway, after not knowing how I did on the exam and not feeling very confident, I did not want to leave and go home as was the original plan. I needed to find out what my grade was.
WGH being the patient, logical, and wonderful husband that he is, offered to go to Subway and get me a sub (he knew I would be hungry) and come back. In the meantime, I could get my grade and kvetch with my classmates.
So, after 15 minutes of waiting, so no movement on being able to get a grade and WGH had brought back my sub. We went to a little picnic table by a run-off pond and I scarfed down my sub so I could back and find out my grade.
30 minutes later, still no grade, but we had to break down the classroom to prepare it for Student Clinic over the weekend, making our classroom uninhabitable for 40 people to sit and wait.
The SUBSTITUTE teacher took us to another classroom and put a video know, like you do for children when you want to get something done.
Another hour later - yes, an HOUR - I was standing in the hall, chatting with classmates and decided I'd take the time to visit the restroom as there was still no movement on the SUBSTITUTE front. Upon coming out of the restroom, I saw the light was on in the classroom and when I walked in, a classmate told me that my name had been called, so I announced that I was indeed there, thinking they were taking role call.
No, it was to give us our grades.
The next person on the list went up, and the next. Finally, I raised my hand and said (politely, as I try to always be), "My name was at the top of the list and I'm here." She said (in a rather annoyed and curt tone), "Well, you weren't here, so you'll have to wait."
After all that waiting and waiting, THAT is what I got?!?!?!?
Trust me, I am not the class clown, nor the troublemaker, nor the disruptor of the class.
I sit up front, pay attention and try to soak in EVERYTHING that I possibly can because I want to be the best Massage Therapist that I can be.
It was like a knife to my SOUL to hear that kind of treatment, and I was PO'ed to say the least.
One of my classmates - God bless her - came over, leaned down, and whispered that she saw my grade (I AM at the top of the list, you know) and that I had gotten an 88.
Relieved as I was to hear that I passed - and frankly, did pretty well - I was still PO'ed. Rather than get all stoopid and start yelling at somebody (the SUBSTITUTE), I gathered my things, I think I may have muttered a profanity (for which I put a quarter in the jar - I honestly don't use that sort of language, but apparently my ire was up), and walked out of the room.
From across the parking lot, the ever-so-loving-patient-and-saint-to-be-married-to-me was sitting in the car and could tell by my walk that something was afoot. He quickly drove over to me and picked me up. It took me at least 20 miles toward home to calm down.
I know that in any sort of educational system, sometimes, stuff happens. It happens in businesses all the time. I regret that I wasn't more mature in my actions, as all of my classmates and I have had the same sorts of experiences, but I chose to take the childish road by taking my toys and going elsewhere to play.
I have chosen to learn Massage Therapy, and I love the work that I am learning to do. 90% of my experience has been really great at BSOM, but there are nights like tonight where all you-know-what breaks and I feel like I am getting the short end of the stick.
Despite all of that, I am going to put on my big-girl panties, have a great weekend without any studying, and go back to class next week with a big ol' smile on my face because I know that next week, we start five or six (I can't count) weeks of nothing but bodywork.
A blog about going through my journey of Massage School classes at the Baltimore School of Massage.
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 60 - Circus
big girl panties,
final exam,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 59 - Using Your Head
Tonight, we had the final for the Cranial Sacral class. Part of it was written (I think I got a 91 - at least that's the grade I think I spied next to my name on the grade sheet as I tried to be casual while walking by) and the other part was practical or hands-on. For this portion, we were graded not only for knowing the holds, but what the "characteristics" were for that particular bone and what the "indications" were as well. In addition, our focus and posture were graded.
During the practical, the instructor walked around, checked our "hold" and then asked us what the characteristic and the indication was. During one of them (parietal), I made my statement, and in all sincerity, this is how I remembered it: "Aspiration. And if someone loses their aspiration, they can become depressed." Most people would just say, "Aspiration; depression." The instructor got a kick out of it and made the comment that he deducts points for sarcasm - on the back of the grade sheet. Who? Me? Sarcastic?
Anyway, I think I did well on both. Tomorrow night: Anatomy exam that includes: Respiratory System, Lymphatic System, Digestive System, Urinary System, and Reproductive System. Sounds a little overwhelming. Better go study - or at least go to sleep.
During the practical, the instructor walked around, checked our "hold" and then asked us what the characteristic and the indication was. During one of them (parietal), I made my statement, and in all sincerity, this is how I remembered it: "Aspiration. And if someone loses their aspiration, they can become depressed." Most people would just say, "Aspiration; depression." The instructor got a kick out of it and made the comment that he deducts points for sarcasm - on the back of the grade sheet. Who? Me? Sarcastic?
Anyway, I think I did well on both. Tomorrow night: Anatomy exam that includes: Respiratory System, Lymphatic System, Digestive System, Urinary System, and Reproductive System. Sounds a little overwhelming. Better go study - or at least go to sleep.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 58 - A Gnat O' Me
We started this evening's class out with a quiz on the Urinary System, on which I got a 10 out of 10. I know - I'm amazing.
This evening's Anatomy class lecture covered the female reproductive anatomy, which the instructor must have thought she was Jeff Gordon (that's a NASCAR race car driver, for you non-rednecks) because she sped through that portion of the lecture. Honestly, though, it didn't seem as detailed or in depth as the male anatomy.
After that lecture, we reviewed the whole reproductive system again (for the final) and then learned about the Coleum - I think I spelled that right. Anyway, that's part of the abdominal system - the part that keeps the heart, lungs, and stomach organs from falling down to the feet - or something like that.

Then we did a little bit more reviewing for the final on Thursday. A couple of us also took some time to study for tomorrow night's Cranial Sacral exam. I think I'll need to take my books to the J-O-B tomorrow so I can study during breaks and lunch.
This evening's Anatomy class lecture covered the female reproductive anatomy, which the instructor must have thought she was Jeff Gordon (that's a NASCAR race car driver, for you non-rednecks) because she sped through that portion of the lecture. Honestly, though, it didn't seem as detailed or in depth as the male anatomy.
After that lecture, we reviewed the whole reproductive system again (for the final) and then learned about the Coleum - I think I spelled that right. Anyway, that's part of the abdominal system - the part that keeps the heart, lungs, and stomach organs from falling down to the feet - or something like that.

Then we did a little bit more reviewing for the final on Thursday. A couple of us also took some time to study for tomorrow night's Cranial Sacral exam. I think I'll need to take my books to the J-O-B tomorrow so I can study during breaks and lunch.
reproductive system,
Urinary System
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 57 - Wanna Be a Professional
This is finals week for this five-week session. My plan for this past weekend was to study, study, and study. Well, best laid plans of mice and men...oh, I never read that, so nevermind.
Anyway, moving on.
I did some studying, but not all that I wanted. It was way too hot and I was way too annoyed and I barely got anything done. Our central air is in need of replacement and with one winder unit in the bedroom, it doesn't make for pleasant studying in the living room.
At any rate, tonight's final came and I had no clue what to study, as the material we covered was from random pages in two different books. When we got to class tonight, we covered the rest of the material that we needed and then we got a STUDY GUIDE! We worked on completing that in class and then went over all the answers. Guess what? Then we took the final exam!
Since everything was fresh in my mind, I think I did very well (Aced it, actually, I think), but I didn't stick around to find out what my score was. I thought that it was a perfect opportunity to get home a little earlier and try to get to bed by midnight. So far, so good.
I'm grateful that it's a little bit cooler today and this evening. Tomorrow night: final chapter in Anatomy - the female reproductive system. Oh boy. Er...girl.
Anyway, moving on.
I did some studying, but not all that I wanted. It was way too hot and I was way too annoyed and I barely got anything done. Our central air is in need of replacement and with one winder unit in the bedroom, it doesn't make for pleasant studying in the living room.
At any rate, tonight's final came and I had no clue what to study, as the material we covered was from random pages in two different books. When we got to class tonight, we covered the rest of the material that we needed and then we got a STUDY GUIDE! We worked on completing that in class and then went over all the answers. Guess what? Then we took the final exam!
Since everything was fresh in my mind, I think I did very well (Aced it, actually, I think), but I didn't stick around to find out what my score was. I thought that it was a perfect opportunity to get home a little earlier and try to get to bed by midnight. So far, so good.
I'm grateful that it's a little bit cooler today and this evening. Tomorrow night: final chapter in Anatomy - the female reproductive system. Oh boy. Er...girl.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 56 - Reunited
Guess what? We had a combined class again with Anthony leading instruction tonight. The class we have been combined with graduates next week. What are they going to do with us after that when our instructor is sick or something?
Anyway, we had our last class of Cranial Sacral before the final exam next week. We ended up by doing review for the written portion of the final and then practicing the hands-on portion during the bodywork section of the class. I was last on the table and WGH had driven home, so I'm quite relaxed after all the practicing.
One of the classmates was practicing the sacral hold that we learned in the last class, but apparently needed a little refresher on how to "get into position." My understanding is that it looked like circus tricks on the table next to me, with legs flailing in the air and what-not. Unfortunately, I was on the table and my eyes were closed and covered with a towel, so I didn't see any of this.
WGH has been riding with me occasionally to school, getting a chance to chat, which is rather lacking during the week. While I'm in class, he enjoys going to the aeroport, which is just right down the street from school, and watching the people and planes. Both are rather fascinating. Then he picks me up and we get to ride home together and catch up on what happened in class and what sort of antics we circus tricks.
This weekend, I am planning on working on creating my own "spa" music - you know - the stuff that I play while I'm working on a victim...uh...I mean, client. I don't know how far I'll get, but hope to have something soon.
Anyway, we had our last class of Cranial Sacral before the final exam next week. We ended up by doing review for the written portion of the final and then practicing the hands-on portion during the bodywork section of the class. I was last on the table and WGH had driven home, so I'm quite relaxed after all the practicing.
One of the classmates was practicing the sacral hold that we learned in the last class, but apparently needed a little refresher on how to "get into position." My understanding is that it looked like circus tricks on the table next to me, with legs flailing in the air and what-not. Unfortunately, I was on the table and my eyes were closed and covered with a towel, so I didn't see any of this.
WGH has been riding with me occasionally to school, getting a chance to chat, which is rather lacking during the week. While I'm in class, he enjoys going to the aeroport, which is just right down the street from school, and watching the people and planes. Both are rather fascinating. Then he picks me up and we get to ride home together and catch up on what happened in class and what sort of antics we circus tricks.
This weekend, I am planning on working on creating my own "spa" music - you know - the stuff that I play while I'm working on a victim...uh...I mean, client. I don't know how far I'll get, but hope to have something soon.
cranial sacral,
spa music,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 55 - Oh Boy
I wrote about last night's class being a little uncomfortable in some respects. Tonight's class was a wee bit uncomfortable as well. I think it was almost worse for our instructor.
But before I start telling you about that, first off, we took a quiz on the Digestive System, on which I got a 9 out of 10, thankyouverymuch.
Then we finished studying the last bit of the Urinary System. After all of us understood the Urinary System perfectly, and then a break, we delved into the Reproductive System, particularly studying the male anatomy (equal opportunity, next class will be female anatomy). Our poor instructor just wanted to get through this as fast as she could. Because we're such a "mature" class (yeah, right), we were all very clinical and respectful in our approach to learning this information. Well, most of us were, but there were a few times that ALL of us ended up snickering. I guess that's what happens when uncomfortable issues are discussed. There were some interesting questions asked also. Informative. That's all I'm gonna say about that on the blogosphere.
Well, one reproductive class down, one to go.
But before I start telling you about that, first off, we took a quiz on the Digestive System, on which I got a 9 out of 10, thankyouverymuch.
Then we finished studying the last bit of the Urinary System. After all of us understood the Urinary System perfectly, and then a break, we delved into the Reproductive System, particularly studying the male anatomy (equal opportunity, next class will be female anatomy). Our poor instructor just wanted to get through this as fast as she could. Because we're such a "mature" class (yeah, right), we were all very clinical and respectful in our approach to learning this information. Well, most of us were, but there were a few times that ALL of us ended up snickering. I guess that's what happens when uncomfortable issues are discussed. There were some interesting questions asked also. Informative. That's all I'm gonna say about that on the blogosphere.
Well, one reproductive class down, one to go.
Digestive system,
reproductive system,
Urinary System
Day 54 - Getting to Know the Sacrum - and Classmates
In tonight's Cranial Sacral class, went over our study guide, chakras, and then we learned about the sacrum. Let me try to explain what I understood about the chakras. They're like wheels of electro-magnetic energy around the body that have different meanings in different areas of the body. Um...I don't get it, but ok.

As far as the sacrum goes, we learned how to palpate the sacrum, which means while practicing, we got pretty up close and personal with our partner/classmate. For this class, I was quite grateful to be with a classmate with whom I feel very comfortable. Our instructor told us that as bodyworkers, if we are the least bit uncomfortable getting to where we need to go to get done what we need to get done, our client is not going to be comfortable. Being a bodyworker means truly that - working on somebody's body. I figure that the best way to get comfortable with it is just to do it.
I just realized that I am throwing around the "term" sacrum and talking about potentially being somewhat uncomfortable getting to it. The sacrum is the triangular shaped bone at the bottom of the spine, and the tip of it is called the tailbone in layman's terms. Now, we weren't working on the tailbone at the tip or anything, but just working in that area may cause uncomfortability. Like I said, the best thing is to just do it, practice it, get comfortable with it to make it easier for clients to feel comfortable with it.

As far as the sacrum goes, we learned how to palpate the sacrum, which means while practicing, we got pretty up close and personal with our partner/classmate. For this class, I was quite grateful to be with a classmate with whom I feel very comfortable. Our instructor told us that as bodyworkers, if we are the least bit uncomfortable getting to where we need to go to get done what we need to get done, our client is not going to be comfortable. Being a bodyworker means truly that - working on somebody's body. I figure that the best way to get comfortable with it is just to do it.
I just realized that I am throwing around the "term" sacrum and talking about potentially being somewhat uncomfortable getting to it. The sacrum is the triangular shaped bone at the bottom of the spine, and the tip of it is called the tailbone in layman's terms. Now, we weren't working on the tailbone at the tip or anything, but just working in that area may cause uncomfortability. Like I said, the best thing is to just do it, practice it, get comfortable with it to make it easier for clients to feel comfortable with it.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 53 - Keep 'Em Comin'
First of all, I want to thank all of the volunteers who have been guinea pigs as I learn massage. Your sacrifice is what is going to make me be the best bodywork professional I can be. Thank you for your patience as I "learn the ropes" - so to speak.
In the Professional Development class this evening, we learned about marketing ourselves and our services, how to get clients and keep them coming back, what things we can do for customer service, and how to keep notes about our sessions with each client. In discussions like this, we even got down to if our sheets smell clean or not can be a factor in whether or not a client comes back.
I'm not scared of the marketing part, especially when it comes down to talking to people about it. You may have noticed that I enjoy talking about it. I also enjoy doing it.
This past Saturday, I had done several massages, gone to practice some music for a Sunday evening worship service, and finally had gotten home, exhausted. All I wanted to do was lie on the couch and become a vegetable when WGH asked if I would give him a massage. I dragged myself off the couch (after 20 minutes of "getting up the energy") and we went to the massage room where once I started working on his muscles, I became energized enough to do about an hour massage.
Where did the energy come from? About 15 minutes after I was done, I became a vegetable again on the couch.
I can't explain it. I guess I feel like this was something I was supposed to do.
In the Professional Development class this evening, we learned about marketing ourselves and our services, how to get clients and keep them coming back, what things we can do for customer service, and how to keep notes about our sessions with each client. In discussions like this, we even got down to if our sheets smell clean or not can be a factor in whether or not a client comes back.
I'm not scared of the marketing part, especially when it comes down to talking to people about it. You may have noticed that I enjoy talking about it. I also enjoy doing it.
This past Saturday, I had done several massages, gone to practice some music for a Sunday evening worship service, and finally had gotten home, exhausted. All I wanted to do was lie on the couch and become a vegetable when WGH asked if I would give him a massage. I dragged myself off the couch (after 20 minutes of "getting up the energy") and we went to the massage room where once I started working on his muscles, I became energized enough to do about an hour massage.
Where did the energy come from? About 15 minutes after I was done, I became a vegetable again on the couch.
I can't explain it. I guess I feel like this was something I was supposed to do.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Updated to Day 51
I just remembered something very important I learned last night.
A bladder should not hold 700 to 800 mL of urine as it can cause infections and the inability to hold urine.
Did you know that a bottle of wine is 750 mL?
Can you imagine peeing out the equivalent of a bottle of wine????
A bladder should not hold 700 to 800 mL of urine as it can cause infections and the inability to hold urine.
Did you know that a bottle of wine is 750 mL?
Can you imagine peeing out the equivalent of a bottle of wine????
Day 52 - Numbers One and Two - A Very Special Blog
This morning as I got ready for work, the radio station played Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying." I'm not a huge Country fan, but I do like that song. It should remind each one of us that this life is short and we should try to get the most of it that we can. It was one year ago today that my father took his last breath. I miss him, but I also know that death is unavoidable. We all have to face it one day.
I got a little teary-eyed this morning when the sweet woman from hospice called me, as she did several times this past year, to check and see how I'm doing and if I needed to talk. Other than that, the anniversary of his death reminded me of how far I have come in the last year. One year ago, I was unemployed and had lost my father, trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces. Fast forward to January, when we lost my husband's father. In the meantime, I had taken a data entry J-O-B, just so we could keep our house, and some of the life-style that we had.
Fast forward again to a vacation in March where I got a massage - the massage that changed my whole career focus. I had been so broken and knotted up when I walked into that session, but came out feeling refreshed and like I could conquer anything. I realized then that I could do that. Help people. Not only was I just doing a J-O-B of data entry now, but had a vision of keeping that J-O-B until I finish the massage therapy program and become a Massage Therapist.
Sometimes couples that go through tough times like this past year ending up having trouble in their marriage. I'm glad to report that despite not being able to see each other a whole lot, I believe that WGH and I are as tight as ever. He knows how to keep me laughing, when to let me cry, and that sometimes I just need to become a vegetable on the sofa, eat chips and salsa, and watch Star Trek.
All that to say that it's partially because of my dad's death - and all that's happened in the last few years - why I'm in this program now. So what did happen tonight in class anyway?
We had our regular Anatomy instructor tonight! Yay!
Our focus in this session was the ending portion of the Digestive System (Number 2) and the Urinary System (Number 1). So I guess we got both waste systems tonight.
Did you know that when you're receiving a massage and your tummy rumbles, it doesn't mean that you're hungry? It just means that you're in a relaxed state and digestion is happening as it's supposed to.
We got into the the microscopic parts of the kidneys, what they are and what they do. We got to color pictures of it with our color pencils. There were red arteries, blue veins, and yellow....well, I'll just leave it at yellow and you can figure out the rest.
One very important thing I learned was that a bladder should not hold 700 to 800 mL of urine as it can cause infections and the inability to hold urine. Did you know that a bottle of wine is 750 mL? Can you imagine peeing out the equivalent of a bottle of wine????
During the lecture, there was one point that my shoulder was in such pain because of it being tight, I finally had to ask my classmate, Stuart, to work on my trapezius. As he worked on it and put pressure the area, he said that he could feel it release and when he finished up, I didn't feel the pain anymore. It felt loose - like muscles should be. Would he have been able to do that three months ago? Would I?
I'm glad that I'm in this program. It's hard coming home from work and driving 40 miles to get there four days a week, but the end results will be more than worth it. So for whatever tough times I've been through the last few years, I believe my future will have many possibilities and options, and I want to live my life knowing that life is short and I want to do what I can while I'm still on this earth.
I got a little teary-eyed this morning when the sweet woman from hospice called me, as she did several times this past year, to check and see how I'm doing and if I needed to talk. Other than that, the anniversary of his death reminded me of how far I have come in the last year. One year ago, I was unemployed and had lost my father, trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces. Fast forward to January, when we lost my husband's father. In the meantime, I had taken a data entry J-O-B, just so we could keep our house, and some of the life-style that we had.
Fast forward again to a vacation in March where I got a massage - the massage that changed my whole career focus. I had been so broken and knotted up when I walked into that session, but came out feeling refreshed and like I could conquer anything. I realized then that I could do that. Help people. Not only was I just doing a J-O-B of data entry now, but had a vision of keeping that J-O-B until I finish the massage therapy program and become a Massage Therapist.
Sometimes couples that go through tough times like this past year ending up having trouble in their marriage. I'm glad to report that despite not being able to see each other a whole lot, I believe that WGH and I are as tight as ever. He knows how to keep me laughing, when to let me cry, and that sometimes I just need to become a vegetable on the sofa, eat chips and salsa, and watch Star Trek.
All that to say that it's partially because of my dad's death - and all that's happened in the last few years - why I'm in this program now. So what did happen tonight in class anyway?
We had our regular Anatomy instructor tonight! Yay!
Our focus in this session was the ending portion of the Digestive System (Number 2) and the Urinary System (Number 1). So I guess we got both waste systems tonight.
Did you know that when you're receiving a massage and your tummy rumbles, it doesn't mean that you're hungry? It just means that you're in a relaxed state and digestion is happening as it's supposed to.
We got into the the microscopic parts of the kidneys, what they are and what they do. We got to color pictures of it with our color pencils. There were red arteries, blue veins, and yellow....well, I'll just leave it at yellow and you can figure out the rest.
One very important thing I learned was that a bladder should not hold 700 to 800 mL of urine as it can cause infections and the inability to hold urine. Did you know that a bottle of wine is 750 mL? Can you imagine peeing out the equivalent of a bottle of wine????
During the lecture, there was one point that my shoulder was in such pain because of it being tight, I finally had to ask my classmate, Stuart, to work on my trapezius. As he worked on it and put pressure the area, he said that he could feel it release and when he finished up, I didn't feel the pain anymore. It felt loose - like muscles should be. Would he have been able to do that three months ago? Would I?
I'm glad that I'm in this program. It's hard coming home from work and driving 40 miles to get there four days a week, but the end results will be more than worth it. So for whatever tough times I've been through the last few years, I believe my future will have many possibilities and options, and I want to live my life knowing that life is short and I want to do what I can while I'm still on this earth.
Digestive system,
Number 1,
Number 2,
Urinary System
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 51 - Unwinding
We had our regular instructor tonight for Cranial Sacral class. What a treat!
Part of the Cranial Sacral modality is feeling for movement in the head and other parts of the body referred to as "listening stations." These are places where movement happens because of the craniosacral rhythm, and the practioner can feel that rhythm when touching those areas - feet/ankles, thighs, and shoulders - all by touching the "client" with no more than 5 grams of weight - about the weight of a nickel. My partner and I both felt the movement in each other this evening and described it like a VERY subtle circular wave.
When I was the one on the table, my mind wandered back to summer camp one year when I was a "junior counselor." I think I was all of a year older than the campers. I remembered the smells of learning how to make lye soap and do other crafts, canoeing up the Potomac River to Harpers Ferry, and playing silly camp games. Just because that was 28 years ago, well, we won't talk about that. Nice little walk down memory lane. I also felt myself unwinding.
Whether the one on the table or the one doing the "work," doing this modality is very relaxing. I think I shall sleep very well tonight.
Part of the Cranial Sacral modality is feeling for movement in the head and other parts of the body referred to as "listening stations." These are places where movement happens because of the craniosacral rhythm, and the practioner can feel that rhythm when touching those areas - feet/ankles, thighs, and shoulders - all by touching the "client" with no more than 5 grams of weight - about the weight of a nickel. My partner and I both felt the movement in each other this evening and described it like a VERY subtle circular wave.
When I was the one on the table, my mind wandered back to summer camp one year when I was a "junior counselor." I think I was all of a year older than the campers. I remembered the smells of learning how to make lye soap and do other crafts, canoeing up the Potomac River to Harpers Ferry, and playing silly camp games. Just because that was 28 years ago, well, we won't talk about that. Nice little walk down memory lane. I also felt myself unwinding.
Whether the one on the table or the one doing the "work," doing this modality is very relaxing. I think I shall sleep very well tonight.
cranial sacral,
Potomac River,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 50 - More Musical Anatomy
We were still playing Musical Teachers tonight, as Ed substituted for Darla, and he taughts us about the Digestive System. He had some interesting ways of teaching it to help us remember...stories about his family and that sort of thing. So, I enjoyed his instruction.
Since I had a gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago, some of the terms sounded really familiar. I could also see how I've experienced some of the "side effects" of the surgery after learning more about the digestive system and how it's supposed to work. The human body is quite amazing.
On other news, now that I'm practicing, my time is really getting booked up! Great practice!
Since I had a gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago, some of the terms sounded really familiar. I could also see how I've experienced some of the "side effects" of the surgery after learning more about the digestive system and how it's supposed to work. The human body is quite amazing.
On other news, now that I'm practicing, my time is really getting booked up! Great practice!
Digestive system,
musical teachers
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 49 - Getting Out of the Comfort Zone
I had a couple practice massages this past weekend, and the more I do it, the more I love it. I look forward to it being my profession. Until then, I'll continue learning and practicing.
In tonight's class, we learned about Sales and Marketing. I enjoy the marketing part, the sales...well, not so much. I firmly believe that in order to sell something successfully, you MUST believe in your product or service. Well, I know that everybody can benefit from massage, so that's the easy part. :-) We also learned about the "elevator speech" - who you are and what you do in 30 seconds or less. To really get our names and reputations out there, we need to step out of our comfort zones and market ourselves and what we do.
At one point in the evening, somebody apparently "accidently" hit the fire alarm, and all the classes ended up waiting in the parking lot until we were cleared to go back in the building, which was about 20 minutes. An exciting time that was, especially while hearing the distant rumblings of thunder. We finally got back to business, though.
I also learned that as a student, without a license for massage, I cannot accept any type of payment, gratuity, gift, or service. So, seriously, folks, if you ever wanted to get a massage, now is the time to do it! Check out the website to reserve your time with me!
No charge! All I ask is that you remember me when I get licensed.
In tonight's class, we learned about Sales and Marketing. I enjoy the marketing part, the sales...well, not so much. I firmly believe that in order to sell something successfully, you MUST believe in your product or service. Well, I know that everybody can benefit from massage, so that's the easy part. :-) We also learned about the "elevator speech" - who you are and what you do in 30 seconds or less. To really get our names and reputations out there, we need to step out of our comfort zones and market ourselves and what we do.
At one point in the evening, somebody apparently "accidently" hit the fire alarm, and all the classes ended up waiting in the parking lot until we were cleared to go back in the building, which was about 20 minutes. An exciting time that was, especially while hearing the distant rumblings of thunder. We finally got back to business, though.
I also learned that as a student, without a license for massage, I cannot accept any type of payment, gratuity, gift, or service. So, seriously, folks, if you ever wanted to get a massage, now is the time to do it! Check out the website to reserve your time with me!
No charge! All I ask is that you remember me when I get licensed.
professional development,
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day 48 - Combined AGAIN!
I think my classmates and I are starting to get a complex of some sort. We were combined again with another class. Our "regular" instructor was stuck in North Carolina with car problems. I guess if you're going to be stuck with car troubles, NC is ok...particularly if it's anywhere near the Outer Banks. I wouldn't mind getting stuck there for about two weeks.
Anyway, so we were combine with the other class again. It wasn't quite as bad this time, as there were a lot of students not there due to it being a Friday and all.
We studied more about Cranial Sacral, in particular the temporal bones and the mandible. I think I enjoy this modality. It's quite relaxing. Both as the practioner and the person on the table. We also took a "quiz." It didn't count. I think our substitute instructor used it as a practice quiz so that we can use it as a study guide. Sneaky, but I like it. Anything to help me study this stuff.
WGH rode with me to and from class, with the thought that we'd do something after class. We ended up going to Ruby Tuesday for a little light refreshment with one of my classmates. Nice time.
Tomorrow, I hope to have some more folks getting on my table so I can practice.
Anyway, so we were combine with the other class again. It wasn't quite as bad this time, as there were a lot of students not there due to it being a Friday and all.
We studied more about Cranial Sacral, in particular the temporal bones and the mandible. I think I enjoy this modality. It's quite relaxing. Both as the practioner and the person on the table. We also took a "quiz." It didn't count. I think our substitute instructor used it as a practice quiz so that we can use it as a study guide. Sneaky, but I like it. Anything to help me study this stuff.
WGH rode with me to and from class, with the thought that we'd do something after class. We ended up going to Ruby Tuesday for a little light refreshment with one of my classmates. Nice time.
Tomorrow, I hope to have some more folks getting on my table so I can practice.
cranial sacral,
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 47 - Musical Instructors
Last night, Darla was our substitute instructor filling in for John Mark. Tonight, Kathy was our substitute instructor filling in for Darla. Sometimes I think we have Musical Instructors. When the music stops, whatever classroom you're by is the class you'll teach tonight. Oh, and if there are too many classes, you're not OUT, you just get to teach combined classes! It'll be LOADS of fun!
Anyway, all sarcasm aside (well, sort of), we learned about the Lymphatic System tonight. It's the system that is responsible for balancing fluid levels in the body and just as importantly, being the leader in the immune system. I now know what a lymph node is. I just knew that the doctor would say that they were swollen when I'd have an infection, like the times I've had mono or an upper respiratory infection. Now when I go to the doctor, I'll understand more of what is being said. Well, mostly understand. WGH and I affectionately refer to our doctor as Dr Mumbles.
Sometimes I notice how tired I am because I write about stuff that's totally off-topic. Oh well.
Anyway, all sarcasm aside (well, sort of), we learned about the Lymphatic System tonight. It's the system that is responsible for balancing fluid levels in the body and just as importantly, being the leader in the immune system. I now know what a lymph node is. I just knew that the doctor would say that they were swollen when I'd have an infection, like the times I've had mono or an upper respiratory infection. Now when I go to the doctor, I'll understand more of what is being said. Well, mostly understand. WGH and I affectionately refer to our doctor as Dr Mumbles.
Sometimes I notice how tired I am because I write about stuff that's totally off-topic. Oh well.
Dr Mumbles,
immune system,
lymphatic system,
Update - Sleep - yes
Since last night's post, I slept really stinkin' well. No, I didn't wake up in the middle of the night for any reason.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day 46 - Waves of Sleep and Stuff
Our regular instructor for Cranial Sacral was taking some time off, so we had Darla, our current Anatomy instructor, fill in for him. I quite enjoyed it, actually. I was also very glad that they didn't combine us with another class. Because Cranial Sacral is a pretty advanced concept/modality, I found it helpful to get another "look" at the basics of it. I think I had understood it with John Mark, but with Darla's help this evening, I really think I "got it."

When we practice the body work, during certain "holds," I could really feel the rhythm that we discussed! A "hold" in Cranial Sacral is where you hold a particular part of the head or body in a particular way, like both hands on each side of the head for example. The thought is that once we really start feeling the rhythm, we'll be able to manipulate affected parts to promote better flow. That sounds really scary, even to me, but all you need to know is that I felt it. Also, the rhythm did feel a bit like a wave, like had been described in another class session.
When we were finishing up, Darla, who's a bit of a jokester, was telling us that because of the work that was done to us this evening, we would probably sleep really well, but wake up around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and either 1) wet the bed, 2) raid the refridgerator, or 3) wake up our partner for - uh...well...I won't go into that, I'm sure your imagination will work just fine.
That being said, I think I'm gonna head to bed now and see if I can get some good sleep - and see if Darla was just pulling our legs about the other stuff or if she was serious. I'd just be happy with some good sleep.

When we practice the body work, during certain "holds," I could really feel the rhythm that we discussed! A "hold" in Cranial Sacral is where you hold a particular part of the head or body in a particular way, like both hands on each side of the head for example. The thought is that once we really start feeling the rhythm, we'll be able to manipulate affected parts to promote better flow. That sounds really scary, even to me, but all you need to know is that I felt it. Also, the rhythm did feel a bit like a wave, like had been described in another class session.
When we were finishing up, Darla, who's a bit of a jokester, was telling us that because of the work that was done to us this evening, we would probably sleep really well, but wake up around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and either 1) wet the bed, 2) raid the refridgerator, or 3) wake up our partner for - uh...well...I won't go into that, I'm sure your imagination will work just fine.
That being said, I think I'm gonna head to bed now and see if I can get some good sleep - and see if Darla was just pulling our legs about the other stuff or if she was serious. I'd just be happy with some good sleep.
cranial sacral,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Day 45 - Not As Overwhelming
Tonight's Professional Development class wasn't as overwhelming as last week's class. I don't know why, I just wasn't as freaked out by it. Maybe it's because I've had a week to soak it in, or I actually worked on people this weekend, but I'm glad. I still don't know if owning my own business is what I want to do, at least initially, but maybe it is.
The instructor is a hoot. She tells stories about being a business owner, being a massage therapist, and growing up on Long Island, accent and all.
The instructor is a hoot. She tells stories about being a business owner, being a massage therapist, and growing up on Long Island, accent and all.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Practice Makes Perfect
This has been a pretty nice holiday weekend. I took off on Friday to hang with WGH and we went to Cunningham Falls. On Saturday, I had my first appointments for people coming by so I could practice doing bodywork on them. It's good for them, and it's good for me. I had two appointments on Saturday and I worked on four people today, with three of them being family members.
I'm tired, but as I do more work like this, I will get used to being on my feet again and not sitting on my glutes all day for my job. I'm glad I'm not OVERLY tired. I also had a good six hour break between the third appointment and the fourth appointment.
In other related news, I spent over $1,000 on my car today. It needed new wheel bearings on the front right tire and an alignment always goes with that type of work. At least I know that my car will be able to go the 100 miles I drive every day for work and school. Also, if anybody has an inexpensive, reliable small car that gets pretty good gas mileage, WGH and I are looking for a commuter car. He drives somewhere between 90 to 100 miles a day for work and of course with my driving so much to Baltimore, it would be great to have an extra car so we don't have to worry about putting so many miles on our cars. He could drive it work and back during the day and then I'll take it to school and back in the evenings. Over 200 miles on it a day. I'm thinking a Toyata or Honda, but we're definitely not opposed to other options.
I'm tired, but as I do more work like this, I will get used to being on my feet again and not sitting on my glutes all day for my job. I'm glad I'm not OVERLY tired. I also had a good six hour break between the third appointment and the fourth appointment.
In other related news, I spent over $1,000 on my car today. It needed new wheel bearings on the front right tire and an alignment always goes with that type of work. At least I know that my car will be able to go the 100 miles I drive every day for work and school. Also, if anybody has an inexpensive, reliable small car that gets pretty good gas mileage, WGH and I are looking for a commuter car. He drives somewhere between 90 to 100 miles a day for work and of course with my driving so much to Baltimore, it would be great to have an extra car so we don't have to worry about putting so many miles on our cars. He could drive it work and back during the day and then I'll take it to school and back in the evenings. Over 200 miles on it a day. I'm thinking a Toyata or Honda, but we're definitely not opposed to other options.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Day 44 - Fluid Movement
I got the treat of having WGH ride with me to and from school this evening. He just wanted to keep me company for the drive and then go hang out in B'more a bit. I think he basically went to the aeroport (BWI) and watched planes and people.
While he was having fun doing that, I was in class, learning more about the Cranial Sacral modality. I get the concept and it's really cool. I think I felt the movement I'm supposed to feel, but it's fleeting. I'm not sure if it's the rhythm of my partner's breathing or if it's the cranio sacral rhythm I'm trying to feel. Of course, while my partner was trying to feel my rhythm, I think I almost snored at her. I may be a little tired, ya think?
WGH has taken off work today and tomorrow to make a long weekend, so I am joining him tomorrow and we are both taking a long weekend, even over the holiday. Besides going to a local area lake and hopefully a pedicure, I plan on getting some people on my table so I can practice. I discovered a really cool website that allows me to have people sign-up on-line for appointments with me! I'm trying to get kinda regular hours going on the weekend, at least until I start in Student Clinic. Hey, if you're one of those people who would like to have me practice on you, here's the link: I also can take phone calls, but if you're reading this, you're already on-line and you don't have to pick up the phone!
While he was having fun doing that, I was in class, learning more about the Cranial Sacral modality. I get the concept and it's really cool. I think I felt the movement I'm supposed to feel, but it's fleeting. I'm not sure if it's the rhythm of my partner's breathing or if it's the cranio sacral rhythm I'm trying to feel. Of course, while my partner was trying to feel my rhythm, I think I almost snored at her. I may be a little tired, ya think?
WGH has taken off work today and tomorrow to make a long weekend, so I am joining him tomorrow and we are both taking a long weekend, even over the holiday. Besides going to a local area lake and hopefully a pedicure, I plan on getting some people on my table so I can practice. I discovered a really cool website that allows me to have people sign-up on-line for appointments with me! I'm trying to get kinda regular hours going on the weekend, at least until I start in Student Clinic. Hey, if you're one of those people who would like to have me practice on you, here's the link: I also can take phone calls, but if you're reading this, you're already on-line and you don't have to pick up the phone!
cranial sacral,
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